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AutoModerator t1_j29sb6j wrote

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>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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FellaVentura t1_j2bhkhe wrote

A female voice cracked through the PSA system:

-Commader, The Enterprise reports mission failure. The Galactic Confederation Armada is en route to Earth, as Ultron predicted.

The Commander shifted in his chair, silently pressing a few buttons, switching the displays in each of the three screens of his battle station.

-Warning, space-Time rips have been detected 5 minutes ago, it's likely that the Gallifreyans are already here to discuss the present matters. Or past, we never really know.

A man in a green military wool shirt hasted into the room:

-Commander the aliens continue to make progress on the way towards earth. If we are planning on stopping then we have to act now!

The Commander, still stoic, kept staring at his screens like the man wasn't even there, only the AI voice addressed his presence:

-Bradford, Skynet already readied the fleet. All defense platforms are warming up the MAC Cannons, all Jupiter-class vessels are on intercepting course with Battlestar Galactica on the lead. Meanwhile, the main fleet will be jumping to their homeworld soon.

Bradford looked up at the ceiling to talk, as if addressing some kind of holy entity - "GLADOS, do a core switch, we need you at military specs."

-I already did, and I feel compelled to remind you that the eradication of the lesser species will happen anyway, either we like it or not.

-Is the assault fleet ready for a counter-attack?

-In T minus 4 minutes, to be precise, all 37 Deathstars and 678 Destroyers will jump to rain down fire on their little purple planets, not that anyone would care. About their color, I mean.

The Commander suddenly stood up and walked down the hallway, with Bradford following him. Both entered an elevator down to engineering.

Near the Moon a flash brighter than the sun illuminated Earth's night sky for a few seconds, as the thousand attack ships of the Galactic Confederation exited slip-space, with Fortress Ship Bahamut leading the charge towards earth.

-Lord Galactus, witness our victory - the dark hooded figure said as he ordered the feet to advance towards earth.

-A HuMaN sHiP IS bROaDcaSTIng on ALL chANNEls - a robotic voice said

-Their prays, no doubt. Put it on speaker.

A voice cracked through "this is The Pillar of Autumn, on behalf of all that is valued to your species, halt your advance towards Earth at once or prepare for full scale retaliation."

The hooded figure scoffed - Arm the Myst cannon, target Earth's core. Advance and fire when in range. Order all squads to open fire.

-THaT sHiP fiREd a maGNeTic iMpuLSed aMMo-Nition, piercing OUR ALLies sHIeldS, WE jUST lost a FULL sQuAd.

-Is your species dumb or just slow? Order full power to front shields, call all... - he paused and looked back from the bridge, as if looking beyond of the fortress ship. - Scan for high power outputs in the vicinity. Report, quickly

A much less aggressive robotic voice answered: -Roger roger. There's a small object orbiting us, it's... It's emanating the power equivalent of 2.5 of our own suns.

-THaT's IT, ThAt'S The TARDIS!!!

-Activate the quantum shields. Saturate this entire solar system of time energy, lock this moment in time, forever.

As the Tardis tried to teleport inside the ship, it was met with resistance from the quantum shields and was forced to travel into another time, away from the battle.

-You PrOmIseD to kIll THE DOCK-ToOR - a brown ugly tank with a weapon that looked like a plunger roled in - YoUr pRoMISe was A LIE, you LeT HiM EsCApe!!

-I promised to deal with the doctor, and he has been dealt with. Is this not computing to you? - the hooded figure turned menacingly towards the tank and raised his hand, electricity started cracking at his fingers.

-DaLeKs ArE NoT ComPuTErs. OuR bUsiNeSS aRRanGEmENt is NO lONgEr - the Dalek was interrupted with a rain of thunder from Palpatine's hammer, Mjolnir. The other Daleks on the bridge turned to Palpatine, but stood still.

-I am altering our business arrangement. Pray I don't alter it further.

The Daleks turned back to their workstations and the armada continued their advance towards earth under MAC fire, swarmed with Viper fighters.

-SeVeRal MetAls in NoN NEwTOn Fluid STAte aRe Latching On To Our ShIPs.

-T1000's, no doubt. Use ice or fire weaponry, then deliver a kinetic round. Our win is at hand, do not falter.

-MySt CANnoooN At 75% ChArGe!

A deep rumble shaked the entire ship and several alerts popped up on screen on an unknown language - We'Ve BeeN Hit FRoM BeHInD!

Palpatine turned back again, scanning the ship's interior, his face turning into terror at the feeling of an odd, wicked force.

-Report on that hit! NOW!

-Roger roger, analysing. Unknown weapon of kinetic-energy hybrid origin detected near Mars. Round pierced into the lower parts of Bahamut, no significant damage. Unauthorized human detected on board.

-An AI is ATtempTIMg to HaCk inTo Our SySTems! LoW RadIO WaVe DeTecTed NeAr IMpaCT ZoNe, HeadDINg ToWaRDs The BriDGe, AT SPeED. IT'S BrEAKing Through Our GuAh-ARds!

-Radio wave? What's it broadcasting? Put it on speaker!

"Heavy metal music starts playing"