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Omnizoom t1_iwrot94 wrote

I’m writing this as my last message

I don’t know who will find it , or even if it will still exist after this but… well here’s hoping

This gun I have will change the history of anyone I shoot so that it was justified , does it make them a criminal? A murderer? I don’t know until I kill them and then history changes but I remember it , I remember all of it. I’ve done some horrible things as it stands but overall I’ve been lauded as a hero, but I know deep down I’m a monster , so I’ve decided to use the gun on myself.

My hope is that the world will be better off or that the history that is written won’t be to destructive , but I can’t imagine a history where almost everyone agrees it was a good idea I killed myself was a great thing without something bad happening as part of it , but that’s ok , I’m fine being the villain this time if there’s even a chance that the damage I have done so far is undone , though maybe I may become the biggest monster humanity has ever seen, I guess I won’t know after I pull this trigger.


A. H.