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alexgibbs11 t1_iy9opsh wrote

As Adrunaline i'm able to process faster than most, i mean my whole thing is being fast.

But no amount of decelerated time can help me process that the Cold Queen had a kid. And such a sweet kid too.

"Mommy" said young tim as he ran to his mom.

"Hey baby! How was school?" She said just not acknowledging me existence

"Mr Adriane stay by to help me with my math homework." The little guy stuttered

"Oh really and who is..." she was almost as stunned to see me out of costume as i was seeing her. "Honey can you go wait in the car?" She then asked her little one.

As he ran towards the car she stared with an glare colder than any ice powers she had.

"Does he know?" I calmly asked.

"No, he doesn't he goes to bed at 7, even then he's a kid he's not gonna watch the news." She stated.

"This explains the lack of crimes, and you being more careful."

"If you touch him-"

"I'll hang up my spandex and turn myself in," at this moment my watch started beeping, i checked it. Of course, bank robbery 12th Avenue. "Look if you want me to i'll be happy to tutor, but right now i gotta start my night job."

After that i just ran, only stipping to get on my costume, and rushed to 12th Avenue.


KarmicWhim t1_iy9sv61 wrote

You're fine, keep it how it is as it makes more sense. Having said that, it would have been funny if both their watches beeped at the same time. The implication being that every single superhero and villain starts at the exact same time, them treating the job part of "night job" literally.


Freebirde777 t1_iya532g wrote

That's one of the perks of being a villain, you get to set your hours. Downside is some of the people you have to put up with, villains and heroes alike. It's better when you get to select and train your own minions.


alexgibbs11 t1_iyauqib wrote

Actually i was using the trope of "Device that tell Hero when and where crime is to stop it" more so then imply that Heros and Villains start at exact times, well villians do but not most Heros


CircularRobert t1_iybsll3 wrote

Would have been funny if her watch also beeped, and when he said bank robbery on 12th Street, she replied "what a coincidence, me too".


somebrookdlyn t1_iybxhws wrote

I can imagine this being the start of things deescalating between them.


Crystal1501 t1_iy937xj wrote

"DAAAAAAAAAAD!" Ian runs up excitedly to his father, who gives his hair a good ruffle.

"Hey, kiddo! It's good to see you!" the dad says, smiling warmly.

Ian lets go of his father. "We gonna play games? Watch films? I miss you!"

"I miss you a lot too, ya rascal. Now, wait inside the car, I need to talk to Mrs. Leaves. I won't be long." The father opens the door for Ian, and when he's in shuts it. He looks at me and walks over. "Hey, Airlight" he says. "Didn't realise you were teaching my son. Does he give you trouble?"

"He's such a sweetheart actually. How did he come from YOU, Darkshade?" I smirk, and he chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess I don't leave you with a great impression." His face falls.

I soften my look. Something is clearly going on. "Does Ian know? Your wife?"

Darkshade glares at me. "Maria's gone. Remember when I was silent for a few years? That was thanks to her. She made me better. When she was killed, however... I don't know, I snapped. Ian was only three months old. I didn't know what to do. Happy now?"

I shake my head. "Not in the slightest. So with just you raising Ian..."

"I know what you're thinking. My day job and nightly crime sprees keep me so busy my neighbour watches Ian constantly. I tell her it's because I have a 'night job'." He looks away.

I raise an eyebrow. "Night job, huh? You're a murderer."

"I know" Darkshade growls. "My former buddies told me they'd pay well, and they do."

It all clicks in that one moment. "You're a grieving man raising a child by yourself who used to be a villain. You're broken."

In that moment, Darkshade collapses. "When I met her, I told myself I'd NEVER go back to my old life. She knew EVERYTHING about me, yet CHOSE to be with me! What would she think of me?"

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" I ask gently.

"I was afraid, but more than that, I didn't want you to know I was dead. I'm basically nothing now..." He stares at the ground, tears streaming down his face.

A little hand touches his shoulder. "Dad? Why are you crying?"

I blink. I have no clue what to do... I have to fulfil my duty to the citizens... but I can't tear apart an already broken family...

An idea forms in my head. "He confessed to me that he only had time today literally just to pick you up. His job is sending him on a work trip, he doesn't know how long he'll be gone for, but he doesn't want to abandon you."

Darkshade looks at me, and I give him a wink. Ian seems sad, but nods. "Ok..." he looks at Darkshade. "Dad, it's ok, I know your job is important. I'll be fine."

He looks at his son, and gives him a big hug. "I'm sorry. I promise things won't be like this forever. You can stay at Mrs. Leave's place for now."

My eyes widen. "I'll check with the principal..." I whip my phone out. I'm NOT getting fired! I mean, I'll help Ian, but I won't have a bad reputation involving children, of all things! As I confer with my boss, I overhear Darkshade and Ian talking. I get the all-clear from the principal and tell Ian to wait at the school entrance for me. I look at Darkshade. "Ok, you know full-well I didn't cover for you just because I feel sorry for you. You're getting help. Go to Starshine Mental Institution, they have a good reputation for helping people not quite insane, normally the last step for someone recovering from difficulties. They'll refuse to take you in, tell them I sent you, I'll get a call and confirm with them. Just remember: you step out of line, they won't hesitate to throw your ass into maximum security. You'll never see your son again. Believe me when I say I don't want that."

Darkshade stands up and nods. "So for what purpose am I there instead of minimum security or something?"

I laugh. "You think ANYONE would trust you in MINIMUM SECURITY? Listen, you'll have therapists to talk to. It's a good place for a person to get their life together. I'll come by once a week, ok?" I smile reassuringly.

Darkshade sighs. "Ok. But if anyone asks, I was captured and deemed insane. Only us and the people at the institute are to know the truth. Keep Ian away from the news, he does like watching it but I can't risk him finding out what his father was... what he is..." he gets in his car and drives off.

I turn... and Ian is right behind me, a look of concern on his face. "I do really like the news..."

I bend down and hug him. "Ian, you weren't supposed to know..."

