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SuperiorCrate t1_itvni94 wrote

"Nobody will hear you scream!" the serial killer said to their would-be victim.

He took his butcher knife and plunged it deep into the heart of the bystander. His victim wore sunglasses, a face mask, and a hoodie. Whatever they looked like didn't matter. What did matter was that he should have paid attention to what his victim's breathing sounded like.

"Ch ch ch ah ah ah."

The victim turns around, knife still in his back, unflinching. The killer's eyes widen as he screams and tries running away. His no-longer victim grabbed his leg and drags him to a dumpster, before tossing him in and repeatedly slamming the lid until his attacker's head rolled off.

'Sigh, 20 years of retirement later and I still get stabbed.' Jason Voorhees thought to himself as he walks away from his kill.