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tsh87 t1_iy9az9h wrote

He pleaded with me as I packed my suitcase. "It's doesn't mean anything. It's just fiction."

"Based heavily on your actual life," I spat, tossing several shirts into my luggage. "And you and I both know that's bullshit because if it was just fiction, you would've shown me the real pages you wrote. Instead of just stroking my ego to keep me quiet."

I'd been so proud of him when he'd gotten the book deal. I knew how many years he'd spent trying to make it as a writer, all the novels he'd left unfinished, all the rejection letters he'd got. I'd comforted him after every single one. Until finally an offer letter.

When I asked to read the book, he hesitated. It went over my head then, the way his eyes flooded with fear when I asked to read a couple pages. I just thought he was heady with champagne. He e-mailed them to me a few days later. Truthfully I was impressed but surprised the publishers had gone for it. His writing was beautiful, it always was. The characters were pulled straight from life. He might've changed a few names but clear as day I recognized his mother, his friends, his brothers. Even me. He'd included bits and pieces of our story, only the good parts which I was grateful for, even though deep down I felt it left the book without much conflict.

Little did I know, I'd only gotten the friends and family version.

"Did you really think, I wouldn't find out? That no one would find out?" I yelled. "That I am so easily appeased and illiterate that I wouldn't buy my own fiance's book?"

He sighed, ashamed. "I... didn't think it would matter."

I scoffed. "You didn't think it would matter that you tore me shreds in your book?"

"I changed the names!" he desperately reminded me. "It's not like anyone knows that it's you!"


I'd picked up a copy of the book yesterday, practically giddy when I saw it displayed front and center at our favorite bookstore. That giddiness turned to horror when I actually started reading it. He'd written about everything. Every single detail I shared with him in confidence. My parents, my depression, my mistakes... my assault. Raw and exaggerated, it was all out there for everyone to see.

And, see they did. Suddenly all the hushed whispers and side glances I'd been getting at work and from friends made sense.

He begged me to stay but I refused. I couldn't spend another night in the apartment, looking at his face. If I could've fit the last three years in the suitcase and taken it with me, I would've. I settled for a couple of outfits, some shoes and what was left of my dignity.

As I stood in the elevator waiting for it descend to the ground floor, I ruminated on all the times he'd kissed me on the forehead and called me his muse.

I used to think it was a compliment.


Axunujar t1_iy9gip7 wrote

You sound so convincingly pissed in first-person that it almost seems like something like this actually happened to you.


tsh87 t1_iy9gy77 wrote

I promise you it has not lol


lifeinexile42069 t1_iya9u3b wrote

Watch the "Before" trilogy. It's what I immediately thought of when I read the prompt. Shit made me cry.


yourfaceistaken t1_iyblrmy wrote

Such a succinct description! I was mad with them! Fantastic writing.


Alarae t1_iy9hafw wrote

“If I could’ve fit the last three years in the suitcase and taken it with me, I would’ve.”

When I’m sitting here questioning the future of my marriage, this hits personally.


redwingpanda t1_iybanam wrote

As someone who’s wishing they could rewind and tell their past self that she ends up being the only person I want when I end up in the hospital not long after - I’m sorry. That is the worst place to be.


alexanderpas t1_iyam3e1 wrote

I'm sorry for you, but it seems like you already know the answer.