"I know, but I got bored. I'm sorry, Mrs. Leaves. But dad isn't a bad person, is he?" he stares at me with big eyes.

I look towards the road, and my phone rings. The institute. Dang, Darkshade was fast! But... he kept his promise...

I smile. "Not at all. Come on." I take Ian's hand as I answer the phone.


Thank you for reading! More stories here!


AichSmize t1_iy9wv37 wrote

Good one. I do have one nitpick, though. Principle vs Principal.

The principle of the matter is...

The principal of the school is...


Crystal1501 t1_iy9xnad wrote

I'm British. One word which always confuses me is 'center' and 'centre'. Appreciate the reply though! And I'm glad you liked it!


AichSmize t1_iya7gnx wrote

Hi /u/Crystal1501, unlike principal vs principle, 'center' and 'centre' mean the same. The difference is American vs British spelling, just like recognize vs recognise or labor vs labour.


Crystal1501 t1_iya7ozp wrote

Just saying some words just trip me haha. I mean, we don't have a principal in the UK to my knowledge.


Futatossout t1_iyd7jle wrote

Headmaster or Dean would probably be equivalent.


bloflorn t1_iyanm2r wrote

Close, but technically untrue by my understanding. I believe center is like the center of a circle, meaning the middle, whereas centre is like a building or place, as in a Mental Health Centre. Typical speaking, you're right with the British v. American spellings though when we switch a letter or two around or add/subtract, that's usually all it is. Like with Grey and Gray, or Color and Colour.


Philosopher_1234 t1_iy9tjpl wrote

I walked little Suzy out to her parents car. I've been her teacher all year and haven't met her mom yet. She has missed every parent teacher conference. Only responds by email, usually late at night. So there's always a delay in communication. Which is ok. I'm up late. Being one of the big 3 heroes means a lot of late nights, being a teacher means a lot of late nights. I basically don't sleep much.

"Moooom!" Yells Suzy as she goes running across the parking lot. At this point all I knew about Suzy home life was that she had a single mom that works a lot. Suzy, unlike most of my kids, doesn't talk about home much. Usually that's a sign of trouble at home but I don't get that feeling from Suzy.

"Hi Ms. Patterson, I'm Ms. Jones" I say while walking up to the car. I gotta keep it brief, Mrs Fantastic is needed in the city tonight. There are rumors that the Dark Queen is planning a bank robbery.

Suzy's mom looks up and I see her, for the first time I'm meeting her mom and I immediately recognize her. Her mom is the Dark Queen. "Oh shit" I whisper.

"Hi Ms Jones, so nice to meet you. Suzy, you didn't tell me how pretty Ms Jones is "

Is she really flirting with me right now? OMG

"Thank you." I don't know what else to say. Yes she's attractive, I've always thought that of the Dark Queen but she's literally the leader of the Knights of Chaos. The reason we're always so busy at night.

"Suzy honey go ahead and get in the car. I want a quick minute with Ms Jones"

Suzy jumped in the car without a word.

"How about coffee tonight Ms Jones or should I say Fantastic?"

"Coffee? Really? You're asking me on a date? You of all people know I have work tonight. "

"True but if I'm having coffee with you, then there's no reason for you to work tonight. You know exactly where I am at"

It made sense. So I agreed.

That was five years ago. Now I'm the Light Queen. The heroes all answer to me. The criminals all answer to my wife. Murders are down 90%, the city is safer than ever, and only one news anchor ever questions why I can't seem to stop the Dark Queen. Of course we laugh about it after our battles, when we're home with our little Suzy.


Fontaigne t1_iycffdw wrote

Nice. I'll buy it, because "murder down 90%" sells it.


FearMeImmortals t1_iyakcgx wrote

"Alright, Anthony. Have a good-"

I pause as I stare at his 'parents' car, blinking a couple of times to make sure I'm not seeing things. But with a man capable of mind manipulation, I could be seeing anything.

"Anthony, is that your dad?"

"..yeah?" Anthony shrugs, "Why are you being so weird about it?"

"Sorry, sorry. He's just not who I expected," I think of an excuse rather quickly, "You two hardly look alike. I'd like to talk to him, though. About school."

"Really?" He sighs, then nods, "Sure, whatever."

We both start walking over to the car, and that goddamned man looks over at us, smug look on his face. I could swear I saw shock, even if for only a moment, but he hides it well.

"Thanks for the tutoring, Aldine." Anthony says as he gets in the backseat, immediately kicking his feet up and going on his phone.

I nod in appreciation, then look at him.

El Villano.

While his name is simple, his personality and powers are anything but. My sworn nemesis, the man who attempts to end our city nearly every week.

And he's the father of one of my students.

Just as he's opening the door and getting in, I put my hand on the door, extremely cautiously. "Actually, sir, I was hoping I could speak to you about Anthony for a bit."

He looks me up and down, then smirks as he gets back out and closes the door. "Sure thing, Aldine."

His voice drips with poison; metaphorically, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if literally either. I force a smile and motion for him to come with me, and we start walking towards the school together.

As we walk, I watch him warily. He doesn't seem to care that I'm here - does he even know who I am? Of course he does, there's no way he doesn't. Why is he acting so calm?

"So, you let your students not use 'Mr'?" He asks in that all too familiar arrogant tone, "Have you lost all self respect?"

"Shut the hell up." I mutter quietly, and he just laughs.

We walk in silence until we finally get into the building, and as I close the door behind us I turn to him. "Who is Anthony's real father? This has to be some kind of... of mind trick! What'd you do to his parents, huh?"

"Relax, I'm his dad." Villano has the nerve to laugh even more, "Is it so hard to believe everyone has a personal life outside of work?"

"You don't do work, you do borderline terrorism-!"

"And that means I can't have a kid?"

"Yes!" I sigh, furrowing my eyebrows, "What's your plan? Were you going to us Anthony against me? Make him my favourite student, then... then kill me or something?!"

"Christ, I'm not playing mind tricks on you! Can you for one second wrap your head around that?"

I pause for a moment, then sigh again, pinching the bridge of my nose, "So he's really your son?"

