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Shalidar13 t1_ixvs8od wrote

"Seriously Ulina, is this the only thing you can think of?"

I crossed my arms, staring across the table. On the other side sat a beautiful woman, wearing a shimmering blue dress. Long blonde hair ran down her back, as she stared at me through slitted pupils.

"It works. He comes, we have a nice chat, then you get to go home."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing.

"You do realise he tries to kill you each time, right?"

She gave a nod, the dragoness looking into the distance with a dreamy expression.

"I know, he's wonderful."

I shook my head. It had been funny the first couple of times, but now I was getting annoyed. My parents were talking about ways to protect me, which would limit my own freedom.

"Listen to me Ulina, you can't keep doing this. At some point one of us is going to get hurt. Most likely you. Dad is gathering a group to put you down permanently, and I don't want that to happen."

She dragged her gaze to me, the smile dropping.

"But... what else can I do?"

I gave her a smile, an idea forming.

"Leave it to me."


I watched Alrek enter the cave. As always he wore the armour I had ordered be made for him, along with the sword gifted by my parents. His eyes spun around, looking for both me and danger.

"Up here."

I called out, immediately getting his attention. His head jolted up, seeing me looking from an opening high above him.

"Kayra, thank goodness you are still safe. I'm sorry this keeps happening."

I shrugged.

"It's fine. Listen, come up here as soon as you can. Don't worry, the dragon isn't going to bother you."

He frowned, looking around. I rolled my eyes, calling out for one last time.

"Thats an order!"

I didn't like to always boss him around. But sometimes he needed the shove. He disappeared into the main tunnel, one that would take him to the staircases Ulina had carved. I retreated back to my room, looking over at her as she sat on a rock.

"He's coming."

She shifted nervously. Scales rose up around her eyes, as she momentarily struggled to keep her form. But it passed, and she returned to her normal draconic human look.

After a shirt wait the door opened. Alrek stepped in, looking around. He saw me first, relaxing at the sight of me. But he sook noticed Ulina sitting there, her cheeks reddening slightly at his gaze.

"Right. Alrek, for the next five minutes please just listen. Ulina, talk to him, for the sake of the Sun River."

She looked at me, and I gave an encouraging nod. Alrek had a look of concern, his hand adjusting the grip on his sword.

"Hi A-alrek, um... I'm Ulina, the.. um... dragon and.... I like you."

I could tell how much it took for her to say that. I turned to look at my friend, a small snort escaping my lips. He had never looked so utterly blindsided. I crossed my arms, grinning as he took a moment to find his voice.

"You what?!"