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angroro t1_ishsuu4 wrote

"Father, I must confess something to you..."

I sat in the silence of the cathedral for hours contemplating how to go about my next move, waiting for everyone to just leave so I could lie, but I knew if I didn't it would only be a matter of time before I was found out. We take the Catholics, the priests, the virgins. It's our whole gig. Inflict the most pain by tempting the most devout. But this one was easier to get into. The fit was better, you could say. A dejected daughter of a devout family. A lesbian, go figure. Catholic in name only, as to not upset her folks.

She hadn't come out to them, had kept her head down and came to service every sunday. It's so much easier to climb into the bodies of those lacking faith. They fight less. No prayers to be saved and the like. But they're insistent I go to church. I must confess my sins because I'll burn for eternity if I don't. What a laugh. I sat around hoping I could lie about doing confessional but every blue hair in the pews knows exactly who I am. Don't they have somewhere to be? They've been here all day. A lie is no good if it can be easily disputed.

Needless to say, I needed everyone to think this one was an upstanding member of the church or I won't make a bang. Defeats the purpose.

Suddenly, above the soft jingling of rosaries and murmurs of prayer arose the sound of the massive doors creaking to life. The priest has come out of his cloister. "Shit" I groaned. Off to the booths he went, the little old lady in front of me turns to look at me as if she knew. No one else stood for confession and as I considered just booking it, the hag sharply whispered "Go on. I'll go after you."

Fuck. I grabbed my bag, filled with trinkets that made an awful clatter as it shifted. I gave away my position with keys and cell phone charms. What awful things these humans carry. As I stood I attempted to move my tail below my skirt, forgetting it's not even there anymore. Now I look like I've caressed my own rump and tried to cover for it by straightening my skirt. Why is everyone looking at me? Nosey vermin. I trotted off to the booth in a hurry, rattling and clanking the whole way. Why do I make so much noise?! Even the door to the confessional is so loud. Why are the chairs in here solid wood? Is this actually a torture chamber?

My thoughts interrupted by the sliding of a panel, the priest indicating he's ready to listen...


BurningGodzilla1 t1_isksyj4 wrote

Part 2?


angroro t1_iskyqxe wrote

I wretch my hands and take a deep breath...

"Father, I have something to confess..."

I feel sweaty and cold at the same time, my hands slick. Surely this is actual torture.

"Yes, my child" softly spoken from behind the thin wall, laced with carvings throughout.

"I'm uncomfortable" I murmur.

"Surely that isn't what you've come here to tell me" He chuckled.

Dastardly man. What do you confess even? What's a sin so mild I can bring it up but not be condemned? The human is gay, but that's a big sin to the humans, no? That'll make me look bad. I can tell the silence is growing too long, so I quickly blurt out the first thing that comes to mind:

"I KICKED THE CAT! Uh, well, no. I tripped. I tripped on the cat!" Oh God damn it...

"Was this an accident?"

"Well I didn't see him. He blends in with the dark. I was going upstairs and it's so dark." Do I even own a cat? I haven't even had the body that long. The first few weeks in these things are hazy.

"Have you apologized to the cat? Have you asked for forgiveness in prayer? I doubt he blames you for an honest mistake, they're as smart as the devil."

I sense he's about to go full scripture on me. Undoubtedly there is a verse about cats in their silly book. I can't have him preaching to me all day. I'm getting hungry and these things are always hungry. If you don't eat they make awful noises. I've decided I need to make a hasty exit before he begins.

"I haven't. I haven't apologized to the cat. I'll head straight home and do that now!" I exclaim as I grab my miserable satchel of racket.

"Of course, my chi--" I cut him off as I bolted out of the booth.

"Okay. Home. We're going home. Which way is home? Human, you've got to tell me where I'm going, I need to feed you." To the left, idiot. "Oh, aren't you a peach today." I want bacon. "Are you even allowed to have that?" That's jews, you ass. "God, never leave this shell, you're a wealth of information. Where do you want to go for bacon?"

"WENDY'S" I hear rattle like an explosion within me.

Okay, we'll go to wendy's...

I honestly kind of like her, you know. She's feisty but doesn't hate me being around. She hungers like a beast from the pits, though. Her taste in food is pretty good, but I am entirely certain what we ate will be the death of us. I may just stay a bit longer. Just for a little while...