"Yes." Villano pauses for a second, glancing through the door window at his car, then back at me. "You're really a teacher here? I mean, I knew you'd have a boring job, but not this boring."

"It's not boring. I get to help just as many people here as I do otherwise." I whisper yell at him, sighing, "Listen. I'm sorry that I... wrongly assumed you weren't Anthony's dad. I..."

Villano grins, nodding, "Yes, go on."

"I made a damn mistake, alright? Just... let's keep this as professional as possible." I sigh and lean against the wall, glaring as hard as I can at him.

He takes a deep breath in, then chuckles, "No can do, my dearest enemy. I think we might be able to benefit each other instead."

"No. I'm putting my foot down; professional, personal, and heroic life all stay different."

"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast." Villano smiles widely, "You might miss out on something you want to hear. You see, Anthony is currently failing one of his classes. Maybe if he were to start passing by the end of the quarter, I wouldn't bomb city hall."

"You're planning to-?!" I stop myself, exhaling, "Okay, listen. I only teach English. Anthony is failing math. I can't-"

"Better start learning, then." Villano leans towards me, and I suddenly feel dizzy, "Tik, tok. Tik... tok."

I blink, and the dizziness fades, along with him. I hurriedly look out the door, and he's already driving away with Anthony. I sigh, thinking to myself, how could I possibly deal with this?

Before I even realise it, I'm in front of one of my colleagues classrooms. I grimace to myself, then put on a happy smile as I open the door and lean on the frame.

"Hey, Brad - can I borrow one of your math books?"


This was so incredibly fun to write. Thanks for the prompt OP! This was written on mobile so apologies for any misspellings :) hope you enjoy!


WIHachillies t1_iy9byl7 wrote

Nox was an English teacher at Inanoi Middle School and was currently tutoring one of their favorite kids. She was always well-behaved in class, always getting student of the month. Her name is Nay. Pointing out something was wrong with her essay, "You forgot your period again." It was a simple mistake, but she quickly corrected it. Nay subconsciously picked up her phone. Nox went to ask to put it down. Then she quickly started packing up her stuff.

"Thank you, Mx. Nox! My mom is here!" The girl cheered as she packed up all her papers.

"I'll walk you to the door to see you off." They cooed and playfully ruffled the kid's hair.

Amber whined about her hair being messed up but skipped towards the door and opened it, beckoning her teacher to follow. Nox followed, giggling softly as they made their way to the front of the school. Amber was rambling about her day but wasn't paying much attention. They were thinking about going on patrol soon and, hopefully; they don't run into their nemesis. It's so annoying to deal with their teasing and flirting, making them feel these stupid emotions. They shook their head trying to get rid of the thought of their nemesis. Amber rubbed against Nox's leg trying to grab their attention. "My mom is here!"

Paying attention, Nox looked down and then up to see someone that she was at least expecting. That damn Nemesis has a kid, and that kid is my student. Some petty revenge won't hurt anyone, right? "Hey Amber, is it okay I meet your mom?" Nox asked gently.

Amber looked up and tilted her head, raising one of her eyebrows curiously. Shrugging her shoulders, she kept skipping along until she arrived in front of her mom. "Hey, Mom! Meet Mx. Nox. This is my teacher." Her tone was cheerful.

Her mom looked at Nox, raising her hand to shake before examining their frame. "Oh!" A small grin appeared on her face, "Mx. Nox? I see, you didn't tell me you have such a beautiful teacher." Seductive tone almost immediate.

Nox didn't want to stand for this for once. "Amber, I didn't know you had such a pretty mom." Giggling a little.

The mom flushed wasn't expecting such a comment and shot Nox a soft glare before shoving her kid in the car. "Let's go, Amber! I have work to do." She cackled as she got in and rode off.


Astro_Venatas t1_iy9wjcx wrote

Non binary teacher is cool


WIHachillies t1_iy9wo5r wrote

trying to get representation for as many as i can when I write


Astro_Venatas t1_iya21ju wrote

I should to. But I don’t write enough. But I did make a lesbian character the other day.


thundergun661 t1_iya67f1 wrote

Her name was Nay then it was Amber im confused

Is she going by a different name and not telling the mom yet?


WIHachillies t1_iyakq2f wrote

ah yeah !! i had the idea midway through. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear


Fontaigne t1_iycg6wr wrote

Okay, some pronoun confusion at the start. "Their" could have been "Inanoi Middle school's", and "she" would reference Nox. If you reorder it a bit, you can eliminate that kathunk.

Something on the order of

>Nox watched Nay as she blah blah.

However, two characters with three letter non-gendered names in a single paragraph is an unnecessary barrier to the reader for a flash story. Ah, looks like you changed to Amber and missed the first paragraph?

>playfully ruffled

Nope nope nope. Teachers do not touch kids.

>rubbed against her leg

WTF. Your "hero" is a molester? And has convinced the kid to change her name?



WIHachillies t1_iycolsr wrote

Thank you for your critique !! I was kinda out of it I was writing mostly, I was working on some homework but that's no excuse !!

I wasn't thinking of Nox being a molester. And that wasn't a reason why Nox convinced to change her name, There was another reason that haven't been revealed yet. I asked a couple of my friends and they said it's okay for teachers to touch kids as long as it isn't like that. I imagined as it as playfully ruffling. But i understand, I'll rewrite it :))


MaryMary8249 t1_iy9w4gn wrote

"Hi there. Are you Dora's father?"

"Yes. I am."

The voice shocked me. I recognized it but couldn't place it. And then, I realized, it was the voice of Whirlpool. Whirlpool was my nemesis, a man with a tragic backstory, a villain who became a supervillain after his wife died in a villain plot gone wrong. I couldn't sympathize with him, much, but I didn't know he had a child.

I hoped he didn't recognize me. I used a voice modifier in my suit. I could only hope that it worked.

"Daddy! Miss Kitty taught me about -- about -- " Dora struggled to pronounce "somersaulting".

"Kitty? You call her by her first name?" he asked, picking up his 4-year-old daughter.

