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Crystal1501 t1_ivw8n2d wrote

"Ah, Flora. What a nice surprise." Lucifer grins at me as I enter his throne room.

I kneel before him. "I understand you were hoping I'd abuse my powers, knowing the more I used them, the more I'd enjoy it, leading to me accepting my fate of becoming a demon..."

"Hmm, so Urrick told you?" he questions.

I remain kneeling. "He promised no more secrets. I don't hate him for everything that happened - that was clear after I cast a spell on him."

"So he even told you about demon names?" I can tell Lucifer is getting a big kick out of this, but I must mind myself.

"Yes. I would like to tell you that I spoke to several others about my situation; my parents, my friend Zack, Nie who informed me about the transformation in the first place..." I look up.

Lucifer leans forward. "And?"

"No-one is really happy with HOW this happened, but they all pretty much said it's my choice. There's only one thing: I don't think I could handle immortality without my best friend, Allie, but I hardly want to make her become a demon." I take a deep breath. "Am I allowed to gift immortality to her?"

Lucifer perks up in interest. "So you're saying, if you can make Allie an immortal human being, you'll accept being my minion?"

"Yes, sir" I reply.

Lucifer nods. "I understand. But I'm sure you know everything has a price. Considering everything Allie has been through, she'll hardly agree to giving up her soul..." Lucifer mumbles to himself, then grins. "Very well. In return for you becoming my minion, I'll let you gift Allie with immortality, on one condition..."


I spot Allie with Malessor out in the grassy field. "COME ON! NO FAIR!" Malessor yells.

Allie giggles. "I told you I was taking you for a walk! I'm not about to let you run off!"

I smile to myself. Gosh, is it good to see the old Allie back!

"I was just trying to get some exercise!" Malessor moans.

"Well, I want a peaceful stroll! Remember who's in charge!" Allie taunts.

Malessor turns around, smiling shyly. "Right... of course..."

I head down, laughing, causing the pair to turn towards me. "Having fun with your pet?"

Allie giggles again. "Yep! He needs more training though!"

"What am I, a dog?" Malessor asks.

I shrug. "You want to be with Allie or not?"

Malessor looks at Allie and sighs. "Yes... I do..."

"Forever?" I add. This gets raised eyebrows from them both.

"What are you saying, Flora?" Allie seems confused.

"Well, as a human you'll just end up dying, then what? Wouldn't it be better for you to live forever?" I suggest. Allie balks at that.

"Yeah, I've had enough of that stuff! I've been through far too much! I won't be a demon!" she responds.

I shake my head. "That's the best part: you can remain a human. Literally all that's required from you is for you to spend a whole day in hell every Thursday."

Malessor almost falls over. "Boss will let you do that?"

"Yes, in fact the visiting hell thing was his suggestion! And Allie? Lucifer promised it will just be a visit to hell. You'll go to see him, have a casual chat, then you can do whatever. No more torture. No more being used. It's like if..." I pause for a moment. "If you were to spend the whole day in this field - no one will do anything to you or TELL you what to do." I bring up the contract. "You can read for yourself. Hand-written by Lucifer himself."

"This seems too nice of boss..." Malessor remarks. "He's not gaining anything else?"

I glance at Allie, notice she's got her full focus on the contract, then wink at Malessor while saying "Lucifer knows what he's doing." Malessor nods in understanding.

"Alright, this contract is exactly as you said, Flora. I guess... I'll sign?" She picks up the pen and signs the contract. Almost instantly, I feel something. A tail pops out from behind me. My horns grow larger. My hair disappears. My skin goes from pinkish to red. Allie looks at me in shock.

I shrug. "I did say Lucifer knows what he's doing. He wasn't about to let me off easy." I smile.


This story is a part of my series, To Love a Demon. Please check it out!