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HongerBongers t1_ixf5rgv wrote

So guess where I went?

It took me awhile to find the Pink Lemon. Turns out it has rebranded as the Pink Martini only a couple months ago.

It was in the old brownstone district, where lots of the cities older buildings were. This surprised me, as you’d think the city wouldn’t allow a strip club off one of the busiest shopping districts. Might scare away customers.

Then I remembered this was the same city that did nothing for the homeless problem, let drugs run rampant in the streets, and had parades about how good it was.

Shit was never going to change until people who care are put in charge.

Ten years ago, kids could have played down by the riverfront. Now it was a tent city with more drugs flowing in and out of it than a truck stop on I-5.

I don’t mean to sound like I hate the homeless, I don’t. We’re all just a paycheck away from ending up on the street. What I do hate is the fact that people let the problem get so bad - and it makes my job harder.

Half these people just need a warm house. The other half are horribly addicted to drugs I don’t even know the names of, and will get violent for a fix.

I won’t even get into the shit you see in winter. People step over people in the street and tell themselves they’re sleeping.

Anyway. The reason I say all this is because The Pink Martini was only a few blocks from a notoriously bad camp.

People get robbed all the time on this street and the police do jack shit about it.

But as I turned the corner, I wasn’t greeted by piles of trash and human feces. Instead my face was bathed in the light of a giant, pink, neon sign.

I looked to my left towards the riverfront. How did I never notice this coming across the bridge? It’s huge.

I decided it would be best to keep my distance, opting to lie low in a bush.

If the guy on the porch was a vampire, what better place to hide than a strip club? Probably a blood bank, but you get the idea.

The bouncer at the front was as you’d expect. Huge, surly, tiny head. Sunglasses even though it was midnight.

He appeared to let the dumbest girls in the smallest dresses go in first. So was it a night club or a strip club? Either way, as a gaggle of giggling girls walked through the velvet rope, the pit in my stomach tightened. Bad shit happened enough at regular clubs. Add potential vampires to the mix, and it can only get worse.

I watched into the darkest part of night. It had to be closing soon. How many hours could people take loud, disorienting music and shitty, overpriced drinks?

My eyes were getting tired by the time people started trickling out.

Groups stumbled up the pavement to wherever. Some into cars that shouldn’t be driving, others with dates - I could have sworn they went in with different people.

But everything seemed… normal. Of course, I might actually have to go in sometime to see it for myself, but scouting was always a good first option.

It was getting late. Finally sometime around 4 am, it seemed like the last of the customers had faded into the night. The pink sign shut down. And immediately the area got dark.

It shouldn’t have been as spooky as it was, but it took my eyes a bit to adjust to the dimness of the street lights, and that made me feel vulnerable - even as hidden as I was.

I was just about ready to head out when a girl came stumbling out of the exit. She was crying, her dress was askew, her shoes bundled up in one hand. My first instinct was concern, the second was disgust at her bare feet on the ground.

But she looked a little too distraught to care about stray needles and broken glass.

A man followed after her.

She threw her shoes at him.

I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but she was shouting at him, the tone of her voice hoarse and on the edge of a total breakdown.

The guy was undeterred.

My stomach sank as he walked towards her. She backed away, still shouting. He just kept coming after her.

She ran.

I followed.

I kept her in my visual across the street, doing my best to stick to the shadows.

She was going to get lost at best. At worst… well.

I don’t carry a gun for vampires.

She shouted through sobs the whole way down the street. Eventually I was able to make out what she was saying.

“Help me! He’s trying to kill me!”


I put a round in the chamber and was about to make my way across to her when I saw something.

Eyes glinting in the dark. Three pairs of them.

She ran by an alley.

From behind a dumpster came a black blur.

It snatched her like a rag doll - she barely had time to scream.

The guy who was chasing her picked up speed and disappeared into the shadows.

The sounds… Screaming, begging, snapping, hisses. Then a sickening crunch. Silence.

A dark pool of liquid crept out of the shadows.

I stood there frozen, hardly able to breathe, process what just happened.

