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SecretlySirens t1_ixnvmww wrote

I saw the sailor swimming to me. I expected it to be another meal. They crawled onto the rocky shore with scrapes and bruises. I smirked preparing for my meal. Expect the mortal said something that shocked me.

"Hey. Can you stop singing? You're making my crew go mad with your high pitched wail." The pirate said. I was confused. How was this human not under my spell? I knew I wasn't the best singer. I was pitchy, but I could at least carry a tune well enough to attract male sailors. Even the worst sirens could do this.

"That's odd. You should be under my spell no matter how bad my song is. A siren's song is guaranteed to attract all males." I replied. Then I noticed something odd. Under the shredded top that the human wore were breasts, which were similar to mine. They also had a high pitched voice, gentle features, and long locks of hair spilling from their disheveled cap. "You're not a male sailors are you? You're a tom. A lady disguised as a man"

"That obvious? But yes. You're correct. That's why I'm not affected by your siren song. Because I'm a girl." She explained. I was curious about why she was here.

"Why are you here if you're not affected. What purpose do you have for coming here? And what is your name?" I questioned. This human reminded me of someone I had met years ago.

"My name is Mary Bonny-Rackham. I came here looking for freedom and safety. I've been sailing for years trying to follow the path my mother, aunt, and father set for me. My mother was Anne Bonny, my father Calico Jack Rackham, and my aunt was Mary Read. My father and aunt died and my mom escaped and had me. She took us to safety in a foreign country. But now I am grown and wanted to sail and learn who I am. However, my ship wrecked and I landed here. I was looking for help." She explained. I smiled.

"I knew your mum. She came to my island on her voyage. She's infamous in the oceans. What help do you require and what is my payment?" I asked. She smiled.

"I require passage and your power. My goal is freedom. I seek to go to the new colonies or the Isle of Sirens. I hear it's a place of dreams and freedom. Your pay is my companionship. I may be immune to your song, but I am like my mother and not immune to a woman's beauty. So is it a deal?" She questioned. I smiled. I had wanted love for as long as I could remember and I wanted to go home to the Isle that my people came from.

"Deal. But we must seal it with the Siren's Kiss. You will give me your heart." I countered. She nodded.

"I am willing to give my heart to a creature as lovely as you. Seal it. You own my heart." She agreed. With a wicked grin we shared a kiss with a deal on our minds. The sailor grew a tail and became like me. I smiled and felt adrenaline at having a mate.