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>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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WIHachillies t1_iycyi2s wrote

Chaos is many things. The chaos of the world constantly bickers with each other. The chaos of love and marriage, constant arguments between couples. However, there's nothing more chaotic than a classroom of rowdy teenagers. This is coming from the deity of Chaos themself and the fact there's something more chaotic than them is a terrifying thought. Chaos was pale, very pale, with gaunt skin. Basically skinny to where you can see his skeleton. They were aware of the whispers in the teachers' lounge, about how they were scaring the children or creeping them out. Maybe they should try to get them arrested, but Chaos could easily put them through hell.

That doesn't matter right now, right now. There's a class to focus on, and Chaos's voice shouts out, "Class, please quiet down! There's an important announcement." Their voice drew, knowing it will get the class's attention.

"What's up Jack!" One of the class clowns snickered. "What could be the important announcement when school didn't even start yet?"

Chaos grinned sharply, scaring the class slightly. "We're going on a special field trip!" They cheered. "Unauthorized, but it's a field trip."

Another student shyly raised her hand. "Excuse me? Mr. Haus? What do you mean unauthorized? Don't you need permission?" She squeaked out.

Chaos nodded in agreement, "Normally you're right, Miss Jaclyn." They paused for dramatic effect. "Do you think they'll allow you to go to Greece this late in the year?"

That's when Chaos, not them, is was unleashed in the classroom. Many questions and statements were reined out in class.

"What the hell do you mean, to teach? How do you even have the money to do such a large trip?"

"There's no way we're going to Greece, I know our current chapter is on it and all. But there's no way you're trying to emerge us in the culture!"

"When are we going?"

"Is it a requirement?"

Slamming their hand into the desk, shutting the many questions that was heading their way. "You'll discover the truth eventually, now I need a group of hands of who's going or not." Pulling out a piece of paper from underneath his desk.

The first duo of hands raised, two twins class clowns. A girl and boy.

Another hand raised from the teacher's pet, mumbling something about the logistics of this.

Everyone else's hand raised one after the other. Chaos smiled at this revelation, "I'm so glad everyone agreed! You didn't have a choice anyway, we're going right now!"

The class shouts in shock as Chaos raised her arms, windows breaking as swirling mist consumes the students one by one. "This should be fun." As chaos walked through the mist following his students.


London-Roma-1980 t1_iydgs2x wrote

As the students filed in, they saw their teacher behind her desk. The boys in particular noticed her: a younger teacher, likely no older than 30, with long blond hair like Rapunzel that she kept tied up in the back so it only reached her waist, bright blue eyes, and a slender body with no sign of blemish on what skin she had exposed. The girls were intrigued as well; someone that young who commanded such a presence was a relief from the way most teachers handled a class with sensitive material.

Once the bell rang, the teacher tapped her hand on a special desk bell shaped like a clam shell. "Good morning, students," she began, her voice in almost a sing-song pattern that disarmed even the most nervous among her class. "It's so wonderful to see such young and eager faces! I'm delighted to see you! Thank you for choosing this Adult Health seminar. Let me introduce myself."

She wrote her name on the board: Aphy Agape. "Now, to answer your first question, it's actually pronounced uh-GAH-pay. I will be teaching you about the importance of your physcial and mental well-being as you advance to college and being on your own next year. Are there any other questions?"

One student jumped in: "Didn't we go over all this freshmen year?"

"Yeah, I know we did that thing with the banana," added another.

"Now, class, I'm sure you found that... interesting and helpful," Ms. Agape interrupted. "And yes, we will have one unit dedicated to... re-assessing that segment. But there's so much more to what I wish to tell you than just what happens when the animal within takes over."

She sat down on her desk and faced the classroom, using her hands to captivate the students' attention. "There are many other things you need in your adult lives. Think about it: how do you know if it's love or friendship? When does a playful crush become a desire for commitment? All of you are going to feel the fire with another person, but what happens when the fire begins to die? And the most important thing you'll learn: how do you love yourself?"

"With Kleenex," the class jokester yelled from the back. Ms. Agape let the teenagers get the uncomfortable laughter out of their system before staring a hole into the offending student.

"I see some of you have one form of emotion on their mind more than others. That's fine, I guess... imbalances happen at your age. But you can't go through life thinking that way. What kind of a boyfriend would you be if that's your attitude? Yours will be the connection quickly severed. I'm here to help you understand that the forms of emotional attachment you will feel will guide your decisions in life, and that to understand them and to master them will make you a greater success than you could ever imagine."