To my right, I heard something in the bushes. I barely had time to register a homeless man crouching next to me, his finger up to his lip.

“I saw it too.” He whispered.

I was just about to respond when he froze, stiff as a board. His face barely had time to look surprised before the top of his head slipped off at the eyes.

Then I did scream.


Wow, thanks so much for reading! I’ll try to get the other parts up asap. Gotta take a break.


HongerBongers t1_ixfffk9 wrote

(TW, sexual assault mention)

I’m not a super hero. I’m not even that good of a person. I can’t save everyone.

But I wanted to try, as best as I could, to lessen the number of monsters out to get people.

2012 was the year I got attacked.

I had just graduated high school. My friends and I were out late at a movie, enjoying our last summer before adulthood came and changed everything.

I wasn’t paying attention.

He came out from behind a car. I don’t remember much of what happened, but I ended up back at home. I was beaten bloody.

They took DNA. That whole ordeal made everything worse.

The guy was never caught.

It derailed my life.

I forgot everything I wanted to do. Everything I was supposed to do.

Instead I took martial arts courses. Gun safety. Anything to make me feel like I had some power over my life again. Like it wouldn’t happen a second time.

And yeah, some sick part of me hoped he’d show up again.

So I could put a bullet through his teeth.

I engaged in stupid, risky behavior that nobody in their right mind ever should.

I made myself a target. Loose purse straps, long hair, skimpy clothing. My family begged me to stop, begged me to get help.

Meds and therapy only took the edge off of everything - I couldn’t feel happy or sad.

But hate.

Hate was another beast.

Maybe it was God watching out for me, maybe creeps took one look at some chick dressed like a Barbie walking in the sketchy part of town with a chip on her shoulder and ran the other way.

But I never saw him again.

It was only after I got my shit together that I got attacked again.

I wasn’t carrying.

I’d been going to college. I felt safe enough to walk in my own shoes again. Had check ins with the family, friends waiting for me. People I could trust to give a ride.

It happened in October.

The bastard stalked me for blocks.

I wanted to get somewhere safe, but knew there wasn’t anywhere I could go. I was just going to walk to that Thai place a mile from campus.


Why do people do this shit? Why did I have to live in fear? Why didn’t the police do their fucking jobs?

I ran.

I put in a good effort, probably could have set a record, but he was faster.

He chased me, I lost my nerve.

Ran behind a building hoping I could shake him off and hide.

But he got my legs.

We grappled on the ground. I clawed, screamed, beat him in the face with my fists until my knuckles were raw.

Then I saw his face.

Hollow eyes, emaciated cheekbones. Fangs. His mouth torn and bloody like he’d eaten his own lips.

Fear gave me new strength and I managed to kick him off me.

I scrambled back only to hit a fence. He - it - lunged.

I’d only managed to grab a piece of broken fence off the ground and hold it up. He fell on it.

Straight through the chest.

Oily black sludge dripped out of his chest and down my hands. It smelled like death.

The thing gurgled. It gave a half attempted swipe at my face and went slack.

I threw it off me and rolled away.

And I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

It disintegrated. Fell apart like a sandcastle, then blew away like ash.

I just sat there. I don’t know how much time passed, but eventually I was found.

I thought I was going crazy. I thought I’d snapped.

The police that found me boiled it down to me having an episode of some sort.

They didn’t care that I had stains on my shirt that smelled like putrified blood, or claw marks on my body that looked like I fought off a cougar.

They didn’t care.

My parents didn’t know what to make of it either. Nobody would have believed me if I told them.

So, I left.

I quit school and moved to a small town outside the city.

Then I poured everything I had into research. Training.

Couple years later, I began to hunt.

I was wiser than before.

I took up odd jobs around the city. You won’t believe how easy it is to get the shitty night jobs. I’m not even sure they did a background check on me when I was hired by a janitorial company to clean banks.

I’d do my work, get my check, then use my resources to hunt.

Police scanners, news coverage. A pair of socks, coffee, and a sandwich to the right homeless guy and he’ll give you all the stories the news doesn’t cover.

