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AShellfishLover t1_iuhx8g6 wrote

It struck like a lightning bolt.

"I love you. "

The nymph looked at me with alarm.

"You don't seek death, meliae. You seek love. Purpose. The sickness you saw in your Michael? It's in the City. There are shelters, clinics, places where a healer who has seen the worst and best of men and gods could do good. You have been far too long wandering in your woods. Come out and enjoy life, for a year and a day, then return to me. It will be the day we celebrate our dead then... if you wish to join them? I will not make demands."

The spirit looked beaten, then determined. She didn't say a word, though I was ready to invoke the innkeeper's privilege.

I set the date, knowing I wanted to be at work. This wasn't a Service I wanted to be surprised about.

I took the double on Halloween. Children and adults all dressed in their scary costumes, while all I got was a spooky button. Divine blood doesn't stop corporate. I had moved up in the world a bit, to a manager's position, so the scheduling wasn't a problem. I put myself on for the whole day and enjoyed the view.

I felt her coming again, and sat watching the plants dance to greet their beloved. I nervously felt for the Well, fumbling a drink order as the last of my late rush wrapped.

My nymph walked in dressed in green finery. Leaves of a hundred shades of green and gold trailed down the long dress she wore, with butterflies flapping their wings.

She hadn't come alone. A tall stocky man in his thirties, dressed in a pirate's puffy shirt and leather pants held her hand, his other held by a little girl in a blue and white dress and snowflakes. I walked around the counter to greet my last three customers, a slight bow to the nymph.

"Well met, weary traveler. What is your desire?"

Her hug was the best tip I got all night.