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couldathrowaway t1_iwy1dp3 wrote

"What do you mean they have threat level one potential but zero advanced sorcery. Is this some sort of advanced magic weilding technique we do not know about?" Yelled the director of the Intergalactic Relations Bureau.

"No, sir. It's just that they-" the linguistic and cultural research head was interupted once more bybthe director. "This is a new species we have come across in the barren and uninhabitable parts of the universe. There is no way they have prepared for war with anyone. They would have grown thinking they are alone with no one to fight but themselves. We know how that goes."

"Yes sir, we only find their ruins. But these "Humans" have grown differently. They... well, they're perhaps less intelligent than a child like to ever discover any type of sorcery, but they have lived in the most uninhabitable area knowing they're alone." The subordinate grabbed a large stack of papers he'd accumulated on human research. "Their bodies have the ability to heal themselves from nearly any type of damage. Even when amputated, their bodies will simply heal where the limb was lost."

The director paid concerned attention. A war with humans could not be won by targetting the healers first if they could heal any damage administered. "Is this what makes them so seemingly threatening? Because it would be a fight against an enemy that does not die?"

"No, no. They do die, and rather quickly. Their livespans are no more than a quarter of the standard lifespan, but they can all have multiple offspring and they have something equal or more powerful to magic and sorcery. This, I am struggling to understand how it works." Said the linguistics and Cultural professional with carefulness in his words. "They have advanced mathematics too far."

"Mathematics? Is this some sort of joke? Is today international humour day?"

"No sir. They can control metal with no biological components nor posessions. They have colonized the nearest moon and planet to their home planet and have a planetary defense system with no form of sorcery."

"How can mathematics show this. How could adding one to one, taking one away or splitting items be used to leave their planets? You simply hire a sorcerer pilot and comamdeer a biometal ship to move where you please."

"Of course sir, but they becan calculating how far they could throw a deadly item during war. Sharp objects usually, but since they fought such formidable opponents, themselves. They escalated their weaponry. They mined their planets compressed fires and eventually made rocks think in mathematics with lightning power."

"So why have you brought me here?"

"To explain that they are the new super power but have long chosen a path of peace."

"This cannot be. Our most fierce mages can kill one hundred enemies in one day. A short lifespan would make the Humans tire quickly. Would it not?" Asked the director with more worry as his expert did not seem to be joking.

"Yes, the best can kil up to two hundred in a day, but behold. They are trying to make a route to their mearest galaxy, but those planets are in their way for a perfect launch."

"Well yes. No one can throw a weapon around a planet without sorcery."

The director and the linguistics and culture professional watched in silence as a small one person ship approached them completely unaware of their cloaked presence.

"What is this human doing out here? Did he get thrown wrong and off course."

"No sir, he is clearing a path for the neighbor galaxy."

They watched in disbelief as the single person ship fired one small rocket at each of the three planets in question.

"This could not poss-" the director's mouth fell agape as he witnessed his first three planet sized nuclear explosions. "No! The planets. How can... we cannot possibly compete with these." He looked at his advisor, then at the sorcerer in control of the ship. "Make it imperative that we remain cloaked. The human could eradicate us if he saw us as threatening." "Aye"

"You are sure they are not a voilent race?"

"Not in generations. Sir." Replied the culture and linguistics advisor.

The small human ship then fired three more small projectiles that turned into black spheres at each of the planets. The Intergalactic Relations Bureau saw for the first time in their lives three black holes grow from nothing, swallow the debree from the planets and collapse onto themselves, leaving nothing but perfect spheres of all the planet's resources sorted and lined up in a row.

"That's one human's power? How many of them are there?" Asked the director in a panic, knowing that these powers derived from mathematics could most likely not be stopped with any sort of magic.

"Twenty five billion."

"Remove our cloaking."

"But sir w-"

"We cannot afford a negative introduction. The council would want to send a battalion along as a precaution. The humans could see it as an act of violence and shortly after: they could become the only life forms in the universe. No matter how much smarter we may be. They hold the power of the universe. We were unlucky to develop in comfort and never needed to explore the power beyond magic. Let's hope they are welcoming of strangers."

Apologies for any misspellings. On mobile that refuses to auto correct or auto suggest the right spelling. Probably paragraphis are wrong too.


Mabi19_ OP t1_iwyhzbf wrote

Magic is not what I expected, but this is great.