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TenSphere901 t1_ixtdtzt wrote

I sighed as we pulled up the long, winding drive. I had been dreading this for ages, but it had to happen someday. Grandpa always has been the type to make sure everything his kin do passes inspection. This time, however, was different. Grandpa, the most prominent monster hunter of his day, famed for taking out an Arch-Demon bare handed, was going to be meeting my fiancé.

We'd met at a random dive bar in the... less savory part of the city three years ago. I had just lost my dead-end job, so money was tight. I decided to drink my sorrows away at the cheapest place my phone knew of, and ended up in that hole. I walked into the bar too pissed to notice that every single eye in the place snapped to me as soon as the door opened. I sat down at the bar and ordered the strongest drink I could see on the shelf behind the bartender. He gave me a shot, and I slammed it, waving for a second.

Then I did a double take. Some of the drinks on the shelf were... strange, to say the least. One tall, thin vial held some kind of bubbling green fluid, while another, much stockier bottle contained what looked like tar. There were a couple gallon cans of paint, and an ice cream bucket filled with a viscous crimson substance that I prayed wasn't blood.

Someone cleared their throat beside me. I whirled around, startled. It was a woman, tall and pale, with jet-black hair and a presence of sorts that was all kinds of intimidating. She nodded to the bartender,

"One Bloody Mary please, night special."

The thin, wiry man set to work, and I watched his movements, trying not to acknowledge the woman beside me.

"Scared, human?" she purred coyly, "You should be."

The comment was strange, and I stared at her for a few moments, then took another shot of liquid courage. Suddenly, she seemed less intimidating, more hot. Man, whatever that drink had in it worked wonders. I was distracted when the bartender smacked down the woman's Bloody Mary, and she grinned, exposing terrifyingly long canine teeth. She turned, picking up her drink, and put her lips to it. The thing was, I could still see her teeth, especially those canines. Eventually, she got to the bottom of the glass, and that's when I put the pieces together.

A bar with strange drinks, where everyone stared at me like I was an outsider, even though almost everyone in there looked the same, a woman with pale skin and long canines who drinks Bloody Marys and calls me human. I was smack dab in the middle of a fabled 'Supernatural Station', a chain of crappy bars that catered to the monsters my grandfather hunted, and a place where said monsters did business.


TenSphere901 t1_ixtdw23 wrote

Will probably finish later, it is currently far too late at night.


aargames OP t1_ixtlvqd wrote

Nice Intro, please continue when you can


VegenChicken t1_ixv0sbb wrote

"Congrats kiddo, I can't put into words how happy I am."

Grandpa's words felt like a bomb shell on the dining table.

I swear to god you should have looked at my cousin's face when he heard that. Even his then girlfriend now wife had her mouth open wide. I could even see her fangs.

His parents weren't any less surprised either. I know my uncle was ready to fight his old man if he tried to pull anything funny.

But me? I knew. Hell I trained under that man.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Grandpa raised a toast and then proceeded to slice into his steak.

"So you aren't against this-??"

My cousin asked, his words felt flat in the end. Maybe due to sheer disbelief or perhaps excitement.

"No. why would I?"

"Weren't you a monster hunter back in your day?"

Grandpa's knife stopped half way into his medium rare.

He raised an eyebrow at my cousin before completing this cut and placing the meat into his mouth.

"I still am, kid."

"Then why?"

He looked at me and grimaced.

I grimaced back.

I knew what was coming.

He just got the best possible chance to say his favourite catchphrase. So I joined him as we said it out loud together.

"We hunt monsters."


jardanovic t1_ixwwkyx wrote

"Uh, everyone? Could we have your attention for a minute?"

My family took a break from chowing down on Aunt Denise's signature buttermilk pie to look over at me and Lana. Instantly, my confidence shriveled up and I thought about backpedaling when Lana rested her hand on my shoulder. "I'm right here, Michelle. You can do this."

I took a deep breath and faced my assembled family again to say, "Lana and I need to tell you something--"

"Are you engaged?"

Half of the room turned to face my cousin Horatio, who rolled his eyes and fired back, "Oh come on, you know what they're like. The first time Michelle brought Lana around, I thought they were married already."

Lana coughed. "Well, yes, but--"

A chorus of congratulations and squeals of excitement drowned out the both of us. As Lana tried to get a word in, I groaned and let out a shrill whistle. As my family finally stopped talking, I said, "That's only part of the announcement. The other part is...well, this."

Lana and I nodded at each other before closing our eyes. I felt my body change, black fur growing out across my body and my skeleton changing shape. When I opened my eyes again, I was a seven foot tall werewolf and Lana had turned into a little black bat that was currently sitting on my shoulder. I smiled sheepishly at my family, who had been stunned into silence, and remarked, "I got turned into a werewolf about a month ago and Lana's a vampire."

My grandpa got out of his recliner and walked over to us with a stern expression on his face. My heart raced at the thought of my grandpa turning against me. He looked me right in the eye and let out a long, frustrated groan. "Do you have any idea how much money you just cost me?"

I tilted my head in confusion. "What??"

Suddenly, my dad let out a triumphant cackle and interjected, "Time to pay up, pop!"

My grandpa grumpily handed my dad a couple hundred dollars before saying to me, "I swore up and down that you'd end up with a demon, your old man said it'd be a vampire. Lo and behold, he got it right."

Lana fluttered off of my shoulder and onto my muzzle. "So, you're...not angry or whatever?"

My grandpa shrugged. "I got out of the monster huntin' vocation a lifetime ago. And even if I wasn't, it ain't my business who my granddaughter falls in love with. Even when it costs me money. Now get yourself some pie and start telling us how y'all popped the question."

I pulled my grandpa into a bear hug and said, "Thanks grandpa."

"Of course, pumpkin. Now tell us the proposal story already, damnit."


aargames OP t1_ixxdvqp wrote

Great job addressing the monster hunter part of the story. When you mentioned money, I thought he was going to hunt her rolf


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