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Robysto7 t1_ivd258b wrote

Flames roared into the starless skies, swirling fire hypnotized my tired mind. I didn't even notice her sit down next to me. Only noticed her hand me another beer. Her pale hands were soft and warm. Her long blonde hair glowed against the flames. Soft brown eyes sat above dimpled smiling cheeks. Ruby red lips matched the floor length wool coat wrapped tightly around her. She was an exceptionally pretty empty vessel, not a trace of life behind the facade.

"This seat taken?" She asked warmly.

"Nope." I replied curtly, turning my gaze back to the fire. "Thanks for the beer. Way to fight stereotypes."

The blond woman rolled her eyes. "Couldn't help but notice you looked lonely out here, drinking alone is no fun. What are you running from Jake?" She asked seductively. Her hand grazed my inner thigh.

What wasn't I running from? Broken hearts shattered into broken dreams every place I went. At this rate I would never mind my eden. Life's tangled web ensnares tightly, all you can do is wait for the spider to find you.

"Just trying to make it all make sense." I groaned out.

Nothing made sense after Natalie stormed out and never came back. I can still hear her calling me a monster as she slammed the door in my face, life comes at you fast even when you know it's coming. Haven't been home since, too many memories, too much toxic life there.

"That's a tricky thing kid. Your type aren't afforded that much time. It really is a cruel cosmic joke. Sucks to not have a concrete expiration date. Running from it doesn't help, all that does is make you more lost than when you started out. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses." With a flick of her wrist the woman pulled a rose from her coat sleeve. She pinned it on my lapel.

"Every flower I sniff wilts and wastes away. Like I suck the life out of everything in my presence. I'm just a burden to everybody. Always have been."

Why am I telling her this? I don't even know this thing. Feels like my heart is overriding my brain. It is nice to not be alone for a change. She put her head on my shoulder, her hair tickling at my nose.

"Extraordinary powers have extraordinary consequences. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Just how things work. Cheer up kiddo, you've got a lot of life left in ya. Happiness is other people. Least that's what I've come to learn." She purred in my ear.

"What are you?"

She kissed my neck softly, sent a chill down my spine.

"You're not ready to know. Don't worry though, I'll be around keeping an eye on you. You've got a place, you just haven't found it yet. Keep your chin up Jakey, and go make some new friends."

A swirling wind caused the flames to spiral in the air, and with a flash she was gone. That's enough drinkin for tonight. Better pay my tab with the cute bartender and call an uber. Turns out I didn't have a tab, my 'lady friend' picked it up. I dialed Natalie's number, straight to voicemail. I didn't leave a message. Why can't I let it go? Why can't I feel any life left in my heart?