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NeVMiku t1_ixh3lzi wrote

I mean, surely if we're going that far, each human has way more life count than a petri dish, considering all the bacteria in our intestines alone would be enough.

Are we going by the largest consciousness within a specified area?


SpitFire92 t1_ixidlp1 wrote

My exact tought.

You could put a spin on it by saying that you consciously sacrifice the thousands+ beings in the petri dish while, when sacrificing humans, you would only consciously sacrifice the 100 humans, not the bacteria etc. But that would be debatable, I guess.


PriorSolid t1_iximxso wrote

When you kill the human you dont kill the bacteria inside so you arnt sacrificing them, but you can count all the brain cells that die which would be i. Yhe billions


SpitFire92 t1_ixiy1sp wrote

Depends how you kill the human, If it's a big magic circle that just kills/absorbs all life in it you'd also kill the bacteria. Unless the circle would just kill what the creator of the circle would offer as sacrifice in which case my previous comment would still be valid.

If you kill the humans by cutting their throat, for example, you'd probably also kill some microorganisms while doing that.


NeVMiku t1_iy38jrk wrote

What does sacrificing do? If it erases the body mass which holds consciousness then sacrificing a human (body) should not remove all living organisms and other parasites like bacteria or lice.

If sacrificing means erasure of consciousness (about the same as death) then we should also assume there is no loss of mass. If consciousness is the determining factor of how strong a magic is, how should we quantify it? The number of consciousness from different bodies? The intelligence of the consciousness? The summation of the consciousness as a whole?

If we're talking about the number of consciousness, would this be consciousness that only the caster is aware of? Or all consciousness in a specific magic circle? For ease of argument say both is true.

That would allow a caster, who is only connscious of consciousness within a specific area to know how much and what would be sacrificed. Taking all lives being equal, we can take the number of consciousness to be sacrificed the determining factor of a magic's strength.