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somerandomname1776 t1_iw1wkuo wrote

He can hear them approaching ever closer

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The rhythmic sound of boots pounding against the hardwood floor of his home. He built this house with his own hands for him and his family

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He simply did not like large urban areas, they made him uncomfortable. His wife too. That's why they moved out here, to be away from a world they could not stand living in, but never once interfering with the lives of others. Live and let live was their motto


Living in the wilderness, he and his family needed a means to protect himself, and so he bought rifles, hand guns, shotguns, anything needed to hunt deer, kill pests, or even take down bears if the need arose. Living so far away from civilization he assumed it wouldn't matter what he did to his own property


He had a healthy armament, much of it being illegal to own in some fashion, but he would never think of using such weaponry on animals unless forced to, he simply had them for fun with target practice. He also had a farm and water well to sustain his family, along with cows and chickens, wild game was more of a 'holiday treat' in his household due to the abundance of fish, beef, poultry, and vegetables. He had a gasoline generator, but only used it during the harshest of winters and was otherwise without power. Now he sits alone, in his empty two person bed and cradle, wondering why the world is so cruel



The man was able to hold out in his home for over three days, and only retreated deeper into his household after his wife and young son were shot. In his final moments, he simply sat and prayed to God to see his wife and child again.

The End.