"Um, Miss?" A timid girl conservatively dressed, with a cross charm on her necklace, raised her hand. "What about loving God? Does that count?"

The teacher smiled. "Oh, worship can be very helpful. We'll cover the relationship between deities and mortals in a later chapter, don't worry; also, it will explain how the types of love you feel can make you more godly, if that's your desire. But it's just one of the seven important positive feelings you will have. And if you use one to shut out another, you won't get anywhere."

A boy in the back raised his hand. "Do I need my parents' permission for this class?"

"There's nothing explicit, if that's what you're asking. I want to keep this practical. Yes, we'll be looking upon physical attraction and its consequences, but that's such a small part of the equation. Hopefully, when this class is over, you'll understand and appreciate everything that goes into being a kind and loving individual."

The class sat enraptured at her patience and her charisma.

"Is that all? Very well. Let me begin with an overview. To survive, you need to love. But love has become such a catch-all term that it leads to confusion. Confusion leads to pain. And as much as I sound like I've been out in the sun too long, I'm here to help minimize your pain through letting you understand your emotions of love. So... what entails love? The important thing is that in this class, we will break your love down into seven areas..."

The class flew by. Ms. Agape had their attention, and they found themselves wanting to learn more. When the bell rang, the students calmly left for their next class. Some of them were chatting about what was said. But one of them -- the jokester in the beginning -- approached her desk.


"Oh, please, Miss."

"Right, yeah -- I'm sorry I said that joke earlier. I guess I just get nervous around pretty people like you."

"Well, I'm flattered. You know what you did was wrong, and you're correcting it. That's a good start! But I want you to think about this: I talked about playfulness; you mixed it with passion. That can be dangerous. And while I appreciate the thought, let's try to steer you more to deep friendship or love of the world. It will help you in the long run. See you tomorrow!"


Western_Ad6420 t1_iyduhc9 wrote

Being the goddess of wisdom can be hard,even more when you are sorounded by idiots but the advantage is that no one will realize who i really am,the only reason I decided to be a teacher here is because i was curious about the mortals these days,they are a little too obsessed by technology and they are way too many now but they are better from a moral point of view than their ancestors from centuries ago,i kinda miss those times but even when you are a goddess time doesn't stop for you, nothing remains the same, everything changes constantly,that's why I decided to be a history teacher,to teach the mortals about their origins,their beginnings but sometimes

I enter the classroom and looks at my students

Athena:Ok class,last week i asked you to read the Greek Mythology,now i want all you to tell me your personal opinion about them

"Gods are assholes"a voice says from the back

Athena:Well can you explain your point of view Mr.Darius?

Darius:Yeah I can,Zeus the leader of the Pantheon is nothing more than a cheater,rapist,a vindictive asshole and a tyrant,he tried to kill the human when they didn't worship him,he punishment Prometheus for giving humans the fire,his Wife and sister Hera,she is a jealous psychopath that is punishing innocent woman that Zeus tricked,Force or manipulate to sleep with him,i mean how could they said no?he is a god,is they said no it wouldn't matter,he would do what he wanted anyway but Hera is taking her anger on those poor girls i mean i know that is hard being cheated on but the girls are not the problem,Zeus is,and let's not forget that she trew her son of the mountain because he was ugly and she always is trying to hurt or kill the demigods of Zeus,Poseidon raped Medusa and now let's go the the Goddess of Wisdom herself

Athena:Let's hear

Darius:She a uncaring and selfish goddess,she is petty and a narcissist,her preistess was raped by Poseidon and the only thing she cared was that her precious little temple was stained,and she decided to punish the victim turning her in a monster and later sending someone to kill her and putting her head on her shield,that is messed up in many ways,she can get away with mostly anything because is Zeus favorite ,when Arahne defeated her in that competition Athena decided to turn her into a spider,i mean if i beat her at monopoly what is she gonna do?turn me into a frog?

Athena:What makes you think that you would win against her at monopoly,maybe she is pretty good at that game

Darius:That's not the point,all of them did something that crossed the line,i just gave these 3 gods as an exemple

The goddess listens everyone opinion and at the ends of the class after everyone left she goes to Darius her student

Athena:Mr.Darius i appreciate if you would stay behind some time


At that moment the Goddess revealed her true form

Athena: Let's just say i didn't appreciated the comments at my address,so let's make a deal,since you thought that you can beat me at monopoly let's play a little,if you win i give you anything you want but if i win let's just say that if you thought I was cruel and harsh with Medusa you don't even can comprehend what awaits you and you have no right to refuse, let's play my mortal student