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Crystal1501 t1_iu4r7uc wrote

If I were her, I'd just surrender myself to the heroes. Show I'm not a threat, explain myself. Even beg them to keep me away from villains. I was actually thinking of making a story like that myself, but I've done plenty of surrender stories before lol. Still, an idea for a part 2?


HelloWorld1352 t1_iu4rbf9 wrote

Maybe I’ll write one later.


Deaf_Bard t1_iu8njif wrote

A part two would be great !

And happy cake day


AdventureCoArt t1_iu6i4t1 wrote

I don't think that would work, but it IS an interesting plot device. Heroes and villains tend to be pretty closed minded in a lot of universes, they might just think she got scared of them and surrendered. The best thing would be to start talking to media outlets, sitting down. Villains hardly ever do this. Or do campaigns in orphanages, hospitals, ect.


Lux_Incola t1_iu6kwmt wrote

Yeah, they do, Lex luthor.

The beauty of that though, is that it's a successful strategy.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iu5jjm3 wrote

And then when the heroes come to arrest you, you send them to the shadow realm.


kiwidude4 t1_iu82axb wrote

Congratulations you’ve been sent to forever jail!