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UntakenNameFtw t1_iy6pzns wrote

"Who did this to you?" I asked, a fire lit within me.

"T-the...t-the...h-heros." The man barely got the words out as he tried to sit up, his legs bent in weird angles. His eye blinded by blood dripping down from a gashed eyebrow. His face swollen to an unrecognizable degree. I reached out and helped him to a chair.


"Don't mention it. I'm assuming you mean the C-class heros that have been harassing me with their childish speeches? The man nodded painfully. A window cracked under my anger.

I'm usually a chill guy. The type that doesn't take life too seriously. I've been dubbed "The comically incompetent villain." And I had no problem with that. I was completely happy with the way things are...but this? I looked at my other employees that were hurt in a similar fashion.

I walk into work every day as their boss. They smile and always go above and beyond for me. Even when it gets tough for them, they don't complain. I've gotten to know each and every one of them. I know about their lives, their hopes, and their well as what holds them back and the lessons and regrets that haunt them in life.

I looked at the pudgy women that always brings in the most delicious donuts in for everybody to enjoy. Her smile contagious. I looked at the guy that always asks how everyone is doing and listens like a true man. I looked at the older man that is always willing to teach whoever is willing to listen about the job. I looked at the jokester that never failed to make someone laugh. Then finally I looked at the young man that just joined and was once full of life now unmoving on the floor. Thankfully he wasn't dead...yet.

These are my people. They call me evil. They call me a villain. They say that villains treat people less then human. But what about them? People say they are hero's but as I looked at this display before me, it does not seem that way at all. I learned long ago that there really is not a right or wrong way. Just your way...and what ever suits his or hers self-interest...The world is terribly grey and I'm about to show them the way I do things when I'm pissed off. I looked solemnly at my employees.

"They will pay for this. You have my word." I said with a raw emotion that I couldn't describe. The employees looked at me sympathetically. The old man Phill spoke up gruffly between broken teeth giving him and odd lisp as he talked. "You don't have to. We understood the moment we accepted the job that something like this could happen one day." I just glanced at him before turning around. I couldn't look any further. I started to make my way out the building. On my way out the door I said something more to myself then to them. "I will go and I will show them what regret looks like."


It was raining cats and dogs outside as I paused Infront of a bar close to hero HQ. Thunder and lightning flashed in the reflection of the windows. This is the place these C-class heros like to hang out.

I walked inside casually and spotted the heros I was dying to see. The other people saw me. Noticing that I'm not here for fun, they either left the bar or walked where they thought would be out of harm's way. The group glanced at the front door and their eyes widened before smiling at me. The bald guy laughed while his team joined in. The skinny man next to him lit a cigarette while the women with butch hair and tattoos slouched down into a seat comfortably as if getting ready to watch a show.

"You finally made it! I was thinking you would be joining us. Did you like our little gift we sent to your employees? I think they liked it." The muscular hero with a bald head said mirthfully as he downed a shot.

"You lot sure enjoyed yourselves. You guys have been extremely lucky that I've been such a tolerant guy. Now your luck has ran out." That group burst out into laughter. The bald man walked up to me until he was face to face.

"You? A failure and laughingstock of a villain? Alright show me. Show me why even A class heros don't dare touch you?" The bald man with super strength hurled his shot glass on to the floor. The glass exploded as he clenched his fist—A hail maker in the works.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, but don't blame me. Blame your stupidity for pissing me off. Ah, this really is Darwinism at it's finest." I smirked as I gathered my power.

Suddenly, the skinny man that was smoking started coughing up a fit as he struggled to get ahold of himself. The women's chair leg snapped as she fell on her ass stunned. The bald man that was at this moment in mid swing tripped on his own two feet and fell face first into the pieces of glass that was now on the floor.

"Ahhhh! My eyes!" The man growled in pain as he stood back up. Now blinded, He tried to go for a tackle.

"I'll kill you!" He yelled as he looked as if he was crying blood.

I dodged easily as I picked up a beer bottle that just happened to be conveniently right where I needed it and smashed it on his head as the force of his tackle carried him into a table that tipped at an awkward angle as a fat man tried to shuffle out of the way. The table hit his solar plexus knocking the wind out of him. He fell unconscious as a loose lamp chandelier dropped right on his head and took the table with him launching a mug that was on it up into the air as the skinny man got ready for action. He grabbed a knife from his belt. The knife glowed a blue color before launching it at my face. The knife practically disappeared before getting blocked and redirected by that very same mug that just happened to fall precisely in the way of the knife and my face. The bald man woke up as the knife hit him in the kneecap. I walked slowly towards the skinny man as he looked increasingly frightened as his knives seem to miraculously miss or get blocked by objects in the bar that I casually threw in the way. The flying objects always seemed to be miraculously aimed at the bald man as he got increasingly injured as I went. When I was in reasonable distance from the skinny hero, I punched out aiming for his ugly face. The skinny man glowed blue and dodged only to trip over the wet floor and hit himself on a fallen edge of a chair in such a way that his neck cracked, knocking him out cold as he fell to the floor barely breathing. I glanced at the women that just managed to stand up only to witness the carnage of the past few moments.

"S-screw this." She turned and dashed out the bar into the rainy weather as her hair got wet only to run straight into a random stranger that knocked her into the street right Infront of a speeding car. She looked in a panic at the car as it honked it's horn aggressively before glowing purple and teleporting a few meters away. She laughed while breathing heavily as she thought she was out of the clear before lightning struck. She convulsed as lightning went from her skull to the ground. She collapsed down onto the pavement dead still.

I took a deep breath as I relished in my revenge. The other spectators in the bar looked at me like frightened animals as I made my way out.

I'm thinking sushi tonight when I get home.

The villainish man thought as he slowly made his way home without a single shred of guilt...

Note: I wrote this In like...under an hour. So definitely not my best work. Lol but it was fun. xD


Novix_47 t1_iy6wnvu wrote

What’s the protagonists power? I’m thinking something like luck but I’d be thrilled to know what you planned it to be. This is amazing


UntakenNameFtw t1_iy6zvd7 wrote

Thanks! He has the power of luck. But to describe further it's more like he has control over his own fate and bend others fates and destinies to his will. There is a limit and a drawback if he uses too much. I always wanted to read a book on this kind of power. Saw this prompt and it fit.

P.s. if anyone has read a book with a similar power let me know. I will probably read it. Lol


S1eepyZ t1_iy72ftv wrote

It’s not quite that, but Wizard for Hire has a good bit of luck/magic/fate, and is one of my favorite books. Not quite sure what about it, but your story reminded me a bit of Will Blank and the Imagination, so you might like that too.


UntakenNameFtw t1_iy72x7i wrote

Thanks! I'll look into these later. :)


S1eepyZ t1_iy7adgt wrote

A bit more information is that Will Blank is more superheroy, and Wizard for hire is more action/adventure, with a mystery through most of the book I won’t spoil. (They are both trilogies if I remember right, Wizard for hire by Obert Skye, don’t remember the author of Will Blank)


Rajani_Isa t1_iy7my8v wrote

Super Powereds by Drew Hayes.

Supers : People with powers.

Powereds : People with powers they have little/no control over. One you meet in passing is a man who teleports to a random location whenever they sneeze. Other than not being in any immediate physical danger they can appear anywhere. The only control they have is they carry a feather. To force a teleport if they're in danger. One of the main characters floats whenever they get happy.

Anyway, one of the main characters has the power of luck. Very bipolar, one instance had him winning money, then getting hit by a car (IIRC).

In the books, the main characters undergo a procedure to move them from Powereds to Supers. The luck guy starts out very reluctant to use their power but learns to trust it more.

From the amazon page of book one:

>Knowledge is power. That would be the motto of Lander University, had it not been snatched up and used to death by others long before the school was founded. For while Lander offers a full range of courses to nearly all students, it also offers a small number of specialty classes to a very select few. Lander is home to the Hero Certification Program, a curriculum designed to develop student with superhuman capabilities, commonly known as Supers, into official Heroes.

>Five of this year’s freshmen are extra special. They have a secret aside from their abilities, one that they must guard from even their classmates. Because for every one person in the world with abilities they can control, there are three who lack such skill. These lesser super beings, Powereds as they are called, have always been treated as burdens and second class citizens. Though there has been ample research in the area, no one has ever succeeded in turning a Powered into a regular human, let alone a Super.

>That is, until now…


Pique_Pub t1_iy8cry3 wrote

Not a fate power, but Larry Niven's Ringworld series has a character who is the result of a genetic breeding program to create luck, and she is in fact extremely lucky. Unfortunately, what's lucky for her isn't always what's lucky for the people around her...


Frost890098 t1_iy8zxi6 wrote

Have you read any of the Xanth novels? One of the characters has a power like this. I want to say Spell for Chameleon was the first. Lost of puns and jokes. His spell/power works like this.


amishbill t1_iy9v6fh wrote

The 'passive' aspect of his power reminded me a little of Keepsie's.... A good story about a barkeep with a very low ranked power. :-)


Strixursus t1_iy76c8q wrote

Luck control!

In other words, the most absolute bullshit broken power in Mutants & Masterminds (supers-themed pen-and-paper tabletop game) if you know how to build it. A friend of mine who absolutely loves the system had built the most broken Minion Master sort who summoned a bunch of super-weak minions (in the form of a murder of crows) that each had Luck Control 1; on its own not super-potent but when enemies are forced to reroll successes and allies allowed to reroll failures en masse, it gets positively silly.


Nanocephalic t1_iy709ua wrote

The quick sentences in the action scene felt like a hockey commentator describing some crazy action.

Reading it like that made the action feel viscerally real.


Tanith87 t1_iy73tt4 wrote

I really thought his identity was going to be "Karma" for some reason...


UntakenNameFtw t1_iy767a8 wrote

Oh that also fits well! Could be. Karma, fate, destiny, luck. In the end they are all similar yet different, separated by a fine line. Which is why I find it so interesting. The guy could be a manifestation of all those concepts into one to form one insanely awesome power. ohh, I like that thought. I should try writing a story on this and see where it leads me. hehe