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Shalidar13 t1_iwseawx wrote

I kept a keen eye on my hoard. I found my collection years ago, after growing bored of the gold and jewels that had made it up then. It was the process of growing up, I knew. A young dragon, full of hormones and developing brains had to have a hoard.

But the classic only worked so far. It fed the initial greed, amassing wealth and items of interest. For some, it was what they were meant to hoard. But most grew bored of such things in time. Not that we got rid of them. Money was always helpful, especially in growing a true hoard.

I had found mine when walking through a nearby city. We had an agreement, the city and I. I would come down one day a month and do some jobs they wanted help with. In return I got paid, and they didn't hunt me. It was a win win situation. Being as the area was my territory, they were protected from dragon attack. By having them on my side, I didn't have to worry too much about traps.

So, I was walking through the streets, their eyes upon me. But then I heard a shout and laughter, as a trio of youngsters ran around. Something about them made me greedy again. Not to eat them, but to have them. I refrained from acting, but it sparked my interest. It wasn't children so much that I wanted, but them specifically.

It was during a demolition project that I realised just what it was. There was an old building that had suffered a bad fire, enough that even I could tell the structure was unstable. A few shoves brought it down, for the people to clear. As the last wall fell my gaze landed on a nearby ramshackle place. It had clearly seen better days, but it still smelt of blood, magic and gold. The city's Adventuring Chapter.

I felt a flash of that same greed, though not quite as strong. It fell together in my mind, what I was craving. Adventurers. Those who fight for both gold and to help. I wanted adventurers.

I left the city soon after, my work done for the day. I held my normal chest of gold as I flew, mind whirling. From what I remembered, their chapter wasn't doing so well. With my presence nearby, most large monsters stayed away. It left the smaller ones, the sort that hide and ambush. But the guard were normally pretty good at keeping them down.

I wanted them to be better. Looking at my pile of money, I realised I could make them better. I spent the next month scheming, plotting what to do. When the time was right I took with me both my normal empty chest and a smaller one. As usual I met with the Grand Lord, exchanging pleasantries. It was there I proposed to fund the Chapter.

He was surprised, that much was evident. But the money I brought with me helped grease the wheels. Though I had work to do that day, we agreed to meet in the evening, when I normally left.

I saw the trio again, still laughing. Looking closer, I could almost see them as adventurers. Strong and brave, but kind and compassionate. I wanted them to be so. I wanted my hoard to be the best. I knew they would be my crown jewels as it were.

That evening myself and the Grand Lord talked. Rather than me ferrying money over each month, a portion of my normal earnings would be used. I would also make a nice cave system, a sort of teaching dungeon for them. I could terrorise a group of those little monsters into populating it, and they would help train them. Not that I would allow killing in there.

I did make a more awkward demand for him though. I didn't want it to be known that I was helping. I wanted my hoard to work it out for themselves. He promised to do so. What he would do is be the public figure for it, getting his political benefits. But the adventurers themselves would be able to find out the truth, if they straight up asked me.

It took a couple of years for this all to be up and running. I made a tribe of goblins and one of kobolds help me, making up the numbers in the dungeons. The Adventuring Chapter had a complete makeover, with discounts provided to them for the local shops. My contribution made a huge difference, being a literal fortune spent on them.

I watched from afar, pleased with my hoard. A few of the older parties saw through it, approaching me directly about it. I proudly told them the truth, that they were my hoard, which they found rather amusing. I laughed when one of them suggested that I act as a quest giver as such.

But it was a good idea. They spread rumors about how only the best receive a quest from the dragon. If they beat it, I would hear a request from each member. I allowed it, enjoying some of my hoard working hard to see me. My little monsters gave me word of larger threats nearby, ones that hid outside of my territory, or lurked in less visited areas. They worked well for my adventurers, a sort of final test for them.

Over the years I watched them grow. The trio became a quintet, joining up as adventurers. I watched on like a proud parent as they seized every class with both hands, training hard. They worked so much to reach my quest. I gave them one to kill a Storm Hydra that liked to run nearby.

They won, coming back tired but unharmed, carrying its severed heads as proof. Their leader, one of the original three that had an affinity for magic, spoke her request first.

"My request is an answer to a question. So tell us, what exactly do you hoard?"

I swished my tail, looking at each one. I was so immensely fond of them, as they were the crown jewels I thought them to be.

"A fine question. The answer is you. Adventurers."

They fell silent, shock on their adorable little faces. I slowly blinked, lowering my head to their level.

"You're part of my hoard, and always will be."


Jyotimukh t1_iwtd9ah wrote

Damn this is good

Would it be ok if I had my new TTRPG campaign I'm gonna DM have a similar premise? Not quite the same, but I still wanna ask permission.


Orimeia OP t1_iwv0cze wrote

I love it! THanks for writing out my prompt :)