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WeirdArtistTiefling t1_iv7fmaj wrote

The Dark One stared in abject horror, unsure how to proceed. To have watched such a young boy practically break his lower jaw apart just for three brown, sentient 𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘴 crawl out from his throat... even the Dark One was scared.

"Well?! Aren't you going to do something," one of the trench coats asked.

"I believe he is in shock, brother," another replied.

"Then we shall kill him where he stands," the third proclaimed.

The third charged towards the Dark One, but before he could reach the evil man, he held up his hand and the three coats froze in place.

"Yeah... I need to take five," the Dark One informed them. "This is just... so, so wrong on so many levels."

"Face us now, you coward," the first coat shouted.

Rather than respond, the Dark One just walked off, ignoring the threats and comments made by three trench coats.

How were they even alive? How did they work? He was supposed to be a master at the magical arts, and yet here stood these monstrosities, and he had no clue as to what made these things. And how did they manage to disguise themselves as a human child?

For the first time in almost three millenia, the Dark One was confused, and truly disturbed.


MolhCD t1_iv7xpgd wrote

so am i tbh

how tf did OP come up with this prompt lmao


Autoskp t1_iv86swg wrote

I suspect they may have been inspired.


SourCynic t1_iv9atef wrote

Honestly, that's the first thing I thought of when I read the prompt. Makes total sense if that's where it came from.


KyrieTrin t1_iv9bguz wrote

It gives me massive Improbable Island vibes, like the Baby Dingo Eating Baby lol.


tb2571989 t1_ivzku66 wrote

Both the prompt and this reply made me laugh more than it should have done.