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Memes_The_Warbeast t1_ixqb98r wrote

"See this shit right here is why we have to keep you in stasis whenever we visit home. I'd half expect you too see a baby and think it's a snack" The captain said trying to lecture me.
"Is it?" I asked genuinely.

"No! For fucks sake man why are you like this?" The captain was growing fustrated... Bad sign.

"Excessive gene modding, psionic programming and 17 years in near constant warfare." I said bluntly. Hoping the honesty would help calm him down.

"I know that! I was more... Nevermind" The captain had a defeated look on his face. I kinda felt bad for him. "Look, we've got to go planetside on home in a couple days due to some regulation bullshit, and you THANKFULLY don't count as human so you're not gonna be tried for your worryingly large list of warcrimes. You ARE however going to required to wear these."

He sat a collar with some kinda battery attached down on the desk along with what looked like an earring and a muzzle.

"A shock collar? Who's holding the remote?"


My tail sank between my legs as lowered my head forward "Go ahead..."

"Good boy." I felt my tail wag lightly. Not sure why that instinct was coded into me but it's there and it feels so good!.
"Now while we're there you don't say anything unless you're spoken too directly, if anyone approaches for any reason, look at me before you decide to do ANYTHING on your own. Ok?"

"Why? It's just some guards in the worst case scenario"

"Because those guards could level a city block if they wanted to"

"What's a city block?"

"A bunch of buildings about as wide as a freight ship and about as tall as 5 of them stacked on top of each other"

I audibly gulped, reaching for the ear-piece and clipping it into place. Instantly I could feel a Psi-connection forming "This will help with comms. Anything remotely violent goes through here first, and only if I say yes do you do it. Understood?"

I nodded my head. This was gonna be a long week...