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humanpersonguy69 t1_iy33vfg wrote

Waking up the next morning after a near restless night I had only one thing on my mind and that was to bring down the monster I had encountered yesterday. All night long I was tossing and turning. I couldn't get the image of the mother slipping that little white pill into her child's mouth. Her daughter couldn't have been more than 7 years old and she was being forced to take high dosage pain relivers. You see, as a pharmacist every week we get a shipment of a drug known as Tramadol. They come in a particularly oval like shape with ridges. It's a narcotic that's usually given to people who have just recently had back or neck surgery and are in EXTREME pain. The side effects it has on adults who use it for more than a couple weeks can be quite considerable. The side effects it could have on a child could be life altering.

Before continuing my search my mind auto piloted me to my email as that's usually the first thing I do when I hop on my computer and I was astounded by the number of new emails I had. I clicked on the first one from somebody I didn't recognize and to say I was shocked by what I read wouldn't begin to match what I felt.

The email read, "I swear to God if I ever see your face again I'm gonna make sure you're six feet deep boy."

"What the hell?" I was so confused as to who this person was and why they wanted me dead.

The next one read, "Only a life long loser such as yourself would lay hands on a woman and run like a coward. You're lucky you're still alive." Now I got it. The bystanders at the mall yesterday had figured out who I was and were now sending me death threats because the woman had let me go. There were nearly a hundred new emails, clearly people were spreading my information. No matter what, I was never going to stop my quest for justice.

I decided to close out of my email and get down to work. If she was on this list I was going to find her. Only four short hours later I had taken a name off the list, typed it into Instagram, and matched the name to the face. Her name was Amber Heard. She's a thirty six year old Hollywood Actress who just recently was sued for fifteen million dollars by her ex husband, Johnny Depp. For years she abused that man, then came out with accusations of how he was abusing her. Luckily, Depp had the guts to take this monster to court and he won! It was a landslide moment for men who had been in scenarios like Johnny's.

The next step was to send in an anonymous tip to the local authorities. If the police caught wind of a child being force fed narcotics by their mother who has a history of abuse, she'd be caught by dusk. I sat back in my chair satisfied with my work. Not only was I going to pin this woman for the crimes against humanity she was committing, but I got the satisfaction of slapping her across her stupid little face too. It was a nice slap as well, I made full contact with the palm of my hand against her frail jaw. The sound of my skin slapping hers was comparable of that to Hiroshima. Now all I had to do was wait.

In less than four hours time(sooner than I had expected) the authorities had apprehended Amber and taken her child to stay with the father, Johnny Depp. Every news station on TV had the headline, "Amber Heard Caught Lacking Again", and it was beautiful! I still felt sorry for that child though, I hope her father can give her the love and support she needs to overcome the trauma Amber Heard caused her. There's no chance Amber will EVER be able to see her kid again and rightfully so.

After a few days the death threats stopped coming. It was probably because they recognized the woman on the news and started to appreciate what I had done. Had I chosen the path of resignation and not the path of bravery, there would be a child out there falling victim to the abuse of the wretched Amber Heard. Sometimes, cowardice just isn't an option.

Edit: I'm looking back at the prompt realizing I completely forgot to add the duel part. I'm sorry OP I got wrapped up in it all.