"I'm an assistant teacher. It's technically only a part time position. Besides, it's a Gym School, you really expected her to call everyone like it's Eton and Cambridge?" Darn it. Using my knowledge of the latest incident! And, with her calling me "Kitty", who knew. He might guess that I was Kitty the superhero.

"I'm dropping you off at grandma's, okay? Daddy has something this evening."

He climbed into the car. Hopefully he was none the wiser.

Before my date, I hoped to work on trying to solve the identity of someone known only as The Mercenary. They transmitted information from heroes to villains (and vice versa). I was stuck. I decided to freshen up. My sister had set me up with a colleague from work. I hoped he was a nice guy.

I arrived at Olive Garden -- What? It's my favorite place! I even have a sponsorship from them! -- and leaned over my steering wheel for a moment, trying to see if my sister was there. Nope. She wasn't. No luck. I really hoped she'd be there to introduce us. But she was rarely ever there when I had free time, because she had a "busy job" that paid a lot of money. I suspected she was some mercenary kind of girl. Or a bounty hunter.

I received a text from Wilma. "He said he's arrived. Where the heck are you?"

I almost ran in.

"Hi. There's someone here waiting for me." The hostess led me to the table, where a 28-year-old gentleman was sitting waiting for me.

"I'm Peter. I never really introduced myself to you earlier."

"I'm Kitty. Well, you know that, your daughter mentioned it."

"I am told your sister is your matchmaker."

"Yes. So, Peter, sorry for bringing you here. It's my absolute favorite place. Willie suggested it."

"No problem. It's also affordable. I work -- well -- I don't exactly have the nicest job."

"You're talking to a girl who does part time teaching gymnastics to toddles."

"Who also gets sponsored by Olive Garden.

"Leave it to Willie with the jokes. They don't need to pay me to eat here."

"No. I'm serious."

"Why would I -- a gym teacher -- have a sponsorship?"

"Didn't the Merc tell you?"


"That --"

" -- No. Not that. Did you say the Mercenary knows about our date?"

"Didn't the Mercenary set us up?"

"No my -- sister -- oh, dammit, Willie. You little liar."

Anyways, that's how I "fixed" your dad, Vortex. And, I guess, became your stepmom Come on, now. We're going to be late to stop this supervillain!


EDIT: Thanks for 32 Upvotes! I take it y'all like a happy love story.


UntakenNameFtw t1_iyagvti wrote

I looked at my classroom as the bell rang and they cheered as they left the room for it was the last bell of the day and time for them to go home. I am a teacher. But it's mainly a past time of mine. A side gig if you will. My actual job is saving lives and putting bad people behind bars. I'm a superhero after all and not just any superhero but one of the best in the nation. Not many villains can give me much trouble. Except for nemesis. I thought about my nemesis as I started gathering my things. My nemesis is one of the most powerful villains I have come across and also the most bizarre. She doesn't seem like a bad person but she always seems caught up in the worst things happening around town. I've come close to arresting her a few times so I could interrogate her only for her to slip away every time. The few conversations we had with each other is short quips and bantering as we fought around town. The other day she made fun of my costume! Can you believe that? My costume is amazing I'd have you know. Hmm, She even avoids bloodshed unlike normal villains. I really don't know what to think about her. I stood up from my desk.

Alex who usually sits and stares out the window in the back of the classroom came up to me. "T-teacher, I need help with understanding what we just went over. Can you help me?" Alex is a good kid. If he wouldn't daydream all day, he would probably be one of my best students. He might not be the smartest or brightest but he is the kind that works hard to understand the things he doesn't.

"Sure." I checked my watch. I have a date with my nemesis at 6 in midtown...I have time. I put my things down and started tutoring the kid.


Time flew by and I had to wrap it up.

"Okay it's time for me to go." I raised a brow at the kid.

"Your mother is picking you up right?"

"Yes. She should be here now."

"I'll walk you to your car then." That's what any good teacher should do.

"Okay!" The kid smiled as he led the way as we walked out of school into the parking lot. There I saw a women waiting for her child. She had brown hair and honey colored eyes. She went up to her kid and crouched to eye level. "Next time you stay for tutoring let me know before hand, okay Alex?" She scolded as she roughed up his hair much to the displeasure and embarrassment of the kid. Oh I completely forgot to let his parent now he was staying for tutoring! How unprofessional of me.

I should apologize...wait. I feel like I know this women.

She stood up and looked at me. Her eyes widened in recognition before she quickly masked her reaction.

"You. You taught him well I suppose?" The women seemed to know something about me.

Come on. Think. Why does she look so familiar?! Ugh this is driving me nuts.

Suddenly a image of my nemesis in her costume and mask popped into my head that seemed to align perfectly with the women in front of me. My heart started beating rabidly.

No way?! It couldn't be...she's my nemesis!?

I calmed my nerves as I replied calmly.

"Well I certainly didn't teach him anything "bad" if that's what your asking...joked aside he's doing well. Other then daydreaming in my class, He's a good kid. I apologize I didn't call and let you know he was staying for tutoring."

"Hmm. That's good. Glad to hear it and it's quite alright. It happens." She laughed before squinting her eyes at me knowingly.

"Thanks for teaching my son and giving him the time he needs. I'll be on my way now." She turned and walked around her car and open the door. As she was getting in the car she said one final thing.

"See you tonight." She smirked as she got in and then drove off while I watched blankly.

"This isn't good. My nemesis knows my secret identity...but I also know hers now. What a dilemma." I mumbled and sighed while walking to a motorcycle of my own in the teacher only space.

I wonder what I should say to her when we see each other later? Whatever happens my identity needs to be kept secret and I'm sure it's the same for her...

I put on my helmet and gear and rode off into the sunset...


nohemi_trevino t1_iyb9cv7 wrote

I stopped walking, stuck in place as I stared at the man. "Miss Edwards?" Lyla, the girl I was tutoring, said.

But I couldn't talk. I just could not believe what I was seeing. "Lyla . . . do you know what your father does for a living?"