Eventually, one guy I talked to said it wasn’t safe. Asked me why a woman was out there in that place at that time of night.

I didn’t have a good answer.

It was months before I found my next vamp.

He’d been feeding on some frat bro that had gotten drunk and wandered outside.

I wasn’t in time to save him.

I staked the bastard and moved the poor guy’s body somewhere more public.

I resisted the urge to cover his face. It was bad enough I moved the body.

Turns out he was studying to be a doctor. His obituary actually made me cry.

I try not to keep mementoes of the victims I find, in case the police actually start doing their jobs and somehow tie me to any of them.

But their faces. I’ll remember them forever.

So when I watched the top of that poor man’s head slide off, his jaw slack as if he could still say something, I knew I’d remember him too.

I knew I was fucked.

I had screamed. Any second now, I’d be swarmed by that bastards in the alley. I knew whatever happened to that poor girl was my fate next. I contemplated taking my own life, if I even had the time.

Then, a second instinct kicked in.


Fuck this.

Fuck the bastards who think they can prey on whoever they want. Fuck the monsters who stalk people at night. Fuck. Vampires.

I slipped my flashlight out of my pack and held it up as I pointed my pistol around.

Everything I’ve learned told me bullets won’t kill vampires, but they’ll sure as hell slow them down if you hit them in the right spot.

I heard hissing from back in the alley. They were coming.

Sun was coming up soon. I had to live. I had to hold out. 5 am. Come on.

I did the number one thing you shouldn’t do when trying to escape a predator. I ran.

Whether it’s that invisible demon or the gaggle of bastards behind me, I knew it was in tough shape.

Stay and fight in the bushes where I can’t see shit or get somewhere where they are exposed.

I chose the latter.

Snapping sounds came behind me. They could have got me any second. Fresh off a kill, they wouldn’t be clouded with desperation. They were toying with me.

I’d never fought a group before. I had to adjust my strategy.

Up ahead, a church came into view. That’s right, I was in the Brownstone district! The old north chapel. Holy ground.

I pummeled the pavement towards the church, my lungs burned as I forced my body to move. Move. Live.

I knew as I got closer that they’d lose their patience for fun and wipe me out before I got there.

But I had to live. Not like this.

I was within six feet of the gate when I felt a force knock me to the ground.

I skid, peeling the skin off my hands and knees. my flashlight launched and shattered somewhere ahead of me.

I whirled on my back, aiming up at the aggressor with my pistol, hands shaking.

Then… I recognized the white hair. The shape of the shoulders.

Adam stood above me, but has his back turned.

“I told you not to fucking go.” He snarled.



HongerBongers t1_ixfkn2l wrote

Adam stood, hunched in a fighting stance, his back to me.

I was speechless.

“We’ll talk about what an idiot you are later. But for now, get in the churchyard.”

When I didn’t move fast enough, he shouted. “Move!”

I didn’t protest.

I hopped the fence, landing next to a tombstone. A bronze angel stared down at me, arms outstretched, the oxidized metal like tear streaks down its face.

As useless as it was, I held my gun out, pointing at the guy Adam was facing off against.

It was the creep who chased the girl. His nice shirt drenched in blood.

“You’re boring.” He said to Adam. He smoothed his hair back like his hands weren’t caked in gore. Behind him, the three other vampires fanned out, surrounding us. “I’d ask if you wanted to have it for yourself, but Silas tells me you’ve gone soft.”

I guess I was the “it”. Fucking creature.

I gestured my gun at the vamp talking. “I got a stake about your size. Extra large, unlubed.”

“Shut it.” Adam snapped at me. Then he turned to face the leader of the posse. “I’m going to take her and go. You’re already outside your territory. Don’t turn this shit into an incident because you got some human blood for once, Eli.”

The one he called Eli smirked. “She’s seen us, we can’t just let her go.”

“You always were the dumbest in the brood, weren’t you?” said Adam. “Use your head. Kill a hunter and the rest of them will come down on this place like hellfire. Or need I remind you what happened last time? You’ll all need to change jobs. Those of you that survive, anyway.”

