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jeanlukie t1_ixt3fxr wrote

“Are you okay, Sir?”

I turned my head slowly to look at the server who had approached me. He had a worried expression. I realized how strange I must look. How long had I been standing here? Half hiding behind a palm tree. Towel and bag waiting in the sand off to my left where I dropped them. The whole time staring at her. It couldn’t be her, right?

“I’m okay.” I replied, shaking off my stupor. “Thank you for asking.” I began to laugh. “Must be recovering from last night still.” A terrible excuse. He didn’t look convinced. “Okay.” He laughed nervously glancing from me to her. Obviously he noticed my staring. “Let me know if you need anything.”

He half heartedly tried to object as I grabbed one of the drinks off his tray. “Thanks buddy I’ll let you know” I said as I began to down it. He walked off shaking his head.


I froze as I looked up from my nearly finished, ill gotten drink. There she was.

“Hi” I replied meekly. Anxiety flooding through me. A million thoughts running through my head.

Is she like me? Does she remember me? Is she actually the same person? What do I say? Do I run away? How is she so pretty? Can I hold back these tears? Do I ask how old she is?

Definitely not the last one. Shouldn’t ask a woman her age.

She smiled. A curious look on her face.

“How old are you?” She asked.