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GA-1256-399_Miel t1_iyb4ql2 wrote

I opened the door and promptly shut it behind me. One fluid motion. A cold waft of air pillowed my entry, just as I liked it. The room was messy and in a state of disrepair. Abandonded buildings look cleaner than this.

I sighed to myself, and haphazardly kicked away some items on the floor. Just to make a path. Charger brick, a single shoe which will forever lack it's mate, and... Whatever that is...

I laid down on the bed, small, but big enough.

I pulled out my phone and clicked onto Spotify. Something about it's little green icon always hung in my thoughts, not sure why. Then I scrolled, and scrolled, and scrolled. Finally I found something good, a real classic from the edgelord days.

I swipped off the app. Stared at my wallpaper. Just let the emotions and nostalgia consume me.

I sighed and opened Docs, figure I'll write a bit tonight.

I mouthed along the lyrics as I typed mindlessly, unaware and isolated from my surroundings. I took on my protagonists struggles, and forgot my own. Wasn't worried about keeping up with the homework I'd procrastinated on, just keeping my fictional kid alive. Wasn't thinking about tomorrow, just a fake today.

The song changed in the background, flipping genres and tempo. Breakcore into Industrial. J-pop into droning ambient tracks. Game OST's into classical music. It was comforting.

Maybe people don't know me, but this amalgamation of songs and tracks does. It's my confidant.

Then a song came on, the music tense and oppressive, lyrics indecipherable. I'd know that song anywhere! A small well of happiness appeared inside me, but I quickly smothered it.

Keep the real world out of the story.

I felt inspired by the oppressive track, so I wrote a new scene idea. It's gotta be a demon summoning, with latin chanting this intense? Hmm, make the location... tough choice... A mall? Group of highschool delinquents? Nah, over done...

Hm... Airplane? Nah, sounds stupid...

The song reached a crescendo, the singer belting their entire life in a rage fueled voice. I assume. I was touched by it enough to actually attempt to follow along.

"Daemoniorum convocatio! Lingua antiqua!"

A bright flash of light, followed by a flash of heat. It writhed my nerves and ripped my mind to shreds. I nearly forgot who I was in that instant. Then it left, quick as it had came.

I stared at the ceiling quietly. The music had shut off. I glanced at my phone, the now playing track simply listed "????". It betrayed me! My music went and betrayed me! How is that even possible?!

I exhaled in the still darkness of the room.

Something exhaled along with me.

I shot up, my hand already firmly holding the knife I keep beside my bed. A thing was standing at my footrest. Quiet. Immobile. I couldn't make out it's form, but something in my gut told me I didn't want to.

I was scared. I haven't been that for who knows how long, but I was now.

"Why have you summoned me?" It's tone was... something... I couldn't understand it's emotion, or if it was even trying to convey one. Two tiny dots of blue fire endlessly turned on themselves, glaring at me.

I forced my voice to speak. But it faltered. Only a quiet noise escaped my lips.

"The Old Tongue..." It croaked out, sounding like it was on the verge of death, " wird vermieden."

"W-Who are you?" I managed to force out.

"Incomprehensibilis... Frustra..." It titled it's head, and several cracks echoed from it's neck.

"What are you!?" I yelled at it, fear turning to rage. Fight or Flight response finally kicking in.

"Mors... ይልቁንም, ተመሳሳይ የሆነ ነገር"

It glanced around the room, the unsettling cracking forcing me to not blink.

Then it turned it's gaze to me, "ይቅርታ፣ የነቃህው ፍጥረት እየመጣ ነው።"

It looked around again. Another bright flash, this one infinitely more bearable than the first.

It was gone.

Some random song from my playlist was blaring now.

It did nothing to comfort me.