“She doesn’t have the symbol.” Eli protested.

“Yes, because every hunter is going to walk around advertising who they are for our benefit.”

Eli paused. You could almost see the gears turning in his head.

The three underlings watch him, tensed and waiting for orders.

Adam stands resolute, and only then did I notice the massive claws at the ends of his flexed fingers.

Then. Eli nods, a small smirk splitting his face. “We’ll let this slide for now. But Silas is gonna want you to explain this.”

“I’m not taking orders.” said Adam. His shoulders squared a little more.

Then, in the clock tower above us, five chimes rang out. Sunrise was coming.

Eli looked a little ruffled. “Silas is gonna find out you were in his territory - and that you interfered.”

“You can tell him to get bent.”

And with that, the three lackeys melted away into the shadows. Eli was the last to leave, sneering at both of us.

“See you later.”

I wanted to relax, to unlock my arms and release the death grip I had on my pistol. But as Adam turned to me, my blood ran cold.

He had a rage in his eyes that I’d never seen anyone have before or since. And they were red, his eyes. Like a pair of ruby coals burning underneath pale lashes.

“You are going to go home. You are not going to run. We are going to have a little chat.”

It wasn’t vampiric compulsion, but I knew I should obey. For one, he just saved my life. Two, we had lived for weeks together and he didn’t so much as sniff my direction. Three - if Silas was the guy from the porch… I’d rather have backup.

So, I just agreed. “What about you?”


“Sun’s coming up.”

“Oh, right.” He said, almost as an afterthought.“Don’t worry your pretty little neck. I’ll get home fine. You just get straight there - and don’t let anyone in.”

“Are you my dad?” I snorted.

It was a stupid, childish insult. But it had been a weird night.

“Considering you do things you are told not to, perhaps you need one.” He frowned. And with that, he slipped away behind a building.

I stayed in the churchyard until the first few rays of sunlight brushed the sky, pink and gold and glorious.

Better safe than sorry.


Taking a break for the day. Burned out my eyes typing this. Honestly didn’t expect to write this much. Ty for reading!

Edit 2: Thank you so much for reading! I will be putting up more parts soon, had a lot of stuff to do today. Really appreciate the kindness <3


HongerBongers t1_ixock6l wrote

So, remember how I said something about knowing crazy vampire slayers?

I meant Buffy.

The revelation that there were people aside from me out killing vamps shouldn’t have been as shocking as it was. Vampires exist, of course there would be people to fight them.

The knowledge weighed heavy on me with the rest of the night.

I didn’t know what I was thinking. Adam was right. I am an idiot. If he hadn’t come, I would have ended up just like that girl - or that poor man in the bush.

Then again… why did he follow me?

The bus arrived early into dawn. The driver didn’t make much of my appearance, probably used to seeing beat up, worn out weirdos on the reg. I just sat in the back and fought the urge to sleep. Every street that passed I expected to see eyes in the shadows.

There were so many of them. I’d never seen a whole pack before, let alone sentient ones.

What did I even think I was doing? I was like animal control. Worse than animal control - at least they had a hotline. I just walked around in the dark, hoping to come across a monster. Why did I never consider they’d come in packs? What did I think I was going to do against the smart ones?

I needed help.

Every time I blinked, the sights and sounds came back to me. The blood, the screams. Needless death. And they liked to kill. Think it’s fun to chase, to torture. It’s not just a meal for the smart ones. It’s sport.

I scraped together what information I gathered. Now, it wasn’t about preventing these things from hurting people. It was survival.

First- Adam. Unknown variable. Could have killed me at any point, but saved me from being murdered. Could want to take me out when I get back.

Second - Eli and his group. Family? Coven? I never learned what to call a flock of vampires. Regardless, he wanted me dead. Sounded like there were rules. Territory? Did the hunters have territory?

Third - Silas. A vampire hierarchy made sense, but the way they talked about Silas set another stone to my gut. The lore never mentioned that bloodsuckers could get this organized. Eli made him sound like a mafia boss. Maybe this whole vampire collective thing happened recently. You don’t exactly think gangster when you look at Nosferatu.

