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TheReturned t1_ixt8d2i wrote

Finally it was time for the mane. Harvinger turned to place the brush in its proper place and switch to the mane brush. When he turned back he dropped the brush in a rare act of surprise.

Senya was gone. In her place stood... Princess Illianna? Princess of Avren, rightful heir to the throne, and missing for five years. Tears streamed down her face, yet she maintained a dignified stance while gripping a shawl tightly around her dress.

"P-P-princess?" was all Harvinger could manage, his mind frozen in confused shock.

"My dear knight, my curse is lifted, thanks to you." Despite her tears, her golden voice was strong. "I never knew what would break it, but I suspect that in this moment, you realized in your heart that you loved Senya, loved me."

The knight dropped to his knees, eyes moist and glistening in the torch light. He was fighting to hold back tears, but he knew it was a fight he would shortly lose. "I, yes, I realized that my affection for Was more than just a rider and his steed." The dam cracked, the first tear traced a path through the days grime down his cheek.

"Si-," she paused for a heartbeat, "Harvi-" she shook her head. "Tequinn, it was not just your love that broke the curse. Though trapped in the form of a mare, I kept my mind."

Harvingers eyes widened in shock. "You.. You remember?"

Illianna stepped up to the knight and cupped his cheek in her hand. He was shocked at the softness of her touch, the touch that broke the dam. Tears could no longer be held back and he wept openly, leaning into his princesses touch.

"Yes, I remember everything. I recognized you when you found me in that field. I knew you from before, firm, fair, honorable. I knew I'd be safest with you, and that I would get to see the kingdom in ways I would never otherwise." She smiled and Harvingers soul bloomed in ways he never imagined possible. That wasn't a smile of a princess to a knight, it was a smile only reserved for the person she loved.

"I saw you fight nobly. I bore you into battle so you could lead our forces to victory. I watched as you dedicated yourself to your duty, forgoing the pleasures women the kingdom over would have willingly offer. I suspected the reason why, but now the truth is apparent."

"I-I never intended anything above my station, my Princess. I assure you." the pleading look he gave her nearly broke her heart.

"Tequinn, of that I have no doubt." she crouched so she could be at his level, knowing he lacked the strength to rise in this moment. "Love was never something you sought. Only duty to your king, to your men. But you found it in the most unlikely thing, a simple mare. And for you, that was enough."

It was too much. A knight of the Arven Kingdom was a master of their emotions, stoicism prized over any display of emotion. It's why so few achieved such a lofty rank, it took a will stronger than iron to control their emotions. And here was Knight Tequinn Harvinger on his knees, the iron prison he kept his emotions locked up in, pried open by the very princess he swore to find and to protect.

Tequinn dropped his head and fell back into his legs. Love, shame, duty, hope, they all rushed forth, finally free from their prison. A wail escaped from deep within his lonely soul, reaching out to the radient soul before it, yearning to bask in her warmth.

Illianna smiled and welcomed his soul. Lonely though it was, it had its own warmth. The warmth of a protector, the fierceness of a Warrior, the longing of a man who denied him self the greatest treasure in all the lands.

"I love you, Tequinn Harvinger." Her words echoed in his soul, filling a void Tequinn never knew was there, that he longed for.

"A-and I love you, my princess." he whispered back, the words surprising even himself.

"Then rise, my love, and let's be by each others side for the rest of eternity."

They clasped hands and helped one another rise, ending with him standing a full head taller than her. They stared into each other's eyes, into one anothers souls, connecting on a level only reserved for those who truly loved one another.

Before they knew it, they embraced each other tightly, sharing a kiss that shook the world. At the entrance to the stable Bart gasped in shock, dropping his food laden tray that rattled loudly on the cobblestone floor. Tequinn and Illianna ignored him, continuing their embrace.

Bart turned and ran, they could hear him crying into the late afternoon air, "The princess! The princess has returned!"


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixtmgit wrote

First of all I'm glad you tried the prompt.

I also like how you made your knight stoic and bold and ebjpyable to read.

You're a really good writter, I hope I reach your level someday and I really enjoyed this.

P.S. Poor Bart, mans got such poor luck


TheReturned t1_ixxzcau wrote

Thanks. There's a lot of editing that can be done to really improve this, but I think I hit the points I intended to.

And I appreciate the compliment on my writing. One day I hope to finally finish one of my many novels and get it published. I'm not all that great, and you can easily be a better writer than me. Just respond to prompts and listen to the respectful feedback and critiques redditors will offer you.

Additionally, read. Read a lot. Read different authors. Read different styles. Read different genres (I fail at this part, I tend to stick to military and hard Sci fi). The more writing styles you're exposed to, the better a writer you can be. Pay attention to how the authors construct sentences, use Grammer and verbiage. Try to look at the story from a constructive viewpoint - how has the author weaved multiple threads together. Or how they even failed at it. How have they organized their story? How have they made the characters relatable? Believe me, keeping an eye on things like this changes your whole reading experience, usually for the better.

P. S. And yea, what an eventful day for poor BART. Hopefully things calm down for him soon :-P