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embasdad t1_ixmf6x2 wrote

Sitting in the bushes, I unblinkly stared at the dirt road in front of me. I don’t want to miss a second of what's about to happen. All of my hard work for the past month is going to finally pay off.

In the distance, I saw a flash of familiar brown hair. My heart starts pounding as I see the hair come closer and closer. My enemy finally comes into full view but something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong. “Oh no,” I audibly said.

I hurriedly moved out of the bushes to disengage my trap. I started to sprint, but it was too late. The trap is engaged. I walked into the road and looked into the trees, I saw the brown-haired man that was my target hanging by his leg in the tree. Next to him in the tree is a child.

“What the hell, man,” said Frank, my mortal enemy.

“You never have a kid with you when you come this way!” I yelled back at him.

“His mom is out of town,” Frank said, holding his child as they swung from the tree.

“You should have got a babysitter,” I said, rapidly thinking of my next move.

“Money is tight right now.” Frank said, as he and his child were now spinning in circles. “Can you let us down?”

“No, I worked hard on this,” I said, trying to figure out any other way to handle this situation. “Maybe I can just let the kid down.”

“You can’t let a kid run around unattended,” Frank said. I started to pace.

Frank is right, I can’t let a kid walk around unattended. I’m not a monster.

“If I let you down, will you promise to walk in the same spot tomorrow?”

“His mom doesn’t get home until Wednesday.”

“What about Thursday? Can you walk the same path on Thursday?” I said hopefully.

“I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, how about Friday?” Frank said back.

I thought about it for a second and that worked for me. “Friday works for me!” I said as I walked over to the tree the rope was tied to and let the two down. I walked over to Frank and we shook hands.

“See you Friday,” Said Frank as he started to walk away with his child.

“Not if I see you first,” I said back as I walked back to gather my trap so that I would be able to use it again on Friday.


Crystal1501 OP t1_ixmib91 wrote

Love this! Clearly a frenemies relationship between the two!


Tricky_Appearance_66 t1_ixmgz4n wrote

I stood back, admiring my creation. A motion-sensitive device, that shot anti-magic metal rope around the target. I would kill that damn detective, no matter what. Something always got in the way before, but now now. I hid around the corner, waiting. But when Detective Slaton arrived, he had... a child with him?!

A fucking child?! Who the hell does he think he is? Shit. Before I could even react, they activated the device's motion sensor, and the metal rope shot out, and wrapped around them so tightly that the both fell the the ground. Seeing that kid on the ground crying made me feel bad, a little bit. I turned the corner, showing myself to the detective.

"Slaton. I can't tell you in words how fucked up you have to be to bring a kid with you when you're trying to catch someone like me." I scolded, hands on my hips, giving him a disappointed look through my mask as he lie on the ground. He shrugged.

"Thought you'd have a change of heart." He said. This asshat tried to guilt trip me with a child? What an asshole. I crouched down to he more on his level.

"I'll cut you a deal. I let you two live, and in return, I give you my name. Fair?" I said, not wanting to have to kill a kid today. He thought for a moment.

He nodded.

"Fine, just don't hurt the kid." He said. I'm not going to give him my real name for my sake, but I'll give him fake one.

"My name is Suyeung Han. S-u-y-e-u-n-g H-a-n is how you spell it. I'm the Jericho Killer. You can call me by either name. But I'm going to leave now. And for your sake, I hope you make it out before the train comes. We're on a train track, after all." I said, walking away as they struggled to get out of their bindings, and as I left I could've sworn I heard the kid crying. That's for guilt tripping me.

Until next time, Detective Slaton.


Crystal1501 OP t1_ixmignr wrote

Wait... were they REALLY on a train track?


Tricky_Appearance_66 t1_ixmj44s wrote

Yeah. She didn't expect there to be a child with him, and she likes killing people creatively, so death by train seemed like a cool idea. Sucks to be the kid I guess.


Crystal1501 OP t1_ixmqxfo wrote

Thought he wasn't going to kill the kid though...


lousycamper t1_ixpnnbq wrote

[Swearing, depressive thoughts, graphic depiction of death]

The devices were positioned. The calculations were made. I hid in the shadow of the nearby cellar, waiting.

Soon, he would be here. There are none of his henchmen left. None of his kin, none of his order... Just like there are none of mine, and those who could pass as one, anymore. None, except for me. Well, that's a real shame, that I decided to return the favor, isn't it?

I scowl at the thought, almost thirsty for blood. Almost as thirsty as Gary was, Gods above and below have mercy on poor lass soul.

Makes me wonder, whichever God the hunters end up with, and hope, that it will be the worst one. Because they do deserve the afterlife of torment and suffering after what they did. They as a whole, and their so-called "Shadow Company" specifically. After what they did to recieve that name... No, simply burning in their so-called Hell doesn't even begin to be enough.

The alley was silent. But I had plenty of time. It was clear as day, that he has no other option, but to get here. The bait was too tempting for him not to take. He will be here, one or the other way. There is no one for him to check it out anymore, no one to disarm the trap, or to report if their mission goes poorly. And there's nowhere for him to run and hide anymore. Even if he doesn't come, I still have plenty of opportunities to strike and targets to pick from... Although, that isn't ideal in the slightest.

But hell, if there is something I owe him, it is the death of the family. My family. Both of them.

Kate. Kyle. Then, Gary. Then, John. Then, Yurij. Nikolaj is also probably dead by now. The only one of them, who can't die, is Simon, but his and Gary's encounter with hunters left the dullahan shattered to pieces and clinging to Sanders's unmoving body like to a lifeline. To me, it's a fate far worse than death, because whoever is going to rise from that wreckage... He won't be Simon Riley anyone used to know.

