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CapConnor t1_iwxrr3n wrote

I feel acid collecting in the back of my throat and can taste the bitterness already. Seconds later i vomit. "Please no, why. Why am i here and not at his side" I ask myself while hugging the toilet. "Okay, now is not time for selfpity. I wont remember it tomorrow anyway. Where are these fuckers?" Slowly i reach into my pockets and start searching for my medicine. "Gotcha" i mumble to myself, while opening a small capsule and picking a leech up. Then i place it on my forearm and watch it sink its small teeth into my skin. Satisfied i lean back, knowingly that it will have drained the alcohol out of me in a hour or so.

Afterwards i get back to the bar and order a coke. "Hey how are you doing miss?" Asks the guy sitting next to me. "My name is Jack". "I am just having a last drink before i ll go." I respond shortly. "Are you in a hurry or why do you want to leave so soon?" "Its just getting late i guess. Do you have the time?" I feel my headache getting better slowly. After a quick look on his watch he tells me its 2 o clock. "So another 40minutes until my subway arrives" i think to myself. "I wish i could just sleep in right here and wake up in my apartment afterwards..." My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier and my thoughts are going back to my brother. They always return to him and i feel a heavy sting in my chest and remorse filling my heart. "Keep yourself occupied." I think to myself and focus on the coke in front of me. ".. thinking about miss?" I snap out of my thoughts and give the man a confused look. "Excuse me i wasnt paying attention, could you repeat that please?" He shuckles and says: "i was just wondering if you are doing alright. You have stared at your drink for quit some time now and appear distressed." "Sorry, i am just exhausted." "I ll leave to the metro station. Would you like to keep me company?" Shortly after he adds: " I would sleep better knowing you are getting safe Home." I take a look outside- its snowing. "Yea i think i ll join you". We leave the bar.

The moment i step outside i feel the freezing cold against my skin and shiver. While i am reaching out to my smartphone, Jack gestures that he has already searched for a route. After a few turns we enter the metro station. Silently i curse myself for not wearing my scarf this night and put my hands in my jacket to keep them from freezing off. In contrast to me Jack seems unmoved by the weather and checks the time left for the incoming metro. Then he looks at me and his eyebrows lower a bit. "Do you want some hot tea?" He asks."That would be nice" i reply. Furthermote he reaches in his backpack, grabs a thermos and gives it over to me. Although i am not the biggest fan of green tea in general, i am thankful for the warmth it provides. "Thank you" i say and give it back to him. After a quick search i find Out that i have to take the metro to wersten in 10minutes. Jack interrupts the silence and says: "I think i ll sit down for a moment. I ll have to wait a couple of minutes till my metro arrives" Without thinking for long i add:" Same for me". To my suprise i can feel smth slimy on my left forearm. I turn away from Jack and pull up my sleeve to see what is causing it. The leech has lighten its bite and fallen off. For a moment i look at it in utter confusion. That has never happened before. She had planned to remove it later in her bathroon, but why would it just fall of like that? "Is everything alright?" Jack puts his hand on my shoulder and watches my facial expressions closely. Although his hand is warm on my back, my body starts to freeze and i feel a tiredness rolling in like a huge wave, risking to crash down and swallow me completly. Suddenly i hear the sound of a metro arriving and turn my head to the tracks. Adrenalin kicks in and takes control, forcing me to jump up from the bench and sprint to the doors. Jack is suprised but promtly follows me, eager to close the distance. I enter the metro and immediatly start running to the front, shortly followed by an angry jack shouting curses after me. Just when the doors start closing in and threaten to imprison me with him i jump out of the metro. Behind me i leave jack fanatically pressing the button to open the doors, but the metro starts moving and carries him with it into the night.


Crystal1501 OP t1_iwyde6h wrote

Did Jack make the leech fall off or something?


CapConnor t1_iwyqlbf wrote

Jack slipped sleeping pills into the tea she drank. The leech is supposed to drain alcohol from your blood, but is put to sleep by the medicine and falls off. First she didnt experience the effect, bc the leech protected her but by the time it has fallen off she feels overwhelming tiredness. She quickly recognizes the sinister intentions of jack and makes her escape