Then, finally- The decapitator. Phantom, invisible thing. Whatever was out there slicing up heads, it followed me. And let me get away. Twice. Whatever it was, it put a fear in my bones that hadn’t existed since my caveman ancestors. The fear of a monster you can’t can’t see, can’t fight. And it’s way more powerful than you.

My phone buzzed and I dug it out of my pocket. It was Adam.

“When you get off the bus, go through the park. Don’t take the same route home.”

My stop was next. I should have guessed he knew where I was.

It was well into the morning when I made it to the park, though the safety of daylight didn’t stop me from hiding a stake up my sleeve. My shoes were soaked from the morning dew. I didn’t take the trail, opting to cut through the small copse of trees straight to my street.

Even all the way out here, those missing fliers were stapled to every other tree, the ink bleeding into a tie-dye mess from the humidity. Still, I could make out the image of the little boy in every flier. Smiling, holding a soccer ball. His parents must have died a little more each day he wasn’t found.

The thought was another knife-twist to my already raw emotional state.

I’m not ashamed to say I cried the rest of the way back.

My cheeks were dry by the time I got to the porch, though my eyes stung and my nose was puffy.

But I knew shit wasn’t over yet. I scrubbed my face with my sleeve as I fumbled with my keys. The door was already unlocked. That wasn’t good.

My body squeezed my adrenal glands for what little juice they had left. I was an animal who had been hunted all night and barely had any conscious thought anymore. Trap. Fight.

I slipped the stake from my sleeve, clutching it close as I nudged the door open.

As expected, it was dark inside. The dim fluorescent light in the hallway was off, and none of the lamps were on further inside. I crept into the hall, but kept the door cracked behind me.

My senses dialed up again. Every creak of the old floorboards rang out like a gunshot.

I peered around the corner into the living room. Nothing. Then to my left. Adam’s door was open… and so was mine.

Then - The door slammed shut behind me. It was pure instinct. I whipped around, one arm blocking me in front, the other raised the stake high.

Adam leaned against the door, arms folded over his chest. To say he looked unimpressed wasn’t accurate. He looked downright disappointed.

“If it was your intention to stab me, you might want to use the pointy end.”

I glanced up at my hand. The stake was backwards.

“It’s been a rough night.” I huffed, lowering my arm. “I’m not usually this inept.”

I don’t know why I felt the need to defend myself.

The corner of his mouth tipped up in a smirk. “Having performance problems, are we?”

The tease caught me off guard, but the childish part of my brain threw out a retort before I could think better of it. “I’ve never had a problem getting it in. Become quite an expert over the years.”

“That’s what they all say.”

Yep. I was trading innuendos with my vampire roommate. Fantastic.

“But really,” said Adam, his charming face suddenly growing stone serious. “I had thought you knew better than to run off to a den by yourself. I’d long suspected you weren’t part of that little cult, but your foolishness all but proved it.”

“Hang on,” I held up a hand while my brain tried to catch up. “You knew I was hunting va- I mean, your kind?”

“Oh yes,” the smirk came back. Maybe more of a sneer, it was difficult to tell in the low light. “You think I wouldn’t investigate a stranger coming to rent my room?”

I squinted, struggling to work out how he would do that. I don’t have social media, or much of an online presence to speak of in general. That could only mean …

“You’ve been spying on me?”

He clicked his teeth. “I’d call it investigating, but that’s neither here nor there.”

“Why?” I blinked, incredulous. “Why let me live here? Why let me live in general? You could have torn out my throat at any point.”

“Curiosity.” He shrugged. Then, his teeth flashed through his widening smile. “There are only two kinds of women who would hunt alone. The fools and those with a death wish. I haven’t quite figured out which you are.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“Doesn’t it?” He said, his voice pitched low, nearly a purr. It make the skin up my back prickle. “Why would I kill you? It’s far more entertaining watching you fight to survive. Every brainless thrall you took down, you learned something. Got a little more clever.”

