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Tephra022 t1_iu7cnjr wrote

Osteomancy is an honourable power.

It’s the delicate ability to control bones. Someone swings their arm towards and bam, stops in its tracks. Gun man holding a hostage in place? Simply make sure their finger can’t possibly bend any more. When I started I figured hey, there’s no way the league wouldn’t want me helping out!

As it turns out, the ability to move bones or stop them came with some… drawbacks. The public generally frowns when you make bones bend and twist into a stopping position. Maybe it was my upbringing, waiting by the surgeons table for my mother to finish her work on the trauma patients that came in, that made me less sensitive to these things. Like come on, I cant control bones forever, and if I just left them they might get up and leave!

So yeah, maybe I had to snap a few out of place to make sure they couldn’t escape. At least it’s clean breaks, the big hitters of the league do waaay more permanent damage when they hit some poor mugger in the skull. And yes, I found out the hard way that stopping a few of someone’s bones in a car chase would leave the rest… less than connected. Momentum and physics or something.

At least I’ve never done anything like necromancy. After all, Osteomancy is an honourable power.