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Itsu-Kakyoku t1_iyeq8i6 wrote

Husband... Husband.

Willow never thought he'd have that word directed to himself, but now... They were his world...

He was a normal kid once, he mused, not that killing animals was normal, but did it matter at any point? He had grown up a terror, a terror who was constantly mistaken for his angel of a twin. He had't meant to kill his brother, that was a funny accident caused by being no contact with his only existing family for so long he didn't even know he was alive untill he had already strangled the guy for a fat paycheck. That guy... The brother who had pretended he didn't exist for fifteen years now... He didn't even recognise the face staring back at him, nor did he feel sad. But he did find out something intresting...

His perfect brother had gotten out of the foster system into a rich family, he was told that much, but he was never told he wasn't adopted, but married. Married to that family's daughter, and she looked so pregnant in the pictures in his wallet... Fuck. Okay, she didn't look all that happy, at all, but she'd surely notice her husband had left her while pregnant with their kid and would call the police, he needed more time to clean the scene... Thankfully he had murdered the guy on the wide backyard pool, so he could just... Hide him in the shed and take his place for a while...

He took his dead brother's clothes, styled his hair and held his breath. Thankfully they looked alike engouth for no one to notice... He hoped.


"... If you're going to yell at me some more--" The woman who was by the livingroom as he opened the door was crying, her ginger hair was chopped so unevenly it look like someone had cut it by tearing each individual strandand and most important of all, her blue eyes were cloudy, she couldn't see... She couldn't see... And they just had a fight... That almost had Willow cheering, it was way too much luck...

"... Look, i'm sorry i yelled at you earlier..." He started, doing his best to copy the sweet brother he remembered from his childhood, how did the perfect guy act, anyway? He took a gamble and reached for her, wiping the tears off of her shocked expression with his thumb delicately "Please forgive me... I'll try and be better, love, i promise..."

The poor rich missy broke down crying, and for a second he thought he had fucked it all up, but then she smiled, she smiled innocently like the pure, clueless little angel she was "... It's the first time you call me love, Sammy..."

Sammy? Of course his brother had changed names... He stammered "Y-Yeah um... I... I did promise i'll do better for you... Just trying to show i mean it."

"You have no clue how happy this makes me... Oh Samuel... I promise you can get that trip once the baby is born, okay? I-I'll find a maid, something, a-anything just... Don't leave me alone right now... I'm scared..."

Trip? That's why they were fighting? His brother, his "angel" of a brother wanted to leave his heavily pregnant, blind wife home to go on a trip while she was clearly about to give birth? That was unimaginable... He reached down and carefully placed a hand on her very pregnant belly, leaving a gentle pet there "... Forget that stupid trip, love, it wasn't that important anyway and i don't want to go anymore... Let's get you to bed, okay? You've already stressed engouth for the rest of your pregnancy..."


He cooed, leading that frail woman upstairs, she went on her own the rest of the way and he just followed along, their room was the first door in the hallway, just across from a door with a name etched on it in 3D letters, "Edward", he made sure to remember, baby is a boy and his name is Edward, ugh. He made sure that poor woman was safe in bed, warm, comfortable and sleeping soundly before he started exploring and reading every paper in that damned house, gathering all the information he possibly could. His wife's name was Helen, and she really liked books, since most of the books in the house were adapted to braile. He also learned their baby was meant to be born in two weeks or so and panicked, checking the nursery just to be sure they had everything... They didn't.

The next few hours were spent brousing the internet franatically for the best newborn care products and buying a truckload of things for the little boy while he grumbled about what a bad father that stupid brother of his was, then getting off the internet in the early hours in the morning, only to go right back to it just to look up what the hell was a proper breakfast for a pregnant woman.


"... You're... Cooking?" The sweet voice was more confused then anything as Helen rubbed the sleep out of her foggy eyes "... You never cooked for me before..."

"Well, that's because i'm shit at it" He chuckled, that wasn't a complete lie, and that little lady was just so endearing... "But i thought you'd want to sleep in, and i could bring you breakfast in bed? So you don't have to come downstairs, but you're already here..."


That woman knew, she knew the man standing in the kitchen wasn't her husband, but at that moment she decided... Maybe calling the police wasn't the best idea after all... She could pretend to be clueless, since he seemed so determined to act like her husband, and just... See where this would lead? He was already a better husband than Jasper had ever been to her... So why couldn't she pretend that was her husband, too? He didn't know, but he had just saved her miserable marriage, and she? She had just made the best decision of her life.


throwstuffok t1_iyfeh4s wrote

Your autocorrect really doesn't like the word "enough".