I frowned. I should have been angry, but for some reason I was more embarrassed knowing my work was being judged from the shadows this whole time. “I can’t imagine you’d consider me a threat.”

“Not yet.” He said. “But you were getting there.”

“Then, why have me be your room mate?”

Adam looked far too pleased with himself. “Entertainment.”

He pushed off the door and stepped towards me; I took a step back. I had to crane my neck to look up at him, was he always that tall?

“The fact I had you within arms reach for weeks and you never suspected a thing, well.” He laughed. “That was rather amusing.”

“Now hang on.” I snapped. “I had my suspicions, I just didn’t want to say anything without proof.”

“I mean, I didn’t exactly hide it.”

“Don’t rub it in.”

“The sunglasses, the mirror, the meat-“


My back hit the wall, and he gave me enough grace to allow a few feet of distance between us. Still, he could probably smell the rise in my blood pressure, or something equally creepy and unnatural.

“I didn’t want to just come out and assume you were a vampire. I thought I was being paranoid.” I put my hands on my hips, a futile effort to regain some composure. “You could have been, like, an albino or something.”

Then he laughed. Loud. Obnoxious. He didn’t even try to contain his amusement. He was suspiciously out of breath, considering he wasn’t, you know, alive. But when he finished, he made a dramatic show of wiping non-existent tears from his eyes. “You would really ignore every red flag in order not to appear rude.” He sighed. “That’s adorable.”

“Adorable?” I had it. All the exhaustion, all the fear- everything burned away, replaced by indignant pride. “Well, excuse me for trying to have some sense of decorum. For a vampire, you don’t seem to have the best sense of self preservation either, because I was an inch from staking you at any given moment.”

“Oh, you wouldn’t.” He drawled.

I thrust the stake up between us. “What would you do if I did?”

Adam just smiled, but there was no warmth in the expression. He closed the gap between us, looking down his nose at me, hands in his pockets. “Go ahead.” He murmured. “I won’t bite.”

Bastard. My heart was racing in my ears, and it took me far too long to realize I’d stopped breathing.

Adam bent down, his lips inches from my ear. “I thought so.”

I pressed the stake into his chin. “Back. Up.” I struggled to keep my tone even, hardly able to raise my voice above a whisper.

I could hear the smile in his voice. “There she is.”

He never touched me, but he didn’t have to. His words, his posture, his voice - I knew I was outmatched.

I kept pressure to the stake at his chin until he backed out of reach. He just stared at me, hands in his pockets, wry amusement etched in the shadow of his mouth. It was like staring down a hungry lion at the zoo, but without the comfort of bulletproof glass. My whole body screamed at me to run, but I stood my ground.

“I think I know what sort of woman you are.” He mused, his ruby eyes scanning my body from head to toe. “Good. You’re going to have a hard fight ahead.”


“It’s something best discussed over a drink.”



HongerBongers t1_ixsfd7p wrote

Hey everyone, thanks for reading!

I decided that I was having so much fun with the story that I want to make it a little more accessible. Reddit’s comment system is a strange, difficult way to tell stories. Eventually it gets a little hard to find stuff.

So, over the next few days I will be editing, polishing, and posting the chapters to r/nosleep

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read. More content is coming!


humble_nomad t1_ixtt3oj wrote

What will it be titled so we can search for it in the subreddit?


JJGrim08 t1_ixuaa8v wrote

Would love to be notified when this is up. I'm absolutely hooked


AnonymousNeko2828 t1_ixpap46 wrote


Tell me when more? :]


humble_nomad t1_ixg1lzu wrote

PLEASE let me know when you update! Do you write for a living? I wish I could just pay $30 and read this as a book! This is fantastic!


HongerBongers t1_ixoctli wrote

Ding! Should have more up today too. Then you for reading! And I hope to write a book someday, this just turned out to be a really fun prompt and I got carried away with it xD


humble_nomad t1_ixofh31 wrote

YAY!!! Thanks so much!! I've struggled reading books from start to finish the past few years due to my ADHD, but you've got me hooked!