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XxAudreyWxX t1_izu5obu wrote


  You wake up in a large, vivid room, painted white with chips in the paint, with no windows and a single purple door. Once you stumble upon the door, you notice 6 different key sitting on a short, dark taupe colored table. Each is a different shape and color. The first key is red, that has a heart on the end of the key. The second key is orange, it has the shape of a phoenix on the end of the key. The third key is yellow, the end of the key has the shape of a star on it. The fourth key is green, along the bottom is a leaf.  The fifth key is blue, the end of the key has a butterfly on it. The last key is the color purple. However, the last key is rather different from the other ones. It had a shape of a flower on the end. But engraved on the purple key says… “WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT USE THIS KEY”.
    After reading the engraved message, you take 2 steps back and look at all the keys. You have a puzzled look on your face and start to try to find another way to exit. You sit down and ponder on ways to get out of this empty, lifeless room. Out of nowhere, A note slips under the purple door you observed earlier. You think to yourself, “I haven't seen this note before…” Before reading the note, you look around the room to see if any other people are around you, Then you read the note. “THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY OUT OF HERE.” You fold up the note and throw it away from you as far as you could, and go right back to the keys on the table. Now, you notice another note. “Each key does a different thing for you, it could be either good or bad… You can only use ONE key if you don't want to be confined in this room eternally.” You look at the shape of the keys, you analyze all of them for hours, Finally you decide to pick. Without thinking about the message, you pick the purple key. You think to yourself,  “When have flowers ever hurt anybody?” 
   You open the door and finally leave the room. All you see is a natural flower garden with a long stone path. There is a sign, but you do not care to read it. The sign reads… “DO NOT TOUCH THE FLOWERS.” You walk down the path, and you notice a bee hive, and bees taking nectar from the flowers and back to the hive. You reach the end of the path, and you observe the flowers… Furthermore, you go up to a purple hibiscus flower and smell it. “It just smells so lovely!” You say out loud to yourself, then you pluck the flower from the shrub, and the atmosphere goes silent.
   It starts to rain, and you look around, you see bees. The bees aren't in a good mood. There are more bees than your fear level at that moment. You were fearful of the bees, you stood still in the rain. Then, the bees attacked you, after they are done, you lay on the ground and wake up the next morning. You go down the path again in search for the purple door. Unable to find the door, you continue to walk back down the path, while you sob. You approach vines with spikes, you keep walking down the path ignoring the vines, but suddenly… You feel the spiking vine come through your mouth. Not only that, but you were impaled. The vines return to their rightful spot, with your lifeless body still though the vine. Nobody ever found you. 
   Your lover files a report to the police that you haven't come home in about 48 hours. From the years 1978 to 1997 they tried to investigate your disappearance, But gave up after finding no evidence whatsoever of where you could have gone. In the year 2022, the public still wonders of where you possibly went. 


{This is my first time actually doing creative writing so if you could critique me that would be a great help!}