I looked into her eyes and saw it immediately. She did know. And it wasn't a lie that her father told her. She knew. "He works in an office," she replied, trying to look confident in the fake answer. "Anyways, I see him there right now. I'll see you later!" She walked off to the car, where her wretched father leaned against. He was staring at me, and I could tell he recognized me as well.

"Hey, Dad!" Lyla told him. He turned his attention to her and greeted her.

"Baby, can you wait in the car? I'm going to speak to your teacher." Lyla nodded, and I grew tense as the man walked towards me. "Well, what do we have here?" he said, slightly smirking.

"You have a kid? I thought you were too sinister for that!"

"And I thought you were smart enough to get a job that pays higher, but oh well. You settled for teacher."

"So what? You rob banks for a living."

"That's not what I do, and you know it. Very common misconception about villains," he looked down at my school-provided ID, "Diane."

"Shut it. Now, I don't feel very comfortable with you having Lyla as a daughter."

His face dropped. "And why is that?" he said sharply.

"You know why. She's a very sweet girl and-"

"Yeah, I know that. She's my kid. And, not that it's any of your business, I treat her well. I give her what she needs and way more. I spoil that girl, okay? So don't assume I'm just a cold-blooded being living only to fight you. There's life in everyone, not just you. Even if you can't see it, we're all conscious, we're all alive and trying to get by. I do what I need to do to survive, and provide for Lyla, so just stay out of it if all you're gonna do is criticize."

I stood staring at him, feeling strangely guilty. I didn't really like the idea of this man being a person too, which was a weird thought, but true. I was making everything harder for him. "I'm sorry," was all I could say.

We stood silent for a few seconds that felt like hours, and finally, I looked up at the villain. Maybe I was his villain. I made his life worse, and before I knew it, I spoke. "What if we team up?"

"Team up? With you? No, thank you."

"No, I mean . . . if you become a hero, you'll be famous for being good and you'll get a bunch of money and even things for free too."

He shook his head. "They wouldn't let me. No one would trust me. Not after all these years."

"Well, I'll make them." I had a strange determination to get the people of the town to accept him. I needed them to. "They'll see you, I bet they will."

He squinted his eyes. "Why are you doing this? Why are you saying this?"

"You deserve to be forgiven. Everyone wants a life that they can enjoy, but I can't keep letting you steal things that don't belong to you, which is what's giving you the money to enjoy your life, so this is the solution. Switch sides."

He didn't speak for several seconds. "Thanks. No one's ever . . . Thanks." He turned and went into his car, and I watched him drive out of the parking lot and out of the school area.


Fontaigne t1_iyce4br wrote

This arc would need more than one conversation. I'd like to see a three parter, with actual villainy and actual conflict.


BarbequeSoap t1_iyc6jeg wrote

It was a strange feeling, I won't lie. It was similar to seeing an ex in public sfter having poured so much heart and emotion into that relationship. And now she was just someone that used to see you naked. But I was tutoring her sons in English class.

"Has he been doing his homework?" Solastra's apparentl alter ego, a Denny's employee named Marisha Matthews. I could tell she'd had the same realization when she spoke threw her teeth. "Mr. Richards?"

"Yes, they're actually showing alot of improvement." I said bluntly. I wasn't lying, her sons were incredibly smart. "We just gotta make sure we...?" I glanced at the boys. Their eyes lit up for a moment, the same flare I'd seen a hundred times fighting Solastra.

"Turn! In! Our! Homework!" They chanted while beating their chest to rhythm of Tarzan. I'd convinced them that reading material doesn't have to be boring when your mind can think like a camera. I'd showed them the original Tarzan film, in black snd white. They were 13 and already cinematic coniseurs!

""Good. Boys? Would you mind getting in the car. You can play your music as loud as you want." She said without breaking eye contact, handing them the keys.

" I the only one thinking this is weird?" I asked her.

"No kidding." She said.

If we'd had the time to give our dialogue am awkward pause, we'd have chosen so. She looked back at her kids with admiration for a moment then refocused on me.

"If you even think, about putting a hand on," she began.

"Sol- Mrs. Matthews." I said. "I swear to you, I would never think about pulling your children into this."

"They already are." She said.

"I'm just letting you know that if you so much as scrape past one of my sons in the hallways, lets just say that university you live so close to, you know, the one your daughter is attending? I know the swim team has access to a pretty big lake, if you catch my drift."

"Mrs- You. I promise you that I will not harm your children. I would never think of such an act!" I said firmly. "But what do you mean the boys have've roped them into this?"

"Oh absolutely. My sons have great memories...great.....memories." there was alot if emphasis on those last two words. I

"You're...using your sons as spys, aren't you." I asked her.

"Was it that obvious?" She smirked.

We managed a short pause.

"Good day, Mrs. Matthews. I think you should stay in tonight, they say there's gonna be a chance of rain." I glared at her.

"Have a pleasant evening Mr. Richard's. I'll have to ignore your suggestion, The Mayor is expecting me tonight at 9. I hope you don't mind, but I actually found your daughter's number on a babysitting website. I was thinking tonight would be a great night to see what my kids think."

"I beg your-"

"I'll be dropping Eli and Eric off at your place. Your daughter actually suggested it. And, you should also mow your lawn, it needs it."

Just like Solastra, she just loved to talked. And if it's anything I've learned in fighting the dictators, mad scientists and world-ruling supervillians, is if the enemy wants to talk, let them.

They're usually too distracted in being caught up in their own ego and their pride, they can't react to a well placed kick to the knees can do.


WhiteNight2505 t1_iydhoo3 wrote

Never let them know your next move. His enemy had taken that closer to heart than he ever could've. Nothing in his life could've ever let him predict this. His body went slack with fear as he heard the ground rumble, flashes of the hospital bed clouding his vision.


Every single time Mathias Mark came close to Serendipity, he was toyed with and cut down with such ease that the slashes still remain imprinted on his brain. As childish and lighthearted as the name 'Serendipity' was, this villain was formidable, powerful, and above all, lucky. Containing the power of Good Fortune, bordering on mind-crushingly infuriating, Mark had never been able to lay a finger on him.

