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ValBravora048 t1_j0xx0s5 wrote

Part 2

Though clearly taken aback and not listening about her delivery woes, Mira had to admit the Knight-Captain rallied magnificently

“Do you deny that you loosed a hellhound on the unsuspecting allowing them to maul with fangs most grievous?”

A crash of metal followed by a sharp scream echoed from the woods to the east, Selenica whirled with one hand on her blade already eyeing the treeline. However, Mira was thinking.

“Don’t know nothing about no hellhounds but that does sound like the time the young Parish lad walked into the bear trap over there” Mira nodded absentmindedly in the direction of the noise which now also consisted of rather colourful cursing. “Was having a go for me beehives, his ma gave me a fine bushel of apples for good ointment on the sly. Poor lad was a bit embarrassed. Not that there’s shame in a tear or two, come near close to it myself not getting my regular delivery of Senor Diego’s Jalapeño Fuego monthly assortment.”

Selenica gawped at Mira as she searched the knights face for recognition of her missing goods in vain. The sound of summer cricket chirping mingled with a growing number of loud angry and pained noises in the background.

“Hellhound does sounds better” Mira added generously “Though in my opinion, if he wants that Miller girl to look sideways at him, he couldn’t go wrong with a nice Jar of Jarrod’s Specialty June Jam which makes me wonder if that’s where it’s got to, it being July and all. Look maybe you’ve SEEN someone carrying it this way abouts?”

“ Let me instead tell you of what I’ve heard dark mage! I heard with my own ears that you commanded plants to befuddle an innocent and the very earth to swallow him!”

From behind Mira’s hut came a splash and another scream swiftly followed by sounds of someone retching in disgust. Selenica put both hands on her sword while Mira turned to look in its direction with her head shaking.

“Lessee, that one sounds like Alan Shrike who was plenty befuddled before he got lost around these parts” Mira looked back at Selenica mimicking a bottle and a generous pour “Fell right into the old latrine pit, his poor wife was so embarrassed when she came to pick him up.”


“Not that it’s not embarrassing for me too mind! Just getting a bit on in years that’s all and can’t dig that pit too far or as deep as I used to…”

“…He said you …you forced fed him a diabolical potion that-“

“Southern Khastian Premium Oceloty Blend I’ll have you know! They only send it twice a year when it’s in season for their most valued members! ….though having a thought, it might explain the state of the latrin-”

Though not of the eldritch nature she expected, Selenica hurried to block that horror from the mind

“And I suppose that also explains your summoning of an unnatural malignant spindly wooden beast from thin air to c-…”

Selenica’s words faded as she followed Mira’s look towards a nearby small cornfield in the middle of which stood a large scarecrow. They were just in time to hear a crash of metal near it and to watch it tumble onto something. You could tell because it also screamed. Selenica did not lower her sword but closed her eyes and waited.

“John Jessup came for me corn in the dead of the night a few months ago.” Mira said almost apologetically but not without some pride “Why wouldn’t he? Grew them from Habner’s Homegrown Scientifically Proven Produce Catalogue last summer. They do grow very well with a bit of coaxing but the stalks make it a bit difficult to see poor Scarecrow Sam and well, I haven’t quite fixed him right from last time.”

“…and what of the boy? The one you stole years ago?”

That got Mira’s undivided attention. “What!?”

Selenica turned slowly ignoring the sounds of her companions and gripped her sword tightly with both hands. The point of her sword was as steadfast as her conviction.

“Ahhh no clever words this time? No easy answer? Of course, not when it’s a crime so foul. You cannot deny that you stole a child from these woods years ago. You cannot deny that no one in the village has seen him for many years. You cannot deny-“

“That would be me captain” called a deep voice behind her.


ValBravora048 t1_j0xx5bn wrote

Part 3

“Will everything stop interrupting me?!” shouted Selenica as she whirled, her sword raised in expectation of demons from the pit seeking to take advantage of her befuddlement. However what she found was a well-dressed man leading a horse and cart filled to the brim with parcels and boxes. He led the horse with one arm because one arm was unmistakably all he had but that wasn’t the only reason Selenica recognised him.

“Dr Aberforth?! What are you doing here? Get back, it’s not s-“

She was stunned as Mira pushed past her excitedly and rushed towards the man.


“Hullo mum” The man said as he let go of the reins to grip her in a strong hug .

“Mum?!” said Selenica lowering the blade weakly.

“My beautiful boy!” Mira said cupping his face in her hands, he leaned forward obligingly before laughing and gesturing to the laden cart.

“A lot of this was in the waiting in the village post office for a while mum.”

“Then they’re supposed to leave a chit telling me to come pick it up! Oh I hope nothings gone off, didn’t expect this much company today would need feeding…

“They seem to be a wee bit afraid to come up here, last one who did said that he left a package with an unearthly odour-”

“Which is hardly a reason to leave Hallister’s Meady Cheesey Biannual Smorgasboard out in the open! The nerve, waste of the money you send me. I’ll unearthly that lazy lout well and good next time I see him.” Replied Mira irritably “Oh which reminds me Alby, there’s been a few accidents this morning, be a duck and help your mum. I’ll need to check everything is all here!”

Mira dove into the pile excitedly and sounds of her delighted inspection followed Alby as he walked up the path to Selenica

“Hello Captain, your wound is doing better I see.”

Selenica looked at him and looked the shaking cart behind him where a particularly thorough inspection of the most recent package of Spencer’s Prime Pickled Monthly Mountain Pork Mouthfuls was taking place.

“I know I know” Alby said raising his one hand “No place for someone her age but she doesn’t want to move to live with me in the city and go through the hassle of cancelling or redirecting the subscriptions she buys with the money I send her. Not what I had in mind of course but she’s happy.”

“Y-you’re the boy that was abducted?” said Selenica

“If that’s what you want to call it. Funny twitch you’ve got there…” said Alby giving her a once-over of professional concern.

“And what would you call it?”

“I’d call it a kind woman rescuing a boy abandoned in the woods who had the misfortune of being born …incomplete.” His eyes locked with hers as if daring her to deny such a thing happened. She did not. “I’d say she took him in, taught him everything she knew about healing so he’d be the kind of man who’d help others, say like a Knight-Captain who had recently been shot in her side…”

Selenica instinctively reached for her ribs

“…because the MOST important thing I’d have to tell you is that she taught him was that a hands not worth much if it doesn’t have the heart behind it to make the right choices” He finished looking at the Captain’s still drawn sword

Mortified, Selenica sheathed it and bowed slightly in apology “Alright, I see now. Save for her impressions which aren’t really her fault and maybe her expectations of a postal service, she’s a good person. Not a witch.”

“Oh I didn’t say that.” Alby grinned and looked behind her to a thin figure with strange head standing by the cart waiting patiently as Mira handed it more and more packages

“Alright Sam? When you’re done helping mum could I ask you to help us with the poor man in mum’s bog?”

The scarecrow waved