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AutoModerator t1_ix0bz24 wrote

Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.


>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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AnimeFanLee t1_ix4mfsz wrote

"I love you, Raven Wing! Please, be mine and I'll stop all of this!"

The silence is deafening! I finally understand that turn of phrase as I stand there, mouth agape, face beet red, trying to comprehend what The Twilight Huntress just said. In the middle of fighting me and Leoporina, no less! I can't even form words at the moment, just a series of incoherent sounds.

"Uhh, I-I, I, I, umm... Uhh, W-w-w-wai- Yo-yo-you- Uuuuhhhhh...."

As I stand there, bewildered, confused, embarassed, and honestly a little bit honoured, The Twilight Huntress says nothing, just staring at me with open vulnerability and earnestness in her eyes, letting me process. 10' away, Leoporina is as motionless as I am. No, not quite... Her entire body seems to be shaking, her head bowed so I can't see her face. I imagine she's in shock at the sudden and unexpected confession that just came from The Twilight Huntress, as well.

" you're doing?"

I barely catch what seems to be the tail end of a whispered phrase. Even so, I can tell the words are filled with a venomous rage. The Twilight Huntress' ears twitch at the words, indicating that she too has heard them, though she ignores them. I, on the other hand, zero in on them in an attempt to get my overloaded brain to start working again. Who said them, and what do they mean? Who are they directed at? What could bring about such vitriol? I don't have to wonder for long.

"I said, what the FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

Leoporina's head snaps up and I am stunned once again. Her usually stern but calm face is contorted in hatred and anger as she glares at The Twilight Huntress! To her credit, the Villain doesn't even flinch at the malice rolling off of the Hero.

"Do you mind staying out of this? I will deal with you shortly," she responds, her eyes not leaving mine.

I continue to gaze back into her dark eyes, unsure what I should do or how I should respond.

"No! You get the fuck away from Raven Wing!" Leoporina screams, launching herself at The Twilight Huntress, claws extended and mouth drawn back in a feral snarl. "You're not taking her from me! She's mine!"

I see Leoporina collide with The Twilight Huntress, both of them flying off to the side, as my vision blurs and the world tilts, my brain finally shutting off at the realisation that two of the most powerful and beautiful women in the world are fighting over me.


jardanovic t1_ix6jhcc wrote

"I can't do this anymore, okay? I cannot fucking do this anymore."

I skated around the room as I chuckled at Sex Bomb. "Aw come on! You always had more patience for my bullshit than--"

"I love you, Flurry."

"What?!" Bomb's words rattled me so thoroughly, I accidentally ran into a wall. As I collected my bearings, Sex Bomb started walking over to me. When I saw she had dropped her trusty rocket launcher Baby Doll, I realized she was being completely serious--she practically had that thing chained to her hip.

"I said I love you, Flurry. You're brave and funny and kind and beautiful. And I can't keep putting myself in a position where I risk hurting or even killing you. I--I know you'll never return my feelings, but--"

Before I even knew what I was doing, I blurted out, "I love you too!"

Sex Bomb went wide eyed at my interruption. "You do?"

I got on my feet and held her hands. "I do! I've had a crush on you since we met. Hell, I didn't even know I liked girls until I met you! It's just... I didn't think you'd believe me if I told you. I'm not exactly known for being serious, after all."

Sex Bomb pressed her forehead against mine affectionately. "Of course I would have believed you."

I let out a joyful giggle as Sex Bomb and I kissed. When we broke apart, she whispered to me, "You taste like mint chip ice cream. I love mint chip."

Suddenly, a baritone voice from above us called out, "I really shouldn't have to say it, but I am not okay with any part of this."

We looked up to see my partner Snow Angel tied to the railing on the upper level and his wing pack hanging from the ceiling covered in pink spray paint. I rolled my eyes and responded, "You're not my dad, and even if you were, that wouldn't give you the right to dictate who I go out with!"

"She's a criminal!"

Sex Bomb flipped him off and fired back, "Yeah, but I'm a criminal who's still legally entitled to partaking in the Returners Rehabilitation Program, which I will be joining by the end of the night!"

Snow Angel scoffed, but couldn't get a word in before I gave him an ice gag. "And I will gladly be her sponsor in these endeavors." I then turned to Sex Bomb to say, "Now, whaddya say we get some Italian for dinner?"

"Yes, please!"