Every time they fought, Mark needed to plan countermeasures and an AI that could calculate far more possibilities in a single second than Mark could in a year. Only once, a fateful Christmas day 4 years ago, atop the Empire State Building, did he ever win. He built a device that negated Serendipity's powers. Only after Mark's grandparents were evicted from their home and his closest cousin was placed in a coma. The villain had run off, and was never seen again. Mark was left bleeding and clutching a young child's teddy bear that was left at the scene.

Occasionally Mark wondered what happened to him. He also had no clue if the device he created was permanent or not, so many a night had kept him awake with false alarms and frightening memories as he feared his archenemy's return.


"-and as you can see, 5 groups of 4 make 20, so..." He let the answer dangle in front of her.

"20 divided by 4 is 5!" She shouted with glee.

He smiled at such childish energy. Maybe it was a reminder that he was getting old, but it still brought with him a sense of happiness for the next generation. "Correct! And would you look at that! You successfully completed all 20 questions!"

She giggled with excitement and did a little dance. He shuffled a little as well before a voice in his head - the voice of reason - decided to ruin the fun.

"<>Heart rate, 110. Recommended: Cease.<>"

His eyes widened in merry concern. The AI did not account that a child's heart rate is naturally higher, but ultimately it was in the right. "Woah, okay then. Destiny, maybe we should go check if your father's here yet! It's almost 5, and don't you want to show him your worksheet?"

She shifted gears instantly. "Yeah!"

Snatching the piece of paper with movements faster than Reflex, she grabbed his hand and yanked him outside. He banished the thought from his head. His fighting days were behind him, his mind and telekinetic powers covered in cobwebs at this point. True he dons the spandex when his AI - after sifting through crime reports - believes him to be required, but after the fall of Serendipity, villains started disappearing overnight.


The flap of the paper in that beautiful Autumn breeze brought me back. Apart from the cars of teachers who stayed late - either to review assignments or sic on their naughty ones - the parking lot was empty except for one car near the entrance, and one man leaning against it.

He looked to be in his late thirties, but most likely it was just stress. I briefly found that combination with such an energetic daughter weird, but then it occurred to me that if my child is curious and an energetic wanderer, I would probably be taxed as well.

I usually disliked parents because of how uncompromising and accusatory they usually were. But - when her dad saw them, his face melted away into such a loving smile that I could not help but put him in the 'Good' list. He waved us over and eyed me with minor skepticism, but I gladly conceded my threat status.

"Dad!" She ran up to him and waved the paper in his face. "Look at what I got! Look!- Ah!"

She tripped the second she got close, and our reaction times were surprisingly comparable. I silently shot a wave bubble to soften her fall, but before I could do that he had jumped, caught her, and rolled for a second before gracefully standing up as if nothing had happened, and he had simply been giving her an embrace. The sheer speed at which he did that threw me off, and I didn't have time to cut the bubble before it hit him below the knees and he fell as well. There was a brief flash of a quizzical look on his face before he braced for impact.

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry!" I ran up and genuinely felt bad. I really am getting too old for this. "Would you like me to help you up?" I follow through and ask.

He simply chuckled and unfolded his arms, letting his daughter emerge from his cocoon.

"Oh don't worry about it. That's just my rotten luck." He lifted up and dusted himself off, shifting his attention. "Are you okay, angel?" He softly asked.

"<>Voice sample, needed. Get closer.<>" The AI popped in my head at such a random time. Maybe it's gotten too used to villains in every corner. I shrug it off and reply.

"I'm fi-" I almost said before 'He's not talking to me!!!' shot into my head and caused me to shut the hell up. Stupid AI! Messing me up like that!

"<>I'm not stupid, you're stupid.<>" Shut up! I missed the first part of her reply.

"-Every time this happens you always save me, dad. But why aren't you talking about all my hard work!!" She shook the crumpled assignment in her fist, and he immediately laughed.

"Oh, let me see here..." After inspecting it for a moment, he picked her up and spun her around. "All correct! Of course. Oh, and you must be her favourite teacher!"

He set her down to look at me. She nodded aggressively and looked at me with a beam.

"<>Voice Sample Required.<>" Seriously, shut up! I'm her favourite teacher? I knew it.

I nod and extend my hand. "If I remember my attendance sheet correctly, you'd be Chris Meton, correct?"

"Nice to see her teacher has quite the impressive memory!" He stated genially before shaking my hand with a firm grip, eyes on mine.

Eyes straying downwards to the strange texture in my hand, I make comment on his surprisingly bulky and loose fitting attire. "Are you a construction worker? Pardon my ignorance, I know of little jobs that require hard boots and worker's gloves."

"Something like that. I work in disaster recovery."

Hah! Quick Bit, the kleptomaniac with an obsession of screws would've loved that job.

Oh he's still talking. "-With my luck, it's useful to say 'the building collapsed before I got there'!" He laughed loudly, and it did tickle me to think of how many criminals might enjoy a job like that. I could still feel his firm hand underneath the glove, when my brain clicked and I flashed back to that night.

It was the laugh. The laughter that was not maleficence, no. It was psychotically carefree and to Mark's ears so selfish. He tried to force himself back, "It's not him! He's just a civilian!", but when he looked down he saw the blood of his cousin seeping through their clasped hands.

Stowing his high spirits the second he saw the marked shift in the teacher's inhalation, his face adopted concern. "Uh, are you-"

"<>Voice Recognised: Villain of Good Fortune, Serendipity. 100% match.<>"

The whole world shook.


To think that he had been teaching Destiny division just a few minutes prior. For her to willingly request his assistance - an act that rekindled his love for teaching - meant that somehow he had created someone that turned out all right.

Maybe he probably should've caught the 'Destiny' word-play earlier.

---- I might make Part 2 later. I wasted my time writing this instead of studying for my midterm. It's in 3 hours, so I have time...


nohemi_trevino t1_iyb9bs8 wrote

I stopped walking, stuck in place as I stared at the man. "Miss Edwards?" Lyla, the girl I was tutoring, said.

