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On-Which-Difficulty t1_iu89bf9 wrote

“The league of superheroes already has a few of us. Animal whisperers calling animal hoards to battle. Sharks follow Waterman and rodents follow Ratgirl. Me? I can control animals around 20-30 kilos. Superhero name? Oh I am not in yet.”

I say that to her and feel the urge to explain myself but what can I say that will not terrify her?

“I am… I am told I need to work on control and intensity first.”

I smile. She takes her drink and walks away. I guessing a not-hero is not as cool in these kinds of parties where 30% of the invitees re heroes already.

“Look who is there! My favorite super Vil…”

“Human. You wanted to say human right Bill?”

“Well you can always be part of us you know. We could be great together! With my abilities and your summoning cry. Oh we could take over the world!”

“That is very rich coming form a guy who is not getting his teeth beaten in only because this is a peace ground.”

This bar is the worst. A place where no superpowers are allowed. In a way it’s a place for superheroes and supervillains to relax without fearing retribution. It has also become a place of recruitment and negotiation. For me it is the worst of both worlds. I am both rejected and reminded that I could be, in fact, a monster.

“Come on… ” Bill rests his forearms on the bar. ”You know they will never let you in. I tried that ones too. They are too righteous to accept folks like us. You know… with ambiguous potential.”

“You turn people into meat puppets Bill.”

“Indeed but nothing would have stopped me from doing that ONLY to villains. But no… It was too much. They wanted to take my powers away, so I fled and so should you.”

“I don’t know if it is your line of work or the shit-smeared grin on your face but I don’t trust a word you are saying.”

“Poor us! Always misunderstood even when when we try to help!” Bill raises his cup with a theatrical movement takes mine too and turns away. “You drink too much kid.” He adds in a fatherly tone. “You are not going to be useful to anyone if you continue this way.” And walks away.

Well, Bill is right. I drink too much, I sleep too little, I haven’t practiced in a while. But I can’t get the news reporter voice out of my head. “Dozens dead in an altercation between Police and a raging super villain in times square. The video shows a hoard of dogs gathering around the individual followed by ” her voice cracks, she dry coughs. “…y what seems to be children. Dozens of children attacking the super villain. They seem to be controlled in a similar fashion as the dogs. The police is forced to order ceasefire before more children are harmed it s not clear what happened….”. She goes on and on for 3 minutes and 12 seconds.

I only tried to help. I only tried to control the dogs.