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TheDayOfTheDucks t1_ixrumql wrote

I burst out of the car in a state of panic. I stare in disbelief at the 'Closed' sign hung on the door. I look up at the dark red sky, coughing at the stifling, rancid air. THIS IS NO HURRICANE! Suddenly, there is a noise behind me. I spin around, and am horrified at the sight of a mangled, deformed humanoid with a dozen arms. It lets out an animalistic screech. I run, terrified and utterly confused. The creature lets out another horrific screech, and I begin to run faster, but I stop at the sight of more of these things. I step back, and my foot touches something warm and slightly... sticky? I look back, revealing that what I had stepped in had been the blood of a police officer who had gotten their throat torn out. Though this sight was also extremely horrifying, right now I only had survival on my mind, so I snatched up his gun. It was surprisingly heavy, and I struggled to aim it at the approaching creatures. I fired once, twice, into one of them, but it seemingly had no effect. My arms sore from my first two shots, I lowered the gun and glanced around, at a loss of what to do. I took a step back, over the corpse of the police officer. I heard more cries of animalistic rage and hunger behind me, and knew that I was surrounded. It seemed.. I had no choice. I began to cry as I placed the muzzle of the gun on the roof of my mouth. I looked around at what was left of everything. I squeezed the trigger of the gun.



^(And everything went black.)


ImpressiveVideo3823 OP t1_ixrv6mp wrote

Jesus Christ! Love the apocalyptic twist...makes sense, though. That's the only thing a Waffle House would close for.


TheDayOfTheDucks t1_ixsipoy wrote

thanks! that was my first story on this subreddit, so i was actually really worried people wouldnt like it lol