But I couldn't talk. I just could not believe what I was seeing. "Lyla . . . do you know what your father does for a living?"

I looked into her eyes and saw it immediately. She did know. And it wasn't a lie that her father told her. She knew. "He works in an office," she replied, trying to look confident in the fake answer. "Anyways, I see him there right now. I'll see you later!" She walked off to the car, where her wretched father leaned against. He was staring at me, and I could tell he recognized me as well.

"Hey, Dad!" Lyla told him. He turned his attention to her and greeted her.

"Baby, can you wait in the car? I'm going to speak to your teacher." Lyla nodded, and I grew tense as the man walked towards me. "Well, what do we have here?" he said, slightly smirking.

"You have a kid? I thought you were too sinister for that!"

"And I thought you were smart enough to get a job that pays higher, but oh well. You settled for teacher."

"So what? You rob banks for a living."

"That's not what I do, and you know it. Very common misconception about villains," he looked down at my school-provided ID, "Diane."

"Shut it. Now, I don't feel very comfortable with you having Lyla as a daughter."

His face dropped. "And why is that?" he said sharply.

"You know why. She's a very sweet girl and-"

"Yeah, I know that. She's my kid. And, not that it's any of your business, I treat her well. I give her what she needs and way more. I spoil that girl, okay? So don't assume I'm just a cold-blooded being living only to fight you. There's life in everyone, not just you. Even if you can't see it, we're all conscious, we're all alive and trying to get by. I do what I need to do to survive, and provide for Lyla, so just stay out of it if all you're gonna do is criticize."

I stood staring at him, feeling strangely guilty. I didn't really like the idea of this man being a person too, which was a weird thought, but true. I was making everything harder for him. "I'm sorry," was all I could say.

We stood silent for a few seconds that felt like hours, and finally, I looked up at the villain. Maybe I was his villain. I made his life worse, and before I knew it, I spoke. "What if we team up?"

"Team up? With you? No, thank you."

"No, I mean . . . if you become a hero, you'll be famous for being good and you'll get a bunch of money and even things for free too."

He shook his head. "They wouldn't let me. No one would trust me. Not after all these years."

"Well, I'll make them." I had a strange determination to get the people of the town to accept him. I needed them to. "They'll see you, I bet they will."

He squinted his eyes. "Why are you doing this? Why are you saying this?"

"You deserve to be forgiven. Everyone wants a life that they can enjoy, but I can't keep letting you steal things that don't belong to you, which is what's giving you the money to enjoy your life, so this is the solution. Switch sides."

He didn't speak for several seconds. "Thanks. No one's ever . . . Thanks." He turned and went into his car, and I watched him drive out of the parking lot and out of the school area.


Prosjekttuba t1_iydeni4 wrote

I smiled as I finished my afternoon class on advanced mathematics and as my eyes traveled over my students I felt a sense of pride surge through me. These were some off the best students at the school. All of them ahead in terms of grades and behaviour, they were the kind off kids that most did not think existed anymore. I found myself lucky enough to teach them. When I had taken my second job as a part time teacher I thought I would be given the trouble makers and class clowns, but my math skills had saved me.

My first job as one of the area's best superheroes had given me plenty of work in the evening, but not as much during day time. Especially after the council of villains and the league of heroes had signed a pact to mostly play by the same rules, there had of course been the odd villain or hero who refused, but they had promptly been put in place by others.

Suddenly there was a quiet voice behind me who asked "Mr. Bracken. Can you help me with that last question? I didn't fully understand it". I turned around and saw the quiet, but brilliant young woman named Mina. I smiled at her and said "of course Mina, but that will have to be on the way out, is that okay?". Mina nodded and after I packed my things we walked down the hallway as I explained "So, the main thing is to think about how to apply this in real life. It's used to calculate the volume of a cone. Think of it as calculating the surface of every layer. The formula is simply enough to use once you understand it". I took a step in front of Mina and held the door open for her, and once she was outside I followed and continued "I would advise to think about it that way, and try plugging in some numbers just to test. I bet you will have it figured out in no time".

Mina nodded before she waved at someone in a car. As the car door opened I stopped dead in my tracks. The woman who exited the car was none other than my nemesis Inferno, but she was in a business suit and not her costume. Mina however did not see me stop and she called out "hey mum. This is Mr. Bracken, my extra math teacher. Sorry if I held you up, he was just explaining something". Inferno looked just as shocked as me, but she quickly played it off and said in a sweet voice "that sounds lovely Mina, is Mr. Bracken a good teacher?". Mina nodded, and as I slowly got over the shook myself I cleared my throat and asked "Miss, Brady was it? May I have a word with you about Mina's progression in my last?". Inferno nodded and followed me back to the school building.

Once inside an empty class I turned to her and said through gritted teeth "what the hell did you do to her real mother?". If looks could kill I would have died right there, instead Inferno kept her cool, though her skin had started to lightly smoke in some places as she said in a venomous tone "I am her mother Terra. If you try anything with her I will burn down this whole school with everyone in it". I narrowed my eyes at her and said "we both signed the documents and contracts that Transistor worked out. Besides, I will never harm any student here. This might be my second job, but I choose this with care Inferno, and if you make a threat like that again I will bury you alive in an unmarked grave where you would rot away slowly".

Before we could spit more words at each other someone had just knocked at the door. We both turned to see Mina who had just opened the door. I smiled at her and said in a voice that might have been a bit too pleasant "Hey there Mina. Sorry we took so long. I was just telling your mother how quickly you progressed in my class since you joined. It's really impressive, Miss. Brady". Inferno smiled back as she said "Mina has always been such a smart and kind girl. I'm sure she will be at the top of your class soon". Mina blushed at these compliments, and said to her mother "mum. Can we go now? I don't want to be late. There is a superhero exhibit down at the museum. I heard that the crimson rose might be there. I really want her autograph".

As the two exited the classroom I chuckled and said to myself "the great villain Inferno has a daughter who wants to be a hero. Oh well. Maybe that is the irony of life".


