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AutoModerator t1_istfcqg wrote

Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.


>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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hannahneedle t1_isvtf73 wrote

We need to make a AITA subreddit for fiction stuff like this, like how we have "am i the cloaca"


xwhy t1_isw3kf4 wrote

Maybe so. There was another AITA thread yesterday which had a bunch of responses. Could be the new trend here.


14muffins t1_iswe9eq wrote

yeah. I wish there was a sub for these sort of fake stories. maybe w/ some other popular subs like TIFU, relationship_advice, confessions, etc. or like nosleep but not scary.


fuzzything44 t1_iswv3cl wrote

Something like... /r/fantasyrelationships?


14muffins t1_isylcoa wrote

yeah!! i've been looking for a sub like this for ages!!!