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Front_World205 t1_iy902a6 wrote

sitting on the couch, i pick the book up, flipping it over and smiling at my husband face on the back, the cover look different then I remember, but i shrug it off. I only ever saw the finished cover once. I flipped the page open and start to read but to my surprise, it was different. the sweet and kind words that my husband show me was replace with an different language, one i didn’t know. “i swore i pick up the english verison.” i look at it and stare, i could read it perfectly. “okay; weird.” i shake my head, wondering if i was daydreaming, i was suck into the book, each word flowing through my brain, i lost track of time, suddenly it was yank out of my head and i met my husband eyes.

“nonono!” my husband shirked. “we have an deal! if i write the book!-“ “we will leave your wife alone,” my body mocked, standing up. i tried to move but couldn’t. i was stuck. “we did, she still here.” my husband take an step back. “we have an deal! give me my wife back or i-“

“i’ll what?” my body mock, picking up the book before hitting my husband hard in the head. “you really thought we was going let you and your wife live on as human?”


FamousButNotReally t1_iy97wqf wrote

Interesting concept! There's a couple grammar issues like was -> were for plural but it was enjoyable


Front_World205 t1_iy9dg3i wrote

thank you! i wanted to challenge myself with an five minute writing!


Matthew-IP-7 t1_iy9hnvz wrote

I take it English isn’t your first language?

Some things I’ll point out: the first person singular subjective (“I”) is capitalized except in extremely informal situations; the first word of a sentence should be capitalized; also “a” or “an”, use “a” if the first letter of the next word is a consonant, use “an” if it’s a vowel, “h” is a special case though sometimes you’ll use “a” other times “an”.

These things will come with practice and experience. So keep practicing!😁👍