Dependent_Cow_8946 t1_iydjx0l wrote

"Your writing skill's getting better! We could move on to future tense after this." Aaron said, handing the marked paper towards the brown haired girl in front of him. Anne's blue eyes shone with glee, very much pleased with herself.

"Thank you, Mr. Aaron." She took the paper and swiftly put it inside the purple binder filled with papers, marked 'English' on the outside.

Anne have been struggling a lot with English especially since she was an exchange, to see that she could write tangible sentences is a great achievement in Aaron's eyes.

"Are your parents here yet? It's getting kinda late." Aaron asked, as they both started walking out of the classroom, Aaron locking the classroom, while his head still turned towards the shorter girl.

"Should be, but I'm fine walking." She answered, scrolling through her phone. Aaron only nodded as he looked out the window, to see a car parked right outside the gate.

"Oh, they're here!" Anne exclaimed, swiftly walking towards the gate. Aaron followed close behind. As a teacher, it is his responsibility to make sure his students go home safe.

"Uncle Shamil!" Wait.

No way.

Aaron's amber eyes widen, yet he tried to remain calm and put on a friendly expression. The same expression he always put on when meeting with Billy's very demanding mother.

Out of all the meeting the parents experiences he had, this one definitely takes the cake.

The man with black hair and grey eyes was leaning on the car, scrolling through his phone. His appearance isn't one that would scream 'single dad waiting for daughter', instead looks more like 'just escaped prison brother' with the leather jacket and dark grey t-shirt.

"Uncle Shamil!" Anne practically leaped towards the man, Shamil, apparently, lifted up his head and gifted Maria a warm smile and returned her hug. He looked up to see Aaron, and Aaron wanted to die. Shamil's eyes narrowed, his smile's wider.

He knows.

"This is my English teacher, Mr. Aaron. He's been teaching me a lot of things! He's the best!"

"I'm really not..." Aaron's cheeks flushed at the statement.

"So, I've heard. Say, Annie, why don't you go wait in the car? Blast out that Avril Lavigne album you like. I need to talk to Mr. Aaron for a bit." His silky smooth yet deep voice made Aaron more nervous than he was. That same voice that taunted him with a bomb planted under the bank last week.

Anne nodded excitedly and skipped into the car, shutting the door and turned to the radio. Aaron only smiled at her, before turning sour as he turned towards the other man.



"Solar. Fancy seeing you here."

"Didn't take you as a single dad."

"Bold of you to assume I'm single."

"Oh, so you kidnapped her mother too?" Aaron crossed his arms. Shamil pursued his lips, feigning a sad expression, clutching his chest dramatically. Aaron rolled his eyes.

"You really think I'd stoop that low? I'm wounded, Lightball."

"Don't call me that." The blonde hero greeted his teeth. Phantom had a habit of nicknaming people around him, apparently it 'strengthen their bonds as enemies' or whatever it is he said.

"Well, if you want to be even, didn't think you'd be a teacher. An elementary teacher at that." Shamil jabbed at the blonde, putting his arm around Aaron's shoulder.

"It's none of your business." Aaron pushed away Shamil's arm. If Shamil flinched, he didn't see it. He half expected to see the man gives him the sad frown paired with puppy dog eyes, but surprisingly he seemed to smile wider.

Aaron does not like that smile.

"Does she know?" Aaron glared at him, Anne is a smart and kind girl, her "uncle's" shenanigans shouldn't be something she worries about.

"No. I would never, Sol." There he is with the nickname, Aaron thought. But he kept quiet, letting the usually mysterious shadow wielder talk about himself.

"She's my light in the darkness. My heart and my soul. You can prosecute me all you want, but leave my Annie out of it."

"You took a lot of lives, Phantom. I'm not sure you having a daughter justifies anything."

"No, it does not. I'm not justifying it, those people deserved it. But, I trust that you, our face of the justice, bringer of light, Solar would be sensible and righteous enough to not use her in our rivalry."

Aaron was speechless.

He always had jab to fire back at the black-haired villain usually dressed in some formal attire with the Phantom of the Opera mask covering his face. Yet, nothing comes out. Maybe it's because it's the first he'd heard Phantom talk about himself and how he feels. Maybe because it's the first time Phantom confessed his feelings about anything. Maybe because it's the first time he sees Phantom as a human.

A person going through their lives, trying their best with the twists and turns, holding on to anything they have.

As for Shamil, it's Anne, apparently. His anchor and moral compass.

"Tongue-tied now are you, Lightball?" Aaron snapped out of his trance.

"Annie is a good kid. You're lucky, Mr. Shamil."

"I hope she doesn't give you too much trouble."

Aaron only nodded.

Shamil turned back towards his car.

"Shamil." Aaron called out. Shamil turned.

" You have my word." He smiled.


Totally_a_Human__ t1_iyav6qy wrote

As a teacher by day, a superhero by night,
Your mission was to tutor a student after school,
The secret you must keep out of sight.

The lessons were a success, your pupil was quite adept,
Time to say goodbye, you bid them adieu,
But when you looked outside, your heart skipped a beat.

The enemy you had been fighting for years,
The villain you thought you had outrun,
Was standing right there by the car, sending chills up your spine with no fear.

You knew it was time to do battle,
But how would you protect your charge?
You must think fast, for the clock was ticking, no time to dawdle nor enlarge.

Your mind raced through the options,
But in the end, you knew what you must do,
You quickly formed a plan, and put it into motion, with your student none the wiser, true.

You escorted them to the car, acting as if all was as it should be,
Your nemesis had no idea what was about to happen, of that you were sure, you could see.

You walked away, a plan in place,
Ready to face the fight of your life,
Your student's safety was your number one priority, no matter the cost and the strife.

The battle was fierce and it lasted for hours,
You emerged victorious in the end,
Your student safe and sound, and your nemesis defeated, the story to tell a friend.

The sun was setting, the day near done,
Your superhero identity was safe and sound,
You had not only saved the day, but your student, who was now safe and sound.


AutoModerator t1_iy8n409 wrote

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>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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