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brimwrites t1_iy8up4x wrote

Ay-Ay-Ron ☑️

@fenixfire_herotv isn't this that chump villain you talk about?

> Dear Heroes, > > Yesterday, a group of superpowered thugs caused an incident at the Little-Big Cheese restaurant. After what must have been too many drinks, one of them groped their waitress before the group erupted into argument resulting in a building fire starting at their booth, a pyromancer shaped hole in the shared wall to Mr. Kim's Asian Fusion, and a half dozen shattered panes of plate glass from super-people who cannot learn to use doors. It's only due to exceptional luck that there were only two broken bones and a concussion among the fire-suppression drenched bystanders for whom you showed complete disregard. > > I'd like to think I've been very accomodating to your individual concerns. I've deferred plenty of plans in the name of sportsmanship when you had to travel for business, your boyfriend broke up with you, your brother had a health emergency, or you've just had a bad day at work. But enough is enough. Injury to bystanders and property is strictly against the oaths you swore when joining the League of Heroes. But I don't feel the need to call your regional chapter representative. Because I know how to get to all of you. > > I know your uncle still pays for your apartment. When was the last time you talked to him? A week? A month? He couldn't remember when I asked. Too busy trying to land that acting gig again? It's funny how someone so fast has no time to learn people skills. > > I know the doggy day care you send the King Charles Spaniel you named after me. Yes, I have big ears, very droll you witless harridan. I know your mother makes sure you take food home because you can't help but burn anything you try to cook. You know she asked me over tea to keep things indoor or at night because you don't wear enough sunscreen? How did you end up bereft of any of her courtesy? > > I know you have half a dozen DUI stops in the last three years that you got out of due to Mommy's connections. I know about the "best interests of the family" and the girl from college who disappeared after you proposed to her. It's not a lack of physical strength or toughness that keeps you out of the big-time superheroes, it's you. You're a cowardly, guileless never-will-be who takes out their personal problems on other people. > > I can take apart your lives if I want. This is my warning to you: Clean up or get out. > > And as for you, Sean, your only crime is having poor taste in companions. If you ever want out of the superhero business, I know some people in contract machining that could use your skill set. And hell, if that doesn't work out I could use another henchman. It's a good gig, ask any of my people--we only have 9% annual staff turnover and our health insurance has the necessary provisions for super-people. > > Sincerely,
> The Master of Whispers
> Citizen, Business Owner, Supervillain.

Meghan Metal Scuptures @meghansmetalaf

@officialmrsens8tional you're friends with these assholes? They shattered @QueenOfPuttingShots arm! She's gonna lose her scholarship!

Reggie_FPV @all4wallrideboss ☑️

.@officialmrsens8tional just gonna leave this here. 😱🤦🏻

<Video has been removed by copyright enforcement request.>

Reggie_FPV @all4wallrideboss ☑️

.@officialmrsens8tional video re-up

<security camera video of superheroes infighting at a fondue shop>

Whispers @mrwhisperscasualvillainy (✮NEW ACCOUNT✮)

That doesn't belong to you Reggie, please remove it.