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AichSmize t1_iufsgrs wrote

NaNo tip: Have a specific time frame you will be writing, and let nothing interfere with it. Not family, not work, nothing. Shut the door and start banging the keys.

Your goal every day is 1667 words. To stay on track, you have to keep banging out 1667. If you get stuck with the plot, describe the scene. Not sure of the scene? Go for character motivation. Confused with your characters? Write about the world. No mater what, you have to write that 1667, so don't allow yourself to get stuck.

A lot of what you write will be utter garbage. Resist the impulse to go back and "fix things", you can do that in December. For mine, I only went back during NaNo and fixed one scene that absolutely HAD to change. All other tweaks happened later.

And, prepare for the story to take wild turns you NEVER expected!