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AN-G3L t1_ixbh7ri wrote

The attack on the city outskirts was supposed to be our winning move against the Dread League. In reality? It was the worst massacre that the Superhuman Coalition has seen in its 70 years of existence. The plan was fairly simple, the Delta-class heroes would serve as bait to lure the lower villains and minions out of their makeshift fortress at one side of the river, the Gamma-class then would use their psychic powers to debilitate the force field built around the place, and then, the “coup de grâce”: The Big 7 would just spearhead and destroy the place to eliminate the threat that the League had been posing to the city these last 5 years… But let me tell you something, not even the Big 7 could have predicted the class of weapon that they had been preparing to use against us.

We were preparing the assault, at midnight, when suddenly a purple flash of light illuminated the dark sky and millions of energy projectiles came raining on us like an artillery barrage. The catch is that this was no mere energy attack, it was energy concocted from Element 115, the kryptonite of the superhumans. That thing took out almost everyone instantly. Not even the mighty Omega, the number one hero in all the world- no, the universe, could withstand such a concentrated amount of 115 in his body. Alas, almost everyone died, at least the important ones were killed, the only ones that remained were a bunch of normals, and me, because somehow I had the grandest idea of taking a bathroom break during the debrief session. Though, it’s not like I am- was important on the mission, I’m just a Delta-class good for nothing. Who the hell would need a “hero” whose ability is to control the internet in a full scale assault on a prison with no networks!? They were just going to use me, and a bunch of other deltas as live bait; bunch of jackasses. I am screwed.

But I couldn't let it end like this. I’m a hero, and those people needed to go back home with their families. The facility where we were located was ruined, the attack took most of the systems offline., but the reserve systems were somehow intact. I had to do something. And so I did. With my powers I hijacked the system network and activated the emergency evacuation plan: a secret portal that led to a safe zone. I tried my best to help the wounded to escape, to let them live another day, but I had no time, in the distance the warcry of those despicable monsters could be heard. I tried to activate what was left of the defenses, a few plasma turrets and laser traps. That would do while I held open that portal for people to escape.

First came the minions, the low class monsters and villains, entering and falling into the maze of traps that I had activated, and at first, they worked! They were burned, electrocuted or impaled with high precision projectiles… but then the high class douchebags came. One of them, Voltius, fried the circuits that were still standing, and everything went dark, except the portal. I used all of my power to keep that damn thing open while the last normals escaped. By then I had realized that I couldn’t leave, I had to do everything that I could as a hero to give the world at least a light sliver of hope. With power that was left on the bases reserves I sent a message to the mainland through the net. A warning.

I have accepted my fate, but even then, in this fruitless last stand that I find myself on, I hope that what I did today served to save someone. I hope that at least a father can get home and see their children because of me. I hope that someone remembers me. NetStream, Delta-class hero, signing out.