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EvilNoobHacker t1_iy96c39 wrote


>Player: Jack Portman
>SCORE: 98
>TOP ACHIEVEMENT: FAMILY MONARCH- Have at least 7 grandkids by the time you die!
>Highlight: Marriage to Kirsten Mackenzie, July 16th, 2007.
>Would you like to Spectate, Play in Creative, Start A New File, or Return to Hub?

I was dead. I knew it. I heard the flatline, felt the tears hit my face with a splash as my sister, in her old age, saw her lifelong best friend and closest confidant pass from this world. I heard my son scream, wishing he had a punching bag, as he fell to the ground in tears. The room smelled homeless, sterile and insincere, but the aura of the room was anything but. Poor little Jack Jr, my daughter Lilly's kid, had only been born a month before, and didn't know what was going on. I was happy to see my successor before I passed.

The words haunted me.

>Spectate, Creative, New File, Return to Hub

I remembered everything. My birth, if hazy, was there. My brain knew that I was human, I had to be. I'd just lived a solid 98 years, after all! It wasn't like I was just... playing a game. No, I had a wife I loved, a construction job that I had done for 35 years, and a management job I had done until I was 73 and broke my hip. I had grandkids, my daughter Lilly was a lawyer, my younger son was a wonderful househusband, and my older son was a human rights advocate and had spoken to the UN. My family was successful. It wasn't just... simulation. It couldn't be.

My family was real.

Kay-baby was real.

I felt the helmet get yanked off of me, as bright lights blinded me.

The face staring down at me was one that took me a real good while to recognize.

Feeling came over me again. My limbs felt awkward to move, after having two very mobile arms and grippy fingers to work with. My own skin felt slimy, gross, like I was leaking. My body felt flat, lumpy, like it was falling apart. I could feel each and every wrinkle in the... table I was laying on. I felt my eyes shift around, muscles in my head moving them into different sockets so I could see from a wider angle. The idea that I had hands, and feet, solid, flowing together perfectly, felt foreign, as the muscle memory I had developed tried to find precise, detailed ligaments failed to work properly.

(the dialogue in this scene has been translated from Ygriggian in order to provide reading pleasure)

"How do you feel?"

The voice was tangy, tinted with a scent of orange that scraped against my very soul that I thought I'd had. My core shivered, as my memory of my old life failed to materialize. It was all I could do to scream.

"Are you okay?" He- no, it- placed a ligament on me, and the slimy gross feeling that I was experiencing was nothing but torture. I tried to smell, but recognized I had nothing to smell with. I opened what I thought was my mouth, to feel no tongue. Little but rows and rows of sharp teeth.

"Hey, hey, man, watch it!" he backed off. "I know it may be rough, but-"

I screamed.

I screamed, screamed, and screamed again. I made sure that the God I now knew was fictional, created by a machine, could hear me. I made sure that whoever created this machine, to convince me of a world where I was happy, cared for, and loved, would know the hell of leaving it.

Deep in my subconscious, I saw them.

>Spectate, Creative, New File, Return to Hub

Deep in my subconscious, I knew what I had to do. If the last world was a simulation, all I could hope for was that this one was too. Simply returning to that fantasy would give me nothing now.

Somehow, somewhere, the being opposite me in the room reacted. "No, stop that! You can't! Please, I have a family, don't-"

Deep in my soul, something clicked "Return To Hub"

I heard another flatline, and my eldritch body went limp.

Kay-baby, I know you aren't real. You're a character created by my mind.

But I am too.

And I'm going to wake up.



TekoloKuautli t1_iyaf02z wrote

That's some plot twist, to think everything was a simulation made by this eldritch creature. And desperately wanting it to be real but knowing... And what is even more crazy is how we don't get to know if he managed to return to hub or simply collapse someone else's fantasy


EvilNoobHacker t1_iyannsg wrote

The way I interpreted the prompt was like this:

Imagine if, after your whole life, learning how to use hands and feet, living with the idea that after this it was over, you gave up everything to be with your loved ones. They were with you the whole way. Thousands of great memories. Life changing moments spent with the ones you love.

Then, in a moment, that's all stripped away from you.

You wake up in an unfamiliar body that doesn't feel right, being talked to in a language you understand but don't like hearing, and every single feeling you ever felt deep in your heart was chalked down to nothing but a simulation where none of what you felt was real, and where what you were ripped from turned out to be nothing but pixels on a screen.

How would you react to that?

Of course, I wanted to make it a little more eldritch, so I added some mild body horror and a possibility that the world he woke up in is all a simulation too, but that's the general premise of it. If you want to add another layer to it, I'd love to read it.