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JustSome1s t1_ix9twsz wrote

You ever heard the saying "good and evil are two parts of the same coin"? Yeah my family embodies this saying, first you have my older brother, he's like Superman, flight, super strength, laser sight, the whole shebang. Then you have my sister, she doesn't have powers like his, she's just a prodigy in the intelligence department, worldwide hacker. It has a wifi connection, she has access to it, hell even without wifi she'll find a way to get in. Now here's where the saying kicks in, being a hero isn't all sunshine and rainbows, during the whole saving the world shtick, the fighting zones get kinda messed up, and since Mr.Hero is the one who broke them, who do you think has to pay for them? And that's where our little sister jumps in, hacking every bank system in order for our brother to not become Public Enemy #1 .

In the public eye, they're enemies, Mr.Hero doing everything he can to stop her and her "evil" plans she just does for show, she actually just stages everything and any destruction she makes no one gets hurt, damn I bet even cows have a higher kill count than my sister!

And then you have me, being born in between these two, I don't have the super strength and I don't have the intelligence, but there's one thing I do have. Charisma, you point me to a person and I'm their best friend in 1 minute flat, this in turn made it so my job is "doing favors" for the people I know, and I know lot's of people.

Now this particular meeting is about how our brother accidentally destroyed the Eiffel tower on a drunken dare from one of his friends. Now here we are at the table, me making phone calls trying to appease the Prime minister to not declare war on my brother, while my sister is gathering the cough documentation, needed to make this go away without Mr.Hero being the blame.

It seems like my sister's track record is gonna continue spotless on the kill department, but a bit ruined on the "no harmful destruction" part, and let me tell you, she isn't happy about that.