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GreenDeman t1_iu8ac53 wrote

A few of my friends said "Fuck what the hell it that thing" when i first showed them my power the others just straight out fainted or started screaming and scratching at thier eyes

I just never understood why they reacted that way i loved my powers it was always a surprise when i used it but at least my power wasnt something boring like Jakes Paper bending i mean sure he is a high class hero but he cant really do anything exiting with his powers. Other than you know paper armor paper weapons and origami creatures.

I on the other hand my power was way more usefull way cooler and way more versatile and i am going to prove that today so everyone knows that i will be the next guardian of justice.

Looking left and right one last time to make sure nobody will catch me changing into my make shift hero costume in this dark alley i ducked behind a garbage container and opened my backpack pulling out the rest of my Oni Halloween costume and a black hooded cape i bought on Amazon and just a few seconds later i equipped the red Oni mask and was fully prepared to fight crime.

Stepping out on the streets i got some wierd side glances but i didnt mind they probably thought "wow what an amazing hero costume" prodly i struck a heroic pose just to give them a better view. Now there was only one thing that i needed and that was a crime and just at that thought i heared a older woman scream "he took my money someone help"

Thats it my time to shine i turned around and saw him a man covered in what seames to be a layer of stone running full speed towards me in his hand the handbag of the old lady crushed in his thick fingers

So i let my power loose with the full intention to show the world what i was capable of and as always a few things started to happen first the world lost its color then reality itself started to bend and twist translucent tendrils buried themself into the minds of everyone around me searching for something usefull images flashed before my eyes aaaaaannnnddd.... i found it there it was the older man on the other side of the street was just perfect. Instantly all the tendrils let go of the the people and focused on that man penetrating his scull and starting to pull it out while he was screaming in agony

That was the worst part of my power the screaming of my helpers it always broke my heart to hear that sound coming out of someone seeing them crumble to thier knees or roll on the floor trying to stop what my power was doing to them but deep down i knew that it was only helping them that they would be slightly happier after i was done

And just as quickly as it started it ended i got it the thought i was searching for wrapping and weaving themself the tendrils startet to bring it to reality and slowly the colors returned to the world

There it was my new creation ready to receive my orders for a moment i was surprised it was just an ordinary man in his 50s wearing a dirty jeans a green t-shirt some sandals and straw head in his hand he was carrying a garden hoe he just looked like the typical hobby gardener to me but as soon as i lokked him in the eye i knew he wasnt normal and that because he had just one giant eye in his head no mouth no ears just one eye. That was kind of wierd but well i have had wierder nightmares in the past.

With a mental command i told him to stop the stone man and his giant blue eye snaped to the surprised statue man stoping him dead in his tracks as thorny plants erupted out of his mouth. Then out of his eyes then out of his skin blood and stone falling to the ground just to get covered by thorny vines in an instant slowly i bent down to grab the handbag the gardener walking over to me his eye still fixed on the mass of thorn bushes that just slowly rotted away

I walked around stone man remaims and smiling under my mask i handed the terrified, praying old lady her money...

And yeah thats how i got rejected by the hero foundation they told me my powers were not inspiring enough and to creepy for the masses...

And yeah today came the 23rd requests to join the league of villains... Guess i sent garden man and some of my other nightmares over there at least if i cant be a hero nobody should be able to