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Mendon128 t1_ixbfhs5 wrote

One day can make or break your relationship with work. You start your day drinking a nice cup of joe, pumping iron, maybe even going for a morning jog. Ah, how innocent I was, minding my own business I was a C ranked hero in the hero association, I had been fighting evil for around 15 years and unlike those in B rank and above, I lacked some kind of over powered ability. Heck the only thing that I could do was talk, people seemed to back down from petty crimes pretty easily when you try to really help them with their issues.

Though that wasn't something I could use today. Before me was a wasteland; the city was crumbling as the sever S class villain's called the League of Supper Rugged Savages or (LSRS) had began laying waste to the city. The Beast like savages sought to bring civilization back to a primitive time where survival of the fittest determined who lived and died.

There I stood as the likes of Golf man and Roach girl laid before me. There was no escape, the beasts of LSRS had noticed me.

"Looks like the party is only getting started boys we've got some fresh meat!" Their leader Crunch called out.

"yea, boss we's gonna has a goods times," A large apelike LSRS member squealed.

Panic quickly over took me, there was still people trying to escape, how would they, these beasts were focused on creating as much carnage as possible. My brain was having a hard time recognizing that I was at a breaking point. Run, or be devoured so I can save as many people as I can.

I looked down at the ground a shiver crept up my spine, this was the end. I broke into a cold sweat, I was only 35 years old... and I was about to die.

I breathed in a deep breath and called out with my lungs as loud as I could. "hey, who opened up a zoo on main street?" Suddenly a dozen or so eyes traced towards me, I had become their fresh meat.

The LSRS closed in and surrounded me, I watched as several people made the opportunity to slip away, but there were still others trapped beneath the ruble.

I screamed a loud scream bellowing throughout the street, my eyes squinted closed as I let my voice rang free. I paused to see they're confusion.

"well, If that ain't a warriors below I don't know what is, too bad you got nothing to show for it." A large hand reached out and grabbed my hair.

As I was hoisted up I could feel each follicle puling against the grain of my scalp. This was my last chance. " Oh, so the big bad leader is gonna do his own dirty work, well at least I get to go down knowing the strongest of you got to do it.

The beast looked me in the eyes. "oh how good it is to be king."

I was viciously slammed against the ground my arm shattered on impact. "Gyaaaaaaaah" I cried out in agony. I soon felt the beasts foot on my back as he began to pull on my arm. I could feel every second as he slowly began to rip the flesh.

The pain suddenly stopped as I saw my arm ripped into the sky. Blood pulsated everywhere. Then the pain returned, my arm clear off my shoulder.

"Why not just crush his head." asked one of the leaser LSRS members.

"Didn't you hear him, he gets to be killed by the king, he asked for this." Corrected a smaller mantis like member.

"well kid, i guess it's time to meet your maker." The large beast grabbed my head with both hands. "any last words?"

I opened my eyes to look this beast in his face, king wore a gold crown signifying his leadership over there rest of the pack. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my chance. " To bad you won't be the king forever, your not the strongest one here anyways."

"That's where your wrong." he boldly proclaimed.

"well, there is about to be fore less of you." I let out a chide remark.

Crunch let out a long apelike scream as he began to squeeze harder I could feel myself slipping, and then suddenly the pressure released.

I began falling to the ground as I saw my savior in the distance, golf man had been able to stand back up, and like the hero's in the comics saved me at my last moment.

Before any of them could move they were swarmed as roaches came through the broken city streets and began to overwhelm them. I had lost my arm, but I had bought enough time for the real hero's to rejoin the fight.