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Jamaican_Dynamite t1_iu7jbeq wrote

"Destroy humanity?" The Old One spoke.

The sound of the voice alone rattled the very foundation of the building above their heads. That was mild compared to the ringing in their skulls.

"Yes, your majesty." The leader began. He gave a curt bow, in respect and sheer honor. The others remained worshipping the floor, fearful to even lay eyes on the darkness.

"Mortal..." The voice rumbled. "May you answer my query?"

Such an odd reversal led to pause in the cult leader. He expected to serve, to be the right hand. Not to answer a question from his god.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Why would I destroy humanity?" The rumble returned. From the darkness, a clawed hand emerged. The size of a compact car, it settled and cracked the cement ever so slightly.

The leader shuffled. "Because... Look at what we are. What we do. The, the world. And how we've destroyed it. A-and, and how, how we know we could be better. But we choose to destroy each other."

The hand slid closer, causing every one to look up.

Another rumble came forth. But it wasn't a growl of hunger or vengeance. It was laughter. Tired, ancient laughter.

"You don't get it. Do you?" The Old One rumbled.

The other cultists watched their leader for an answer, or at least, the one they all had agreed on. "No? No, your-"

"Majesty. Right." The hand waved mildly, claws clicking on the floor. "Let me explain something."

There was a flicker in the lights above. Followed by a second hand reaching forth. There was fear building at this. The Old One understood. Despite their summoning ritual, they were scared to meet face to face. Fear was the oldest emotion after all.

"Long ago. Before your time. Before the Earth. There were more of us. Some have gone. Some remain."

It paused. Allowing them to at least to check for injuries among them. It understood.

"One like myself. He wanted to create something different. Something alive. And so he picked a world. And he created you there." It continued. The voice wasn't as tired. It felt awake. Alive now.

"We didn't believe. He had created a species that had endless potential. Rare. So very rare. And what a joy to observe."

This thing came closer, a outline visible now. One of the cultists fell over then and there. It seemed like they fainted. Their heart just gave out in all reality. Unfortunate side effects.

"What are you saying?" Their leader began. "You're saying we're entertainment?"

"You are more incredible than you realize." The Old One promised. "However. You do not appreciate it. You seek to ruin the world they created."

It's voice sunk. "In order to start over. This is unnecessary. Your summoning of me for this purpose is irresponsible."

It's approached caused madness in some now. The Old One could see all. The carnage they wrought. The unforgivable shedding of innocent blood. The horrors inflicted on many who never caused harm worthy of such.

"And I must say.... I have not feasted in some time."

The leader, despite the terror he faced, asked slack jawed. "Whatever do you mean?"

"The easiest way to change your world." The Old One revealed. "Is to start with yourself."

The leader realized something clouded the edges of his vision. Blood. His blood.

"But in this case." The Old One promised the now writhing bodies. "I shall do what you cannot."

The building lay quiet now.

All that remain. A stained floor. A useless book in an empty room. And long forgotten screams that fell on dead ears.

From a world away from ours. A creator again admired their works.

I was originally going to be funny, but I decided to play it straight. r/Jamaican_Dynamite


Ok-Cherry-Sherry t1_iu8rldv wrote

Although the entity is more like a human than not, I kinda like the undercurrent idea of "It's not like we are alone or stuck on Earth; there's a whole universe out there - it just won't' help us." I really like this story!


Jamaican_Dynamite t1_iu9hcny wrote

Exactly. It's disgusted by the cult and their willingness to end a world that isn't even close (in their eyes) to that point. So it decides to solve the problem for its friend before it starts, and go home.