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Awesome0Sauce t1_ixj06xn wrote

What the book doesn't tell you is that the level of demon depends on the size of the soul. And since bacteria are barely considered alive, my demon is more of a chaotic evil blob of gelatin. He wiggles menacingly, squirts slime to stain clothes, eats only living rodents, and I think it grows. Its hard to say but I'm pretty sure its at least a few inches bigger than yesterday. It smells lile cherries, but touching it burns like acid so maybe I can launch it at my enemies? In some kind of demon-slime trebuchet? Ugh, I never should have tried to scam the dark ones. Now I have a pet with no concern for life that can't die (I tried) instead of a powerful mega-evil demon to help me take over the world.

"My new roommate is a demon slime who eats rats? He'll help me rule the world!" <- title of the anime this turns into probs.