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__jen_xox__ t1_iu71wai wrote

My name is Meridith, i am 23 years old and I live in a small apartment with my cat. And for almost anyone who looks my way, that's all I am.

But that's not really it...

You see I have this ability (although most would call it a curse) to lets say... Debilitate people. If I'm mad at someone all these words pop into my head-no they're completely meaningless to me, but they drive the target absolutely insane.

My mother was the target of one of these such attacks before I was fully literate, meaning I (thankfully) didn't have all the words I needed- she was in the hospital for 8 months after some... Interesting choices on what to do with a knife.

Needless to say I was taken away to be 'taught' where some sort of mafia boss trained me to have a trigger word. Fun. He did not however have the forethought of questioning who those words would be pointed towards- I'm not certain his body was ever found. I then threatened the new 'in command' and got myself a pretty good deal, a free apartment.

So then I went out looking for work- turns out heros aren't too keen to put someone into battle who might accidentally kill someone by saying the wrong thing (hypocrites-) But as soon as I got rejected, I started getting "Evail the evil-est mail around" put in my mailbox-

I cannot explain to you how weird some of these adverts were- "Vampira's top ten KILLER tricks" "Frankenstein's exploding lightbulb" "How to rob a bank: five easy steps" No matter what I tried they just kept coming!

So in a fit of rage, I tracked down 'Evail Inc' and told them exactly what I thought of their company...

The streets were littered with the bodies of executives.