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armageddon_20xx t1_isdq3fk wrote

"Elves are terrible magicians, goblins only know how to survive with gold, dwarves will make themselves a good axe right before they die to an elven arrow, and orcs are better known for their insatiable hunger than anything else. And us humans? Most of us are far better at laziness than politics. What were y'all thinking when you came up with this?"

"All new employees of Merlin's Rennaisance Faire Restaurant must undergo the same training process. The whole chosen one thing may seem silly, but it's to get you in the right spirit, you know," said a man named Mr. Sloane wearing a sloppy company uniform as they sat in the HR office.

"Sounds like y'all need to play some more D&D," she said while looking down at the paperwork. "Forget being trained by orcs, I'm definitely taking a human sorcerer and chromatic orbing them into oblivion. Oh, and y'all are missing Tieflings. Don't hate."

"Ma'am, please don't be like this. I'll have you know that we chose you out of ten candidates. You see, you really were the chosen one."

"Oh, like I'm some kind of hero for waitin' tables? Come on."

"But you are a hero. If nobody waited tables then the restaurant would close."

She sighed. "If I had a dollar for every time I heard-. If I'm really a hero then y'all would pay me better than minimum wage," she felt herself getting hot with annoyance.

"Look, the training will only take a half day, and it starts right here. I'm the human in HR who will teach you politics. Bill is our wide-eared kitchen lead and he really is magical. Sarah is our floor lead and she'll teach you how to get through the night-"

"So why y'all call yourselves the council?"

"No particular reason," he looked down at the desk as if he was hiding something.

"Y'all strange." I shook my head. Most restaurants would have had me on the floor already. She debated quitting now, but she needed the job badly enough to go through with it.

"So, let's get started in the training room," he said as he got up. She followed him out of the HR office and down the hallway. Nothing seemed out of sorts until she saw someone that looked like an elf quickly run past.

"What was that?" she asked. He said nothing as they went deeper into the restaurant. Most restaurants aren't this big. Something was wrong.

"Sir," she said, but he kept going. Suddenly afraid, she stopped and turned around, peering into the long hallway behind her.

"Come on!" Sloane turned around, beckoning her.

A man dressed as a wizard came out of a red door nearby. "Tell them they need the portal ready at 5:00," he said into his phone. "I've got elves and orcs in the dining room."

Portal? A portal to where?

"It's only a little further. Come on, we're late" Sloan said.


She had become suspicious to the point where she considered walking back down the hallway and straight out the door. “No, you've got to tell me what's going on here."

"I can't, you've just got to see for yourself."

Finding this to be a weird thing to say, she decided to follow him. Around the next bend, they walked through a pair of double doors.

"SURPRISE!" her family and friends screamed at once, having thrown her a D&D themed-birthday party on her first day of work.