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YOMGuitar t1_ixk2omv wrote

You knew there was something fishy about that ritual the moment you read it. One hundred sacrifices? That seemed like a lot. And why did it never specify what kind of sacrifices they had to be? Human, animal, plant... it wasn't clear. I mean, of it were 100 humans, that would be a huge undertaking.

You decided to investigate further, and the more you looked into it, the more suspicious it seemed. The ritual itself was ancient, but as far as anyone could tell, had never actually been completed in its entirety. You soon came to realize why: it was impossible to complete! None of the steps in the ritual ever made sense; one step would require something that had to be impossible to acquire.

The more you looked into it, the more certain you became that it was some kind of trap or curse. So you decided to be the smartass that you are and got a petri dish full of bacteria. 100 tiny bacteria, all offering their lives in service of whatever dark god or goddess this ritual was supposed to appease. You could just imagine their microscopic faces contorted in terror as they faced their impending doom.

But alas, it was not to be. You sacrificed them all without a second thought and went on your merry way, leaving the dark god or goddess to wonder what the heck just happened. Smart move on your part - after all, why risk your own neck when you can sacrifice a bunch of innocent bacteria instead?

And that, my friends, is the story of how you outsmarted an ancient ritual. You were a hero in your own right, and you never looked back. Who knows what could have happened had you not taken matters into your own hands? Maybe it's best we'll never know...