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throwaway126612 t1_isba12j wrote

Having an identical twin sounds cool until said twin ends up becoming rich, famous, and desired by the entire fricking world while you slowly fade into the background until everyone forgets you exist.

Even my sister's wikipedia page doesn't mention her having an identical twin. I've been reduced to an obscure celebrity trivia answer. Only the true fans know that I exist. Only the elite fans know my name.

I stay out of the spotlight, so people don't accidentally mistake me for Penny and inevitably grow disappointed when it's just little old me. Boring, mousy Polly. No one has seen me in years. I work remotely, using my mother's maiden name. I order groceries delivery. I don't post pictures online. My entire life painstakingly curated.

If I'm going to live in my sister's shadow, I might as well get comfy and do it my way.

But instacart was down and my veggies had gone bad and I thought just this once a trip to the grocery store wouldn't be the end of the world. If I wore a hoodie and glasses and kept my head down it would be fine, right?

Besides, my famous sister was known for her signature mega-watt smile. My face was etched in a permanent frown. Identical, but opposite. A literary foil come to life. Who in their right mind would mistake me for her?

Kidnappers would, apparently.

It didn't take them long to figure out I am not, in fact, Penny. We may be identical, but her celebrity status grants her luxury spa treatments, top of the line hair care, and a team of personal estheticians to keep her looking her best.

My nails are chewed to the bed, my hair is riddled with split ends, and my pores could be seen with the naked eye.

I'm not Penny. Not even close.

Once the kidnappers realized that, their plan was ruined.

"You could just let me go. I won't press charges."

"Shut up. We can't walk away with nothing," on kidnapper growls at me.

"You'll never get the millions you want. Not from me." I insist.

The kidnapper grumbles. "I'd settle for a couple hundred bucks at this point."

I can work with that.

"A couple hundred, huh? I bet my family would pay that. Give them a call, tell 'em its Polly, and ask for the money. Then you can let me go and we can both pretend like this embarrassing little fiasco never happened. Whatdya say?"

Her captor rolled his eyes, but sighed in resignation. "Better than nothing, I guess."

He dials my home phone. It rings a few times, and my mom picks up.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Listen to me very carefully. I have your daughter hostage and will hold her here until ransom is paid."

My mom gasped in horror. I felt a rush of love and affection for her. Maybe she cares more than I thought.

"Oh goodness, not our Penny! Please, we'll do whatever you want!"

Spoke too soon...

"N-no. Your other daughter...uh" the man covered the receiver and whispered, "What's your name again?"

"Polly." I deadpanned.

He cleared his throat. "Yes, we have your daughter Polly.

I tried not to let my mom's sigh of relief affect me.

"Your daughter is gonna get hurt real bad unless you pay ransom. The longer it takes, the more she breaks."

I snort as his terrible rhyme.

My mom is exasperated now. "Alright, alright. How much?"


"Oh, that's too bad. I only have about $80 cash right now."

My captor stumbled over his words in shock. "Th-Then get more, lady! Go to the bank! Or I'll start breaking fingers."

My mother, damn her, just clucked her tongue. "It's Sunday. Bank is closed. I have fittings all day Monday for a new reality show we're doing with Penny....Soonest I can do is Tuesday.

"This isn't....I mean....You're not making an appointment here! This is life or death! If you want to see your daughter alive again, you'll find me the money and you'll bring it to-"

Mom cuts him off. "As I said before, the best I can do is Tuesday. Try calling me then."


My captor stares at the phone, dumbfounded.

"Woof... I would hate to be you right now," I say, trying to make light of the fact that my mom would literally let me die at the hands of kidnappers rather than inconvenience herself 200 bucks.

Sad eyes turn to me, and I hate it.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that. I don't need your pity, buddy."

"How do you put up with that shit?" he asks.

I shake my head. "By staying as far away as possible."

I always knew my family didn't give a shit about me. They had everything they wanted in Penny. I was just the spare. The extra. The leftover trimmings. And I was treated like it.

But not even work $200? Not even worth more than a 10 minute phone call? That hurt. It hurt a lot. And it was unfair. I was their daughter, they were supposed to love me, protect me, help me when I needed it. But a fitting for a reality show took precedence over my well-being.

I was So. Fucking. Done.

"Hey, kidnapper dude, I have an idea."

"I'm listening."

"I'll help you get the real prize. I'll help you snag my sister. Hold a real ransom. Do it the right way. I know her routine better than you, and I know where to hit the hardest. To make sure it works. My family will be putty in your hands by the time we're done. You'll make millions.

He narrows his eyes at me. "What's in it for you?"

I shrug. "Revenge. Notoriety. Money."

"How can I trust you?"

Now I smile, and I know it's a cruel one because he cringes away infinitesimally. "You can trust me, my dear sweet captor, because I just found out I'm worth literally nothing to my parents. Therefore, I have literally nothing to lose by torturing them. And, tell you what, if all goes well and we find we make a good team, I'll find ways for us to torture them for the rest of their miserable lives, until their fortune is hours and they lose their narrow minds. How does that sound?"

He contemplates for a few minutes. Then he cuts my bindings and takes my outstretched hand.



StarzZd t1_isd5i39 wrote

Damn, this was a nice read! Well done! 👏