Simon told me, that there is a way to kill him, make no mistake. It's just... I don't have neither heart nor means to get the man, who I long considered my friend, death that he so craves. Even if I know, that at this point it would probably be relieving for him. Maybe I'm selfish, maybe I'm a fool... I don't know myself anymore.

My musings are interrupted by sound of steps that echo through the alley. Instantly brings me back to reality and makes me focus. I peek out of my hiding spot ever so slightly, feeling where the two shadows are approaching from...

Wait a second...

Oh, bloody son of a-

He comes slowly, and I see him well in the night. I see him, and I feel the shadow he casts. He, a gun in his hand, and a little – can't be any more than nine, – crying girl, that he tightly holds by shoulder, preventing her escape and pointing a gun to her head.

I grit my teeth. That bloody son of a goddamn Abyss can't even once leave ordinary people out of it!

— Price! — He shouts, easily muffling the girl's cries and looking around the alley. — Come the fuck out, you lurking bastard! I know you can hear me!

But before he can do anything, he comes to a marked point. And there, my trap unsprings.

I watch, as an all-familiar metallic net shoots from above at them full-speed. Reflectory, noticing the motion, he raises the gun at it ever so slightly above girl's head and pulls the trigger, trying to shoot it. But then, the net is upon them, knocking the weapon out of his hand and pinning them both to the ground.

I finally come out of my hiding spot, re-manifesting from the shadows. The grinder-net controls are in my hands, and I'm very lucky I didn't push the button yet. He writhes under the net, trying to break free, or to get a gun that lies on the asphalt a little beyond his reach, and tries even more to do so when he finally spots me in the darkness of the alley.

I simply come closer and kick his hand, sending the gun flying and making him hiss in pain. Probably broken his fingers, that would be nice.

— As pathetic as ever, Shepherd. — I finally talk, sparing him a glance, and then turn to girl, that lies on the ground. She looks at me, scared, as I reach through the net to check if she is alright and doesn't have any injuries. Physical, at least.

— You're the one to talk, shadow-scum! — Shepherd tries to twist himself to face me fully, but fails, net securing him in place, his back to me. The only thing he can do, is turn his head and spit insults. There's also a knife sheathed on his side, which he can probably use if he wants, but I don't see anything for him to do with it. Maybe, he could stab the girl, but he's not that stupid.

— I might be, but it's not me who holds kids hostage.

I retort, not finding any injuries on a girl, who still looks at me wide-eyed with fear. Well, I suppose, if you see a giant lumberjack-looking man in dark clothes and a "weird" panama, that does little to nothing to cover his glowing nearly white eyes, you would be afraid, if you were an average human. Not that I know.

— Well, you never hesitated to define the new low. Shouldn't be surprised... — I notice, thinking.

— Oh spare me your high horse act, you hypocrite!.. — Shepherd fumes, but I don't bother myself aswering, or listening. I have more pressing matter at hand.

What should I do now? As soon as grinder-net clasps on someone, there's no escape. In this situation, it already had planted itself into concrete, pinning it's captives with it. There's no failsafe or cutting your way through it either. It's made from demicrete, and that makes it impossible to wriggle out, if you're not made of goo... Or shadows.

Also, it has a one-minute timer. That means, if I don't press a button in a minute, the net activates on itself and both my greatest enemy and his hostage will be mince.

Abyssal fuckerty.

— Hey. — I opt to ignore Shepherd's flow of insults, turning my attention to the girl again, looking directly in her green and wide eyes with, what I thought, was reassurance. — How did you end up here?

— U-uncle told me, he would hurt me... Or Tom, if one of us don't go. — She sniffed, trying to blink away tears. I smiled slightly to reassure her, although somewhere deep inside wanted nothing but to kill Shepherd in the most painful way. Not only he dragged a kid with him, but it was his own niece!

— What's your name?

— Annie...

— Say, Annie. If I promise, that your uncle will never hurt you, or Tom, again. Do you want to get out of here?

She nods ever so slightly, even though she shakes, when Shepherd... Her uncle begins twitching more violently and swearing more colourfully, than before. I opt to promptly kick the asshole in the kidneys. While he doubles on himself, coughing and hacking, too busy keeping his guts inside, I ask the girl, Annie, again, my hand hovering over hers. The next question is ancient, formal and ceremonial even.

— Would you like to walk a path of shadow?

(Pt. 1/2), crossposted on my subreddit, where you can also read the rest of the series as it appears


lousycamper t1_ixpnnuk wrote

She is scared, but she's a quick thinker. She nods.

I take her hand in mine, although it is transparent right now. Ignoring the shouts coming from the former Hunter-general, I sense her. I feel the hand of the other similarly transparent being. The agreement making this a lot easier.

I pull. And the dark sillouette of a girl leaves the net and her body behind. I pull her closer to me, hugging her tightly, grounding, not letting go. Annie screams at first, in unison with her uncle, but then falls to silence. The tides of Abyss release her slowly, allowing the sillouette to gain colors, to gain consciousness, as the last of the timer's seconds go away.

With a quiet click, the grinder-net springs to life, tightening around it's hold with a mechanical whurr. Shepherd screams, as the metal wires cut through him and the body of his niece.

I pat Annie at the head, holding her gently, yet forcing not to look at where her uncle screams, struggling against the tightening net. It is not a sight for her yet to see, as a man is cut into bleeding pieces of meat and bones by machinery. Not yet, and if she's lucky enough – never.

We make eye contact one last time, me and Shepherd. His face a furious mess. But I say nothing to him. I only hold Annie a bit tighter, whispering to her quietly.

— It's okay. He will never hurt you again. He will never hurt anyone again. I promise.

(Pt. 2/2), crossposted on my subreddit where you can read